7,599 research outputs found

    Tree Edit Distance Learning via Adaptive Symbol Embeddings

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    Metric learning has the aim to improve classification accuracy by learning a distance measure which brings data points from the same class closer together and pushes data points from different classes further apart. Recent research has demonstrated that metric learning approaches can also be applied to trees, such as molecular structures, abstract syntax trees of computer programs, or syntax trees of natural language, by learning the cost function of an edit distance, i.e. the costs of replacing, deleting, or inserting nodes in a tree. However, learning such costs directly may yield an edit distance which violates metric axioms, is challenging to interpret, and may not generalize well. In this contribution, we propose a novel metric learning approach for trees which we call embedding edit distance learning (BEDL) and which learns an edit distance indirectly by embedding the tree nodes as vectors, such that the Euclidean distance between those vectors supports class discrimination. We learn such embeddings by reducing the distance to prototypical trees from the same class and increasing the distance to prototypical trees from different classes. In our experiments, we show that BEDL improves upon the state-of-the-art in metric learning for trees on six benchmark data sets, ranging from computer science over biomedical data to a natural-language processing data set containing over 300,000 nodes.Comment: Paper at the International Conference of Machine Learning (2018), 2018-07-10 to 2018-07-15 in Stockholm, Swede

    Online Embedding Compression for Text Classification using Low Rank Matrix Factorization

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    Deep learning models have become state of the art for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, however deploying these models in production system poses significant memory constraints. Existing compression methods are either lossy or introduce significant latency. We propose a compression method that leverages low rank matrix factorization during training,to compress the word embedding layer which represents the size bottleneck for most NLP models. Our models are trained, compressed and then further re-trained on the downstream task to recover accuracy while maintaining the reduced size. Empirically, we show that the proposed method can achieve 90% compression with minimal impact in accuracy for sentence classification tasks, and outperforms alternative methods like fixed-point quantization or offline word embedding compression. We also analyze the inference time and storage space for our method through FLOP calculations, showing that we can compress DNN models by a configurable ratio and regain accuracy loss without introducing additional latency compared to fixed point quantization. Finally, we introduce a novel learning rate schedule, the Cyclically Annealed Learning Rate (CALR), which we empirically demonstrate to outperform other popular adaptive learning rate algorithms on a sentence classification benchmark.Comment: Accepted in Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2019

    Robust and Communication-Efficient Collaborative Learning

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    We consider a decentralized learning problem, where a set of computing nodes aim at solving a non-convex optimization problem collaboratively. It is well-known that decentralized optimization schemes face two major system bottlenecks: stragglers' delay and communication overhead. In this paper, we tackle these bottlenecks by proposing a novel decentralized and gradient-based optimization algorithm named as QuanTimed-DSGD. Our algorithm stands on two main ideas: (i) we impose a deadline on the local gradient computations of each node at each iteration of the algorithm, and (ii) the nodes exchange quantized versions of their local models. The first idea robustifies to straggling nodes and the second alleviates communication efficiency. The key technical contribution of our work is to prove that with non-vanishing noises for quantization and stochastic gradients, the proposed method exactly converges to the global optimal for convex loss functions, and finds a first-order stationary point in non-convex scenarios. Our numerical evaluations of the QuanTimed-DSGD on training benchmark datasets, MNIST and CIFAR-10, demonstrate speedups of up to 3x in run-time, compared to state-of-the-art decentralized optimization methods