5 research outputs found

    Towards Diagram Understanding: A Pilot Study Measuring Cognitive Workload Through Eye-Tracking

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    We investigate model understanding, in particular , how the quality of the UML diagram layout impacts cognitive load. We hypothesize that this w ill have a significant impact on the structure and effectiveness of engineers’ communication. In previous work, we have studied task performance measurements and subjective assessments; here, we also investigate behavioral indicators such as fixation and pupillary dilation. We use such indicators to explore diagram understanding- and reading strategies and how such strategies are impacted, e.g. by diagram type and expertise level. In the pilot eye-tracking experiment run so far, we have only examined a small number of participants (n=4), so our results are preliminary in nature and do not afford far reaching conclusions. They do, however, corroborate findings from earlier experiments, for example, showing that layout quality indeed matters and improves understanding. Our results also give rise to a number of new hypotheses about diagram understanding strategies that we are investigating in an ongoing data acquisition campaign

    On the impact of size to the understanding of UML diagrams

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    On the Influence of Representation Type and Gender on Recognition Tasks of Program Comprehension

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    RÉSUMÉ L’objectif de la maintenance logicielle est d’améliorer les logiciels existants en préservant leur intégrité. La maintenance peut représenter jusqu’à 60% du budget d’un logiciel. Ainsi, améliorer la maintenabilité des logiciels est bénéfique aussi bien pour les fournisseurs que les utilisateurs de logiciels. Les développeurs de logiciels consacrent un effort considérable à la compréhension des programmes, qui est une étape primordiale à la maintenance logicielle. Nous faisons l’hypothèque que le genre des développeurs de logiciels et le type de représentation peut affecter leur effort et leur efficacité. Ces facteurs doivent être considérés et minutieusement analysés dans la mesure où ils peuvent cacher certains effets significatifs pouvant être identifiés en analysant le processus de compréhension. Dans cette thèse, nous nous inspirons de l’utilisation de l’occulomètre pour l’étude du processus cognitif lors de la résolution des problèmes. Nous avons effectué une étude fonctionnelle pour évaluer tous les travaux de recherche faisant usage de l’occulomètre en génie logiciel. Les résultats obtenus nous ont motivé à utiliser l’occulomètre pour effectuer un ensemble d’études afin analyser l’effet de deux facteurs importants sur la compréhension des programmes : le type de représentation (textuelle ou graphique) et le genre du développeur. Afin de comprendre comment les différents types de représentations et le genre influencent les stratégies de visualisation, nous avons étudié la différence de stratégie entre développeurs. Les résultats obtenus montrent que, comparé à une représentation graphique, la représentation sous forme de texte structuré aide mieux le développeur dans son processus cognitif lors de la compréhension des programmes de petite taille. Ainsi, la représentation textuelle requiert moins de temps et d’effort aux participants. Par contre, la représentation graphique est celle préférée par les développeurs. Nos résultats montrent que la structure topologique de la représentation graphique aide les développeurs à mémoriser l’emplacement des éléments et à retrouver plus rapidement les éléments pertinents comparé à la représentation textuelle. En plus, la structure hiérarchique de la représentation graphique guide les développeurs à suivre une stratégie de visualisation spécifique. Nous avons observé que les femmes et les hommes ont des stratégies de visualisation différentes lors de la lecture du code ou de la mémorisation des noms des identificateurs. Les femmes ont tendance à inspecter minutieusement toutes les options afin de procéder à l’élimination de la mauvaise réponse. Au contraire, les hommes ont tendance à inspecter brièvement certaines réponses. Pendant que les femmes consacrent plus de temps à analyser chaque type d’entité l’un après l’autre, les hommes alternent leur attention entre différents type d’entité.----------ABSTRACT The purpose of software maintenance is to correct and enhance an existing software system while preserving its integrity. Software maintenance can cost more than 60% of the budget of a software system, thus improving the maintainability of software is important for both the software industry and its customers. Program comprehension is the initial step of software maintenance that requires the major amount of maintenance’s time and effort. We conjuncture that developers’ gender and the type of representations that developers utilize to perform program comprehension impact their efficiency and effectiveness. These factors must be considered and carefully studied, because they may hide some significant effects to be found by analyzing the comprehension process. In this dissertation, inspired by the literature on the usefulness of eye-trackers to study the cognitive process involved in problem solving activities, we perform a mapping study and evaluate all research relevant to the use of eye-tracking technique in software engineering. The results motivate us to perform a set of eye-tracking studies to analyze the impact of two important factors on program comprehension: representation type (textual vs. graphical) and developers’ gender. Moreover, we investigate and compare viewing strategies variability amongst developers to understand how the representation type and gender differences influence viewing strategies. Overall, our results indicate that structured text provides more cognitive support for developers while performing program comprehension with small systems compared to a graphical representation. Developers spend less time and effort working with textual representations. However, developers mostly preferred to use graphical representations and our results confirm that the topological structure of graphical representations helps developers to memorize the location of the elements and to find the relevant ones faster in comparison with textual representation. Moreover, the hierarchical structure of the representation guides developers to follow specific viewing strategies while working with representations. Regarding the impact of gender, our results emphasize that male and female developers exploit different viewing strategies while reading source code or recalling the names of identifiers. Female developers seem to carefully weigh all options and rule out wrong answers, while male developers seem to quickly set their minds on some answers and move forward. Moreover, female developers spend more time on each source code entity and analyze it before going to the next one. In contrast, male developers utilize several attention switching strategies between different source code entities

    End-userApplication for Early Forest Fire Detection and Prevention

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    n this paper, we describe a Web application that has been designed and implemented by Fulda University of Applied Sciences in the context of the ASPires project. The application extends the functionality available to Crisis Management Centers (CMC). Actual readings from sensors installed in the test areas, for example national parks, are made available to CMC personnel, as well as pictures from cameras that are either mounted on stationary observation towers or taken by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in the area of an actual of supposed forest fire. Data are transmitted to the Aspires cloud and delivered swiftly to the Web application via an open interface. Furthermore, fire alarms raised by novel detection algorithms are forwarded automatically to the application. This clearly improves the potential for the early detection of forest fires in rural areas

    Standard Interfaces and Protocols at Sensor Network and Cloud Level Definition

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    In this paper we presented full design of the system for monitoring forest which consists of cloud platform, sensor networks and mobile (drone) technologies for data collection and cameras. We first present the advanced design and structural model of an advanced system for monitoring of forest area. This model integrate sensor networks and mobile (drone) technologies for data collection and acquisition of those data at existing Crisis Management Information Systems (CMIS). Then we demonstrate the possibility to map different technological solutions and the main result was the definition of the set of standard interfaces and protocols for network interoperability