4 research outputs found

    Benchmark Dataset for Evaluation of Range-Based People Tracker Classifiers in Mobile Robots

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    [EN] Tracking people has many applications, such as security or safe use of robots. Many onboard systems are based on Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) sensors. Tracking peoples' legs using only information from a 2D LIDAR scanner in a mobile robot is a challenging problem because many legs can be present in an indoor environment, there are frequent occlusions and self-occlusions, many items in the environment such as table legs or columns could resemble legs as a result of the limited information provided by two-dimensional LIDAR usually mounted at knee height in mobile robots, etc. On the other hand, LIDAR sensors are affordable in terms of the acquisition price and processing requirements. In this article, we present a new dataset.Data actually contained in the dataset allow evaluating two people trackers, both neural network-based: leg detector (LD), a widely used solution by the Robot Operating System (ROS) community; and a people-tracker tool developed by the Robotics Group at the University of Leon, known as PeTra.S

    Evaluación del resultado académico de los estudiantes a partir del análisis del uso de los Sistemas de Control de Versiones

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    Version Control Systems are commonly used by Information and Communication Technology professionals. These systems allow for monitoring programmers' activity working in a project. Thus, the usage of such systems should be encouraged by educational institutions. The aim of this work is to evaluate if students’ academic success can be predicted by monitoring their interaction with a Version Control System. In order to do so, we have built a model that predicts students’ results in a specific practical assignment of the Operating Systems Extension subject. A second-year subject in the degree in Computer Science at the University of León. In order to obtain a prediction, the model analyzes students’ interaction with a Git repository. To build the model, several classifiers and predictors have been evaluated by using the MoEv tool. The tool allows for evaluating several classification and prediction models in order to get the most suitable one for a specific problem. Prior to the model development, Moev performs a feature selection from input data to select the most significant ones. The resulting model has been trained using results from the 2016 – 2017 course year. Later, in order to ensure an optimal generalization, the model has been validated by using results from the 2017 – 2018 course. Results conclude that the model predicts students' outcomes? with a success high percentage.Una de las herramientas más utilizadas por los profesionales de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación son los sistemas de control de versiones. Estas herramientas permiten, entre otras cosas, monitorizar la actividad de las personas que trabajan en un proyecto. Por tanto, es recomendable que se utilicen también en las instituciones educativas. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar si el resultado académico de los estudiantes se puede predecir monitorizando su actividad en uno de estos sistemas. Para tal efecto, hemos construido un modelo que predice el resultado de los estudiantes en una práctica de la asignatura Ampliación de Sistemas Operativos, perteneciente al segundo curso del grado en Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de León. Para obtener la predicción, el modelo analiza la interacción del estudiante con un repositorio Git. Para diseñar el modelo, se evalúan varios modelos de clasificación y predicción utilizando la herramienta MoEv. Esta herramienta permite entrenar y validar diferentes modelos de clasificación y obtener el más adecuado para un problema concreto. Además, la herramienta permite identificar las características más discriminantes dentro de los datos de entrada. El modelo resultante ha sido entrenado utilizando los resultados del curso 2016 – 2017. Posteriormente, para asegurar que el modelo generaliza correctamente, se ha validado utilizando datos del curso 2017 – 2018. Los resultados concluyen que el modelo predice el éxito de los estudiantes con un alto porcentaje de acierto