2,035 research outputs found

    A predefined channel coefficients library for vehicle-to-vehicle communications

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    It is noticeable that most of VANETs communications tests are assessed through simulation. In a majority of simulation results, the physical layer is often affected by an apparent lack of realism. Therefore, vehicular channel model has become a critical issue in the field of intelligent transport systems (ITS). To overcome the lack of realism problem, a more robust channel model is needed to reflect the reality. This paper provides an open access, predefined channel coefficients library. The library is based on 2x2 and 4x4 Multiple – Input – Multiple – Output (MIMO) systems in V2V communications, using a spatial channel model extended SCME which will help to reduce the overall simulation time. In addition, it provides a more realistic channel model for V2V communications; considering: over ranges of speeds, distances, multipath signals, sub-path signals, different angle of arrivals, different angle departures, no line of sight and line of sight. An intensive evaluation process has taken place to validate the library and acceptance results are produced. Having an open access predefined library, enables the researcher at relevant communities to test and evaluate several complicated vehicular communications scenarios in a wider manners with less time and efforts

    Vehicle to vehicle (V2V) wireless communications

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    This work focuses on the vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, its current challenges, future perspective and possible improvement.V2V communication is characterized by the dynamic environment, high mobility, nonpredective scenario, propagation effects, and also communicating antenna's positions. This peculiarity of V2V wireless communication makes channel modelling and the vehicular propagation quite challenging. In this work, firstly we studied the present context of V2V communication also known as Vehicular Ad-hoc Netwok (VANET) including ongoing researches and studies particularly related to Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC), specifically designed for automotive uses with corresponding set of protocols and standards. Secondly, we focused on communication models and improvement of these models to make them more suitable, reliable and efficient for the V2V environment. As specifies the standard, OFDM is used in V2V communication, Adaptable OFDM transceiver was designed. Some parameters as performance analytics are used to compare the improvement with the actual situation. For the enhancement of physical layer of V2V communication, this work is focused in the study of MIMO channel instead of SISO. In the designed transceiver both SISO and MIMO were implemented and studied successfully

    Simulation Framework for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control with Empirical DSRC Module

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    Wireless communication plays a vital role in the promising performance of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technology. This paper proposes a Vissim-based microscopic traffic simulation framework with an analytical dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) module for packet reception. Being derived from ns-2, a packet-level network simulator, the DSRC probability module takes into account the imperfect wireless communication that occurs in real-world deployment. Four managed lane deployment strategies are evaluated using the proposed framework. While the average packet reception rate is above 93\% among all tested scenarios, the results reveal that the reliability of the vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication can be influenced by the deployment strategies. Additionally, the proposed framework exhibits desirable scalability for traffic simulation and it is able to evaluate transportation-network-level deployment strategies in the near future for CAV technologies.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure, 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Societ

    The COST IRACON Geometry-based Stochastic Channel Model for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication in Intersections

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    Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) wireless communications can improve traffic safety at road intersections and enable congestion avoidance. However, detailed knowledge about the wireless propagation channel is needed for the development and realistic assessment of V2V communication systems. We present a novel geometry-based stochastic MIMO channel model with support for frequencies in the band of 5.2-6.2 GHz. The model is based on extensive high-resolution measurements at different road intersections in the city of Berlin, Germany. We extend existing models, by including the effects of various obstructions, higher order interactions, and by introducing an angular gain function for the scatterers. Scatterer locations have been identified and mapped to measured multi-path trajectories using a measurement-based ray tracing method and a subsequent RANSAC algorithm. The developed model is parameterized, and using the measured propagation paths that have been mapped to scatterer locations, model parameters are estimated. The time variant power fading of individual multi-path components is found to be best modeled by a Gamma process with an exponential autocorrelation. The path coherence distance is estimated to be in the range of 0-2 m. The model is also validated against measurement data, showing that the developed model accurately captures the behavior of the measured channel gain, Doppler spread, and delay spread. This is also the case for intersections that have not been used when estimating model parameters.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    A Measurement Based Shadow Fading Model for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Network Simulations

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    The vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) propagation channel has significant implications on the design and performance of novel communication protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). Extensive research efforts have been made to develop V2V channel models to be implemented in advanced VANET system simulators for performance evaluation. The impact of shadowing caused by other vehicles has, however, largely been neglected in most of the models, as well as in the system simulations. In this paper we present a shadow fading model targeting system simulations based on real measurements performed in urban and highway scenarios. The measurement data is separated into three categories, line-of-sight (LOS), obstructed line-of-sight (OLOS) by vehicles, and non line-of-sight due to buildings, with the help of video information recorded during the measurements. It is observed that vehicles obstructing the LOS induce an additional average attenuation of about 10 dB in the received signal power. An approach to incorporate the LOS/OLOS model into existing VANET simulators is also provided. Finally, system level VANET simulation results are presented, showing the difference between the LOS/OLOS model and a channel model based on Nakagami-m fading.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Hindawi International Journal of Antennas and Propagatio
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