10 research outputs found

    e-HR Systems Implementation: A Conceptual Framework

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) enable innovative ways of carrying on routine organizational tasks via the power of virtual work environment. Piggy-backing on the success of E-commerce systems, organizations are increasingly making use of Web-based Human Resource Management (e-HR) systems. These systems offer organizations the promise of huge performance improvement as well as of overhauling the entire HR function itself. This latter possibility is expected to offer competitive advantage to organizations. However, it is not known (a) at what level of sophistication should organizations pitch their e-HR systems and (b) what contextual factors moderate the relationship between e-HR systems implementation and their benefits. In this research-in-progress paper we offer a conceptual framework and a research plan to develop a theory of e-HR systems implementation

    Determinação da incidência das TIC no desempenho das MPMEs em Florencia Caquetá

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    This study analyzes the relationship between Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) with the performance of godos and services and trade companies in Florencia, Caquetá in Colombia For the development of the research, an evaluation instrument directed to the managers or owners of MSMEs was used. As a methodological design, a stratified sample with a quantitative approach study was considered. The statistical technique used is descriptive and regression; as results it was obtained that for the best performance of these companies, the integration or strengthening in the use of ICT’s, is focused on the management of the orders with the suppliers and the control of the management of the human resources as for control of hours per day.En el presente estudio, se analiza la relación entre las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) con el rendimiento de empresas de bienes y servicios y comercio en Florencia, Caquetá en Colombia. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se utilizó un instrumento de evaluación dirigido a los gerentes o dueños de Mipymes, como diseño metodológico se consideró una muestra estratificada con un estudio de enfoque cuantitativo. La técnica estadística utilizada es descriptiva y de regresión; como resultados se obtuvo que, para el mejor rendimiento de estas empresas, la integración o fortalecimiento en el uso de las TIC, se centra en la gestión de los pedidos con los proveedores y el control de la gestión de los recursos humanos en cuanto a control de horas por jornada.Dans la présente étude, on analyse la relation entre les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) avec la performance des entreprises de biens et services et de commerce à Florencia, Caquetá en Colombie. Pour le développement de l’enquête, on a utilisé un instrument d’évaluation dirigé aux directeurs ou aux propriétaires de Mipymes, comme conception méthodologique on a considéré un échantillon stratifié avec une étude d’approche quantitative. La technique statistique utilisée est descriptive et de régression ; comme résultats il a été obtenu que, pour la meilleure performance de ces entreprises, l’intégration ou le renforcement dans l’utilisation des TIC, se concentre sur la gestion des commandes avec les fournisseurs et le contrôle de la gestion des ressources humaines en termes de contrôle des heures par jour.No presente estudo, é analisada a relação entre as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) com o desempenho das empresas de bens e serviços e de comercio em Florencia, Caquetá na Colômbia. Para o desenvolvimento da investigação foi utilizado um instrumento de avaliação dirigido aos gestores ou proprietários de Mipymes, uma vez que o desenho metodológico foi considerado uma amostra estratificada com um estudo de abordagem quantitativa. A técnica estatística utilizada é descritiva e regressiva; como resultados foi obtido que, para o melhor desempenho destas empresas, a integração ou reforço na utilização das TIC, centra-se na gestão de encomendas com fornecedores e no controlo da gestão de recursos humanos em termos de controlo de horas por dia

    Integrating business-to-business customers in original equipment manufacturers’ supply chains through information systems integration

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    Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are increasingly being urged to integrate their business-to-business customers into their supply chain. This involves integrating the information systems of the OEM’s supply chain with those of the customers. However, the literature has little to say about what it takes to integrate the information systems of OEMs’ supply chain and business customers. This paper develops a framework that identifies different levels of integration of business customers’ information systems with those of the OEM’s supply chain. It then discusses how this integration affects market performance and strategic gains that accrue to the chain. However, if such systems are integrated without appropriate conditions within and outside the OEM’s supply chain, it may not be possible to actualise the potential of such integration. Therefore, we also identify and examine how a variety of contextual factors moderate the effectiveness of customers’ systems integration in a supply chain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análise da produção científica sobre formação em PME no século XXI : a relevância dos estudos empíricos

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Recursos HumanosAs pequenas e médias empresas (PME) têm cada vez mais um papel fundamental no emprego, valor e prosperidade de um país. A formação permite que os conhecimentos dos colaboradores se mantenham actualizados e que a empresa alcance uma vantagem competitiva, contribuindo assim para a sua longevidade e sucesso. Este trabalho refere-se a uma análise da produção científica sobre a temática da formação em PME na primeira década do século XXI através do agrupamento das conclusões dos autores numa matriz de formação com duas dimensões, formação formal/informal e formação em grupo/individual. A principal contribuição deste trabalho consiste na síntese da produção científica sobre formação nas PME com o objectivo de verificar quais os métodos mais utilizados por estas empresas. Através da recolha de artigos científicos sobre esta temática, pode concluir-se que o método de formação mais utilizado pelas PME é o informal/individual.Today's Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) have an important role in creating employment, value and prosperity to the economies. Training is important to the SME workers, so they can have their knowledge and skills always up to date, and therefore contributing to obtain competitive advantage and the company's success. This essay analyses empirical studies about training in SME during the first decade of the 21st century, and aims to classify the author's conclusions in a matrix with two training dimensions, formal/informal training, and group/individual training. The main contribution of this essay is to provide a synthesis of the scientific literature about training in SME and to provide an overview of what it is done by these firms, and more specifically about their most used training methods. Through the collection of scientific literature, it is possible to identify that the SME most used training method is informal and individual training

    An analysis into the impact marketing has on the supply chain within the Clicks organisation.

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    Thesis (MBA)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004.This study sets out to ascertain the impact that the marketing initiatives of a retail chain have on the inventory levels of the retail chain. The stock levels of a retail chain are the source of many frustrations. However, through developing an efficient and effective supply of inventory, a viable, competitive advantage is created for the firm. The bullwhip effect is the name given to the fluctuation in demand for specific products that is seen through the supply chain, the discoverer of this effect was J W Forrester. The primary objective of this study is to identify whether the movement of stock through the supply chain identifies with the bullwhip effect where the influences of the marketing initiatives are felt. The secondary objective is to discover what impact the different role players have on this phenomenon, i.e. the store managers, buyers and suppliers. The promotion process is utilised as a tool to drive the strategy of the Clicks organisation, but a side effect is the creation of the Bullwhip Effect. The main problem is that the demand for the item is increased for a specific period and then the demand is either reduced to levels lower than before the promotion or will revert to the same level as before. Sales and stock movement data was recorded and graphically displayed to determine whether the Bullwhip effect was created. This research has highlighted the following problems: (a) There is no direct communication between the role players. (b) Decisions are based on somewhat dubious information. (c) Large promotional orders are based on sales history. (d) There are no real measures in place to rectify any errors. (e) The measuring criteria and KPAs differ between the role players. Recommendations derived from this research include: (f) Increase communication between the category buyers and the store managers. (g) Rather than bulk ship stocks to the stores, introduce a staggered shipping approach. (h) Create a position for a specialist person who can deal with the overstocks. This person would be responsible for reallocating overstocks including returning the overstocks to the DCs. (i) Reduce the number of "lost leaders" and extensive advertising of these "lost leaders" and rather concentrate on more generic advertising

    Determinants of customer partnering behavior in logistics outsourcing relationships: a relationship marketing perspective

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    Developing close relationships with third-party logistics providers (3PLs) has been acknowledged in the literature as a beneficial strategy for 3PLs and customer firms. It has been shown that customers embedded in close relationships with 3PLs achieve higher levels of operational and financial performance. 3PLs also benefit from engaging in these relationships by generating higher levels of customer satisfaction, customer retention, and referrals to new customers. In order to complement these findings, this study integrates theories and empirical evidence drawn primarily from relationship marketing to develop a model of the antecedents of customer partnering behavior in logistics outsourcing relationships. It is proposed that a combination of key interorganizational conditions and customer characteristics directly impacts a customer's partnering behavior with a 3PL. More specifically, a customer embedded in a relationship with a 3PL in which there are high levels of dependence, trust, and satisfaction, is more likely to exhibit higher levels of partnering behavior with a 3PL. In addition, a customer's prior experiences with partnering, and policy of engaging in interactive relationships with customers, will also positively impact its partnering behavior with a 3PL. Antecedents of dependence and trust are also identified in the model. Data are collected through a web-based survey with customers of a large Brazilian 3PL and the model tested using structural equation modeling. The results support several of the hypotheses proposed in the model. In particular, evidence is found that customer-specific characteristics, such as a customer relationship marketing orientation and prior experience with 3PL partnering, have a positive effect on a customer partnering behavior with a 3PL, above and beyond the effect of interorganizational conditions, as advocated in traditional behavioral models. Contributions of this research include the depiction of the interplay between environmental forces, interorganizational conditions, and firm-specific factors that are hypothesized to impact a customer's partnering behavior with its 3PL. With an understanding of the mechanisms on which a customer's partnering behavior is built, 3PLs can take effective action in the pursuit of the development of closer relationships with their customers, contributing to the maintenance and expansion of their customer base

    Abordagem analítica à segmentação da cadeia de abastecimento

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    Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialO tema da definição de estratégia da cadeia de abastecimento está a ganhar importância e não existe uma estratégia ideal. Consequentemente, de forma a ganhar vantagem competitiva sustentável as organizações devem escolher as estratégias de abastecimento mais adequadas tendo em conta as características quer da procura quer dos produtos alinhando a oferta com a procura. Para a definição do foco da tese, é feito um estudo bibliometrico da literatura. De seguida, definiu-se uma sequência de passos para a segmentação da cadeia de abastecimento e sua consequente aplicação num caso de estudo, uma empresa alimentar B2B. O estudo exploratório contribui com uma série de ideias originais: Uma nova variável de classificação é proposta, uma análise de produtos com base nos componentes comuns, e finalmente, uma nova abordagem às compras baseada nas características da procura. Tudo isto permite uma abordagem prática à segmentação ao longo de toda a cadeia de abastecimento.O tema da definição de estratégia da cadeia de abastecimento está a ganhar importância e não existe uma estratégia ideal. Consequentemente, de forma a ganhar vantagem competitiva sustentável as organizações devem escolher as estratégias de abastecimento mais adequadas tendo em conta as características quer da procura quer dos produtos alinhando a oferta com a procura. Para a definição do foco da tese, é feito um estudo bibliometrico da literatura. De seguida, definiu-se uma sequência de passos para a segmentação da cadeia de abastecimento e sua consequente aplicação num caso de estudo, uma empresa alimentar B2B. O estudo exploratório contribui com uma série de ideias originais: Uma nova variável de classificação é proposta, uma análise de produtos com base nos componentes comuns, e finalmente, uma nova abordagem às compras baseada nas características da procura. Tudo isto permite uma abordagem prática à segmentação ao longo de toda a cadeia de abastecimento

    Modes of Supply Strategy Making: An exploration of functional strategy process

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    This thesis is an empirical exploration of supply strategy content and process. The investigation uses a single-sector case study methodology to explore the scope of supply strategy content, the interaction between supply strategy content and context, and supply strategy process within four aerospace sector companies. The research also uses an extant Integrative Framework to subsequently identify the ‘modes’ of supply strategy process that best describe supply strategy process in the case studies. While the scope of supply strategy content suggested by the supply management literature is theoretically broad, supply strategy process is represented in the literature as chiefly derived from business / corporate strategy. Recognising that details of the processes / practices that create supply strategy and the scope of content within supply strategies have been under-explored empirically, this investigation seeks to contribute to a developing understanding of supply strategy content and process ‘in practice’ and in particular, the role of actors in supply strategy process - which is largely absent in related studies. The research contributes to existing knowledge by finding that the opportunity / autonomy actors have to enact supply strategy process is broadly determined by contextual factors. Furthermore, the investigation finds that supply strategy process, actors and context all have a moderating effect on the scope of supply strategy content. It is also shown that different actors engage in the formulation and implementation stages of strategy process. Finally, the investigation identifies one dominant ‘mode’ of supply strategy process and distinctive combinations of ‘secondary’ modes in each case study. For practitioners, this investigation illustrates that the opportunity and facility to think / act strategically in supply is dependant upon more than just resolve and motivation; it is the product of a complex interaction of strategy context, content, process and actors. The thesis concludes by making a number of recommendations for practice and by identifying opportunities for further research in this field.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo