232,814 research outputs found

    Taking empathy online

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    Despite its long history of investigating sociality, phenomenology has, to date, said little about online sociality. The phenomenological tradition typically claims that empathy is the fundamental way in which we experience others and their experiences. While empathy is discussed almost exclusively in the context of face-to-face interaction, I claim that we can empathetically perceive others and their experiences in certain online situations. Drawing upon the phenomenological distinction between the physical, objective body and the expressive, lived body, I: (i) highlight that empathy involves perceiving the other’s expressive, lived body, (ii) show that the lived body is not tied to the physical body and that empathy can take place outside of face-to-face interactions, and (iii) argue that the lived body can enter online space and is empathetically available to others there. I explore two ways in which the other’s lived body enters online space and can be empathetically perceived: first, in cases where our face-to-face encounter is technologically-mediated over video link and, second, by showing how the other’s texts, as speech, can form part of the other’s lived body. Investigating empathy online not only furthers our understanding of online encounters but also leads to a refined conception of empathy more generally

    Online Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: A case study of Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad

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    Online banking can provide a reliable service to the customers for which make them happy. Online banking service is a comparative advantage and can improve relationship with customers. The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of E-SERVQUAL model on customer satisfaction in Bank Islam Malaysia Brhd (BIMB). Four service quality dimensions namely tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy have been established based on the SERVQUAL model modified by Han and Beak (2004). These variables have been tested to explore the relationship between online service quality and the customer satisfaction. The data were gathered through a questionnaire with 21 customers. The study shows that these dimensions are good to measure the relationship between online service and customer satisfaction. The study also explores that empathy, reliability, and responsiveness have more contribution to satisfy the customers of Bank Islam online banking service.Service quality dimensions, E-SERVQUAL model, and customer satisfaction

    Effect of a monetary incentive on responders’ empathy in online mental health platforms

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    In this paper, we address the question: how does a monetary incentive influence the empathy expressed in peer users’ and counselors’ responses to questions posted anonymously in online mental health platforms (OMHPs) by individuals suffering from some mental health issue. Rooted in the literature on mental health and empathy and incentives, we hypothesize that a monetary incentive given competitively after passing challenges is likely to increase the expression of cognitive empathy in online responses of all responders in an OMHPs, but the increase in expression of cognitive empathy in online responses will be higher for peer users as compared to counselors. We test our hypotheses using data on 1,455,941 responses to questions from two of the most prominent OMHPs in China in a natural experiment setting after developing a measure of empathy in responses using machine learning methods based on recent approaches from the computer science and medicine fields. Our results provide support to our hypotheses

    Korelasi Antara Adiksi Game Online dengan Perilaku Empati pada Remaja di Kabupaten Semarang

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    The phenomenon of playing online games among teenagers is something that must be considered. Addiction to online games makes individuals do not care about interactions with people around them. Because individuals who have been addicted to online games are only focused on online games. As a result, the individual's feelings of empathy are not formed. The quantitative research method of correlation with online game addiction scale and empathy scale contains statements that are favorable and unfavorable. The sample in this study was 73 teenagers from Kalisari Hamlet. The results of the study showed that there was a moderate relationship between online game addiction and empathy in adolescents, which was indicated by a person correlation value of 0.462. This means that there is a significant relationship between online game addiction and empathy in adolescents with a moderate degree of correlation. AbstrakFenomena bermain game online di kalangan remaja merupakan suatu hal yang harus di perhatikan. Kecanduan game online membuat individu menjadi tidak peduli dengan interaksi bersama orang disekitar. Sebab individu yang telah kecanduan game online hanya terfokus pada game online. Akibatnya perasaan empati individu tersebut tidak terbentuk. Metode penelitian kuantitatif korelasi dengan skala adiksi game online dan skala empati memuat pernyataan yang bersifat favourable dan unfavourable. Sampel dalam penelitian ini 73 remaja Dusun Kalisari. Hasil penelitian terdapat hubungan yang sedang antara adiksi game online dengan empati pada remaja yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai person correlation sebesar 0,462. Artinya terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara adiksi game online dengan empati pada remaja dengan derajat hubungan berkorelasi sedang

    Empathy is Unreasonable: A Review of Against Empathy

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    In these fractured and partisan days, we could fix the world if we all had a bit more empathy, right? Posting about the book Against Empathy from In All Things - an online journal for critical reflection on faith, culture, art, and every ordinary-yet-graced square inch of God’s creation. https://inallthings.org/empathy-is-unreasonable-a-review-of-against-empathy

    Perceptions of Doctors’ Empathy and Patients’ Subjective Health Status at an Online Clinic : Development of an Empathic Anamnesis Questionnaire

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    Objective Medical doctors' empathy is known to support patients' health status after face-to-face clinical visits. However, the role of doctors' empathy in chat-based encounters is not yet well understood. This study investigates whether patients' evaluations of doctors' empathy are associated with their health perceptions after a meeting at an online clinic and whether experiences of empathy could be enhanced by augmenting an automated anamnesis questionnaire completed before the visit. Methods A total of 209 adult patients agreed to participate in the study. First 103 patients filled out the regular version of the questionnaire (June-August 2019) and then 106 filled out the augmented version of the online anamnesis questionnaire (August-November 2019). Patients' perceptions of doctors' empathy were measured with the Consultation and Relational Empathy questionnaire. Patients' self-perceived health status, potential confounders, and demographic background information were measured via questionnaires. Results Patients' perceptions of doctors' empathy during a chat-based encounter were associated with patients being less concerned about their symptoms (estimated odds ratios varied between 0.45 and 0.55 depending on the model, p values < .003) and considering their symptoms as less severe (estimated odds ratios = 0.54-0.61, p values < .007), as well as a higher probability of alleviation of symptoms as rated by the patients (estimated odds ratios = 2.16-2.24, p values < .001). Augmenting the anamnesis questionnaire did not affect patient reports on doctors' overall empathy, but it did have positive effects on specific areas of doctors' empathy covered by the questionnaire. Conclusions These results show that patients' experience of doctors' empathy not only is important during face-to-face encounters but also supports patients' perceptions of health when the interaction is text based. The results also encourage further development of means to support patients' experiences of empathy during online interaction with medical doctors.Peer reviewe

    Determinan yang Mempengaruhi Pembelian Online di Kalangan Mahasiswa

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    This study takes the topic effect of commitment, empathy, and trust on online purchasing decisions in the study of Mayjend Sungkono University Mojokerto Students. The sample in this study was 170 people. The research sample method is non-probability sampling with purposive sampling. Data were collected using the questionnaire method, namely by providing a list of questions or questionnaires directly to the respondents. &nbsp;Based on the results of multiple regression analysis, it can be concluded that all variables of commitment to empathy and trust together have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions on online products among Mayjend Sungkono University Mojokerto students. Keywords: Commitment, Empathy, and Trust on Online Purchasing Decisions &nbsp

    Challenges and Successes of the Transition to Online Format of a Lower Division Aerospace Engineering Class during COVID-19

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    During the Spring 2020 semester, after the transition to online modality due to the COVID-19 pandemic, student engagement and participation level dropped significantly and student performance suffered in “Computer Programing for Aerospace Engineers” (AE 30), a lower division computer programming course in Aerospace Engineering. Cognitive empathy, metacognition, and zyBooks (specific brand of interactive online course material) are known to improve student engagement, participation, and performance. Thus, a cognitive empathy ice-breaker activity, a metacognition exam reflection exercise, and interactive zyBook exercises were incorporated and implemented in AE 30 to help mitigate the effects of the pandemic in the new online environment. The current investigation presents the assessment of the activities and exercises as effective means of improving student engagement, participation, and performance in an online modality amid a pandemic during the Spring 2020 semester. Instructor observations revealed that the cognitive empathy ice-breaker was a powerful way to allow students to share difficult emotions but created a distracting and intimidating atmosphere. However, after the cognitive empathy ice-breaker, students were more engaged and participative than on other days. The metacognition exam reflection and interactive zyBook exercises were found to be moderately correlated to improved student performance

    Effects of a Short-Duration Online Simulation on Global Empathy

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    In an investigation of whether a particular instructional method is associated with greater global empathy among students, undergraduates were exposed to information about Haiti through lecture, news video, or an online game that simulated life in Haiti. Our hypothesis was that students would exhibit greater global empathy after playing the interactive online simulation than they would after hearing the lecture or watching the videos. Average scores for survey questions varied according to the instructional method, as did students behavioral responses during the experiment, but the variations were not statistically significant. A larger sample, a longer duration experiment, or the exclusion of students from particular academic majors from the experiment might elucidate a more noticeable indication that instructional method affects global empathy
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