5 research outputs found

    Does giving students feedback on their concept maps through an on-screen avatar or a humanoid robot make a difference?

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    Active or engaged learning is often seen as a way to improve students’ performance concerning STEM topics. When followingsuch a form of self-directed learning, students often need to receive feedback on their progress. Giving real-time feedback onan individual basis is usually beyond the teacher’s capacity; in digital learning environments, this opens the door for exploringautomated feedback. In the current study, a posttest only design was used to investigate the effect of providing students withdifferent forms of automated feedback while they were creating a concept map about photosynthesis in an online inquirylearning environment. Participants were high school students (N 138), divided over two experimental groups. In one group,feedback was given by a humanoid robot and in the other group via an avatar. The effects of the different feedback formswere compared for the two groups in terms of the frequency with which students consulted the feedback, concept map quality,and students’ attitudes. Results showed that the robot group consulted feedback more often than the avatar group. Moreover,the robot group had higher scores on a scale measuring enjoyment than the avatar group. Both of these differences werestatistically significant. However, the average quality of the concept maps created by both groups was simila

    Communication and emotion in bots and chatbots: : the cases of Fabi Grossi and Code of Hope

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    O mapeamento e análise de emoções e sentimentos em conteúdos publicados nas redes sociais online tem sido uma das ferramentas mais modernas em uso atualmente para promover uma comunicação engajadora e eficaz com públicos diversos na internet. Com o avanço de tecnologias algorítmicas e de inteligência artificial, o recurso tem se mostrado útil para identificar e responder a emoções pré-programadas. Neste artigo, após extensa revisão de literatura sobre o estado da arte dos estudos que remetem à virada emocional no campo da comunicação, são apresentadas duas ferramentas interativas baseadas em respostas emocionais: o chatbot Fabi Grossi e o sistema de monitoramento de emoções Code of Hope. Conclui-se que ambas, apesar de divergirem na forma de funcionamento, possuem premissas similares no entendimento da importância da dimensão emocional da comunicação para prevenir casos de suicídio entre jovens e representam bons exemplos de como a virada emocional pode ser útil e eficaz no contexto de sistemas automatizados de comunicação.The mapping and analysis of emotions and feelings in content published on online social networks has been one of the most modern tools in use today to promote engaging and effective communication with diverse audiences on the internet. With the advancement of algorithmic and artificial intelligence technologies, the resource has proven useful for identifying and responding to pre-programmed emotions. In this article, after an extensive literature review on the state of the art of studies that refer to the emotional turn in the field of communication, two interactive tools based on emotional responses are presented: the chatbot Fabi Grossi and the emotion monitoring system Code of Hope. It is concluded that both, despite diverging in the way they work, have similar premises in understanding the importance of the emotional dimension of communication to prevent cases of suicide among young people and represent good examples of how the emotional turn can be useful and effective in the context of automated communication systems

    Communication and emotion in bots and chatbots: the cases of Fabi Grossi and Code of Hope

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    O mapeamento e análise de emoções e sentimentos em conteúdos publicados nas redes sociais online tem sido uma das ferramentas mais modernas em uso atualmente para promover uma comunicação engajadora e eficaz com públicos diversos na internet. Com o avanço de tecnologias algorítmicas e de inteligência artificial, o recurso tem se mostrado útil para identificar e responder a emoções pré-programadas. Neste artigo, após extensa revisão de literatura sobre o estado da arte dos estudos que remetem à virada emocional no campo da comunicação, são apresentadas duas ferramentas interativas baseadas em respostas emocionais: o chatbot Fabi Grossi e o sistema de monitoramento de emoções Code of Hope. Conclui-se que ambas, apesar de divergirem na forma de funcionamento, possuem premissas similares no entendimento da importância da dimensão emocional da comunicação para prevenir casos de suicídio entre jovens e representam bons exemplos de como a virada emocional pode ser útil e eficaz no contexto de sistemas automatizados de comunicação.The mapping and analysis of emotions and feelings in content published on online social networks has been one of the most modern tools in use today to promote engaging and effective communication with diverse audiences on the internet. With the advancement of algorithmic and artificial intelligence technologies, the resource has proven useful for identifying and responding to pre-programmed emotions. In this article, after an extensive literature review on the state of the art of studies that refer to the emotional turn in the field of communication, two interactive tools based on emotional responses are presented: the chatbot Fabi Grossi and the emotion monitoring system Code of Hope. It is concluded that both, despite diverging in the way they work, have similar premises in understanding the importance of the emotional dimension of communication to prevent cases of suicide among young people and represent good examples of how the emotional turn can be useful and effective in the context of automated communication systems.Artigo apoiado por fundos nacionais através da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do Financiamento Plurianual do Centro de Investigação em Comunicação e Sociedade 2020-2023 (que integra o financiamento base, com a referência UIDB/00736/2020