3 research outputs found

    Emergent behaviors and scalability for multi-agent reinforcement learning-based pedestrian models

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    This paper analyzes the emergent behaviors of pedestrian groups that learn through the multiagent reinforcement learning model developed in our group. Five scenarios studied in the pedestrian model literature, and with different levels of complexity, were simulated in order to analyze the robustness and the scalability of the model. Firstly, a reduced group of agents must learn by interaction with the environment in each scenario. In this phase, each agent learns its own kinematic controller, that will drive it at a simulation time. Secondly, the number of simulated agents is increased, in each scenario where agents have previously learnt, to test the appearance of emergent macroscopic behaviors without additional learning. This strategy allows us to evaluate the robustness and the consistency and quality of the learned behaviors. For this purpose several tools from pedestrian dynamics, such as fundamental diagrams and density maps, are used. The results reveal that the developed model is capable of simulating human-like micro and macro pedestrian behaviors for the simulation scenarios studied, including those where the number of pedestrians has been scaled by one order of magnitude with respect to the situation learned.This work has been supported by grant TIN2015-65686-C5-1-R of Ministerio de Econom铆a y Competitividad

    Statistical model fitting and model selection in pedestrian dynamics research

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    Pedestrian dynamics is concerned with understanding the movement patterns that arise in places where more than one person walks. Relating theoretical models to data is a crucial goal of research in this field. Statistical model fitting and model selection are a suitable approach to this problem and here we review the concepts and literature related to this methodology in the context of pedestrian dynamics. The central tenet of statistical modelling is to describe the relationship between different variables by using probability distributions. Rather than providing a critique of existing methodology or a "how to" guide for such an established research technique, our review aims to highlight broad concepts, different uses, best practices, challenges and opportunities with a focussed view on theoretical models for pedestrian behaviour. This contribution is aimed at researchers in pedestrian dynamics who want to carefully analyse data, relate a theoretical model to data, or compare the relative quality of several theoretical models. The survey of the literature we present provides many methodological starting points and we suggest that the particular challenges to statistical modelling in pedestrian dynamics make this an inherently interesting field of research

    Propuesta de un modelo de simulaci贸n de flujo de usuarios basado en la transmisi贸n de celdas hexagonales en cuellos de botella en la plataforma de embarque. Caso: Estaci贸n Angamos de la l铆nea 1 del metro de Lima

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    La preocupaci贸n en la actualidad es la evacuaci贸n de pasajeros ante un evento de emergencia, es por ello que se realiza diferentes estudios de simulaci贸n peatonal. El modelo de transmisi贸n celular simular谩 el comportamiento del flujo de los usuarios dentro de los espacios de la plataforma de embarque de la estaci贸n Angamos de la l铆nea uno del metro de Lima, con la finalidad de obtener datos de tiempo de evacuaci贸n para que el modelo sea utilizado en futuras investigaciones. En el primer cap铆tulo se encontrar谩 el problema de evacuaci贸n en las plataformas de embarque, adem谩s con algunos antecedentes en otros pa铆ses. As铆 mismo, la hip贸tesis y los objetivos de la investigaci贸n. En el segundo cap铆tulo se desarroll贸 el marco te贸rico que respalda la investigaci贸n de la simulaci贸n del flujo de pasajeros. En el tercer cap铆tulo se describe la metodolog铆a a seguir para el desarrollo del modelo, desde la obtenci贸n de datos hasta la validaci贸n. En el cuarto cap铆tulo se realiz贸 el estudio de la problem谩tica, en este apartado se puede encontrar los diferentes tipos modelos de simulaci贸n peatonal y por qu茅 el modelo de transmisi贸n de celdas se adapta mejor al escenario estudiado. En el quinto cap铆tulo se bas贸 en el desarrollo propio del modelo, donde se realiz贸 la recolecci贸n de la data, preparaci贸n de los par谩metros y el desarrollo del modelo. En el sexto cap铆tulo se opt贸 por los an谩lisis de los resultados obtenidos en el desarrollo del modelo. As铆 mismo, la validaci贸n mediante el software Statkey que arroj贸 un grado de confiabilidad de 95%.The current concern is the evacuation of passengers in an emergency event, which is why different pedestrian simulation studies are carried out. The cellular transmission model will simulate the behavior of the flow of users within the spaces of the boarding platform of the Angamos station of line one of the Lima metro, in order to obtain evacuation time data so that the model is used in future research. In the first chapter, the problem of evacuation in the boarding platforms will be found, in addition to some antecedents in other countries. Likewise, the hypothesis and the objectives of the investigation. In the second chapter, the theoretical framework that supports the investigation of the simulation of the flow of passengers was developed. The third chapter describes the methodology to be followed for the development of the model, from data collection to validation. In the fourth chapter, the study of the problem was carried out, in this section you can find the different types of pedestrian simulation models and why the cell transmission model is better adapted to the studied scenario. In the fifth chapter, it was based on the own development of the model, where the data collection, preparation of the parameters and the development of the model were carried out. In the sixth chapter we opted for the analysis of the results obtained in the development of the model. Likewise, the validation using the Statkey software that yielded a degree of reliability of 95%.Tesi