32,691 research outputs found

    Topological Phase Transitions in Line-nodal Superconductors

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    Fathoming interplay between symmetry and topology of many-electron wave-functions has deepened understanding of quantum many body systems, especially after the discovery of topological insulators. Topology of electron wave-functions enforces and protects emergent gapless excitations, and symmetry is intrinsically tied to the topological protection in a certain class. Namely, unless the symmetry is broken, the topological nature is intact. We show novel interplay phenomena between symmetry and topology in topological phase transitions associated with line-nodal superconductors. The interplay may induce an exotic universality class in sharp contrast to that of the phenomenological Landau-Ginzburg theory. Hyper-scaling violation and emergent relativistic scaling are main characteristics, and the interplay even induces unusually large quantum critical region. We propose characteristic experimental signatures around the phase transitions in three spatial dimensions, for example, a linear phase boundary in a temperature-tuning parameter phase-diagram.Comment: 4 + 23 pages, 7 figures, 1 table; the first two authors contributed equally to this wor

    Quantum Monte Carlo studies of phase transitions

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    Phase transitions have been an active area of research in statistical mechanics for almost a century and have recently been integrated into quantum mechanics. Many phenomena such as superconductivity and unconventional magnetism are understood to arise from exotic quantum phases and at points describing quantum phase transitions. A detailed understanding of these phase transitions requires numerical simulations of models which benchmark realistic models against theoretical frameworks. The topic of this thesis is the implementation of Quantum Monte Carlo simulation, which is a powerful technique to understand quantum condensed matter, in interesting models to illustrate novel phenomena in magnetic systems. The novel features of condensed matter systems described in this thesis consist of emergent symmetries at critical points, interesting dynamical features of such systems and the drastic effects of defects in spin systems used in the field of adiabatic quantum computing. Emergent symmetries are shown by condensed matter systems especially at critical points and are features which cannot be shown by individual or a small number of spins. Examples of this in one and two dimensions are presented in an early chapter of this thesis. In addition to this, spin systems can show excitations which have an interesting spatial structure as a consequence of restricted dynamics which only allow the excitations to spread in a particular region. This is presented in the context of a simple model in the following chapter along with numerical support. The following chapter contains a description of adiabatic quantum computing along with a particular model which we study. The phase transition and the effects on the performance of adiabatic quantum computing are studied in this context

    An Adventure in Topological Phase Transitions in 3 + 1-D: Non-abelian Deconfined Quantum Criticalities and a Possible Duality

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    Continuous quantum phase transitions that are beyond the conventional paradigm of fluctuations of a symmetry breaking order parameter are challenging for theory. These phase transitions often involve emergent deconfined gauge fields at the critical points as demonstrated in 2+1-dimensions. Examples include phase transitions in quantum magnetism as well as those between Symmetry Protected Topological phases. In this paper, we present several examples of Deconfined Quantum Critical Points (DQCP) between Symmetry Protected Topological phases in 3+1-D for both bosonic and fermionic systems. Some of the critical theories can be formulated as non-abelian gauge theories either in their Infra-Red free regime, or in the conformal window when they flow to the Banks-Zaks fixed points. We explicitly demonstrate several interesting quantum critical phenomena. We describe situations in which the same phase transition allows for multiple universality classes controlled by distinct fixed points. We exhibit the possibility - which we dub "unnecessary quantum critical points" - of stable generic continuous phase transitions within the same phase. We present examples of interaction driven band-theory- forbidden continuous phase transitions between two distinct band insulators. The understanding we develop leads us to suggest an interesting possible 3+1-D field theory duality between SU(2) gauge theory coupled to one massless adjoint Dirac fermion and the theory of a single massless Dirac fermion augmented by a decoupled topological field theory.Comment: 83 pages, 10 figure

    Emergence: Key physical issues for deeper philosophical inquiries

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    A sketch of three senses of emergence and a suggestive view on the emergence of time and the direction of time is presented. After trying to identify which issues philosophers interested in emergent phenomena in physics view as important I make several observations pertaining to the concepts, methodology and mechanisms required to understand emergence and describe a platform for its investigation. I then identify some key physical issues which I feel need be better appreciated by the philosophers in this pursuit. I end with some comments on one of these issues, that of coarse-graining and persistent structures.Comment: 16 pages. Invited Talk at the Heinz von Foerster Centenary International Conference on Self-Organization and Emergence: Emergent Quantum Mechanics (EmerQuM11). Nov. 10-13, 2011, Vienna, Austria. Proceedings to appear in J. Phys. (Conf. Series

    Emergence: Key physical issues for deeper philosophical inquiries

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    A sketch of three senses of emergence and a suggestive view on the emergence of time and the direction of time is presented. After trying to identify which issues philosophers interested in emergent phenomena in physics view as important I make several observations pertaining to the concepts, methodology and mechanisms required to understand emergence and describe a platform for its investigation. I then identify some key physical issues which I feel need be better appreciated by the philosophers in this pursuit. I end with some comments on one of these issues, that of coarse-graining and persistent structures.Comment: 16 pages. Invited Talk at the Heinz von Foerster Centenary International Conference on Self-Organization and Emergence: Emergent Quantum Mechanics (EmerQuM11). Nov. 10-13, 2011, Vienna, Austria. Proceedings to appear in J. Phys. (Conf. Series

    Self-Referential Noise and the Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Space

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    Generalising results from Godel and Chaitin in mathematics suggests that self-referential systems contain intrinsic randomness. We argue that this is relevant to modelling the universe and show how three-dimensional space may arise from a non-geometric order-disorder model driven by self-referential noise.Comment: Figure labels correcte

    Emergence and Reduction Combined in Phase Transitions

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    In another paper (Butterfield 2011), one of us argued that emergence and reduction are compatible, and presented four examples illustrating both. The main purpose of this paper is to develop this position for the example of phase transitions. We take it that emergence involves behaviour that is novel compared with what is expected: often, what is expected from a theory of the system's microscopic constituents. We take reduction as deduction, aided by appropriate definitions. Then the main idea of our reconciliation of emergence and reduction is that one makes the deduction after taking a limit of an appropriate parameter NN. Thus our first main claim will be that in some situations, one can deduce a novel behaviour, by taking a limit NN\to\infty. Our main illustration of this will be Lee-Yang theory. But on the other hand, this does not show that the N=N=\infty limit is physically real. For our second main claim will be that in such situations, there is a logically weaker, yet still vivid, novel behaviour that occurs before the limit, i.e. for finite NN. And it is this weaker behaviour which is physically real. Our main illustration of this will be the renormalization group description of cross-over phenomena.Comment: 24 pp, v2: one minor change. Contribution to the Frontiers of Fundamental Physics (FFP 11) Conference Proceeding