15 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK: Kosakata adalah elemen penting dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Kosakata memiliki peran untuk membangun sebuah komunikasi. Belajar kosakata terkadang membuat siswa merasa bosan. Namun pengajaran kosakata menggunakan permainan dapat menjadi solusi untuk memperkaya kosakata siswa. Salah satu permainan untuk pengajaran kosakata yaitu emergency vocabulary game yang diterapkan di Gama English Course Wonogiri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini antara lain untuk:(1) mendeskripsikan pendapat siswa ketika emergency vocabulary game diterapkan,(2) mendeskripsikan pendapat guru ketika mengajar kosakata menggunakan emergency vocabulary game,(3) mendeskripsikan prosedur pelaksanaan emergency vocabulary game di dalam kelas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang dilaksanakan pada Desember 2017 hingga Januari 2018. Sampel dari penelitian tersebut yaitu 11 siswa remaja level 7 sampai 9 di Gama English Course Wonogiri. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui interview dengan 11 siswa remaja dan 2 guru bahasa Inggris. Penelitian tersebut juga menggunakan observasi sebagai cara untuk mengetahui prosedur pengajaran emergency vocabulary game. Data menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar siswa memberikan pendapat yang positif, seperti: ‘seru’, ‘asik’, ‘bagus’, ‘lebih akrab dengan teman’, ‘membantu mengingat kata’, ‘menambah kosakata’ dan ‘menambah percaya diri’. Hanya sedikit dari mereka yang mengatakan bahwa emergency vocabulary game memiliki kekurangan seperti: ‘waktu menjawab yang terbatas’, ‘hukumannya kurang seru’, ‘permainannya terlalu mudah’. Selain itu para guru juga mengungkapkan beberapa kelebihan dan kekurangan dari permainan tersebut. Kelebihannya antara lain ‘efektif’, ‘unik’ dan ‘bagus’. Sementara kekurangannya seperti: ‘siswa yang pemalu sulit untuk berkembang’, ‘membutuhkan banyak waktu’ dan ‘membuat siswa lupa belajar materi’. Semua guru menggunakan emergency vocabulary game pada akhir proses belajar mengajar setelah siswa diberi materi. Menerapkan permainan pada akhir pembelajaran dapat mengurangi stres siswa. Kata kunci: kosakata, pengajaran kosakata, permainan, emergency vocabulary game, remaja.   ABSTRACT: Vocabulary is crucial element in learning English. It has important role to build communication. Learning vocabulary somestimes makes the students feel bored. However, teaching vocabulary using game can be the solution to enrich students’ vocabulary. One of the game is emergency vocabulary game applied in Gama English Course Wonogiri. The objectives of this study were: (1) to describe the students’ views when emergency game is applied in the classroom, (2) to describe teachers’ views when teaching vocabulary using emergency vocabulary game, (3) to describe the procedure of teaching vocabulary using emergency vocabulary game in the classroom. This study was a qualitative research conducted from December 2017 until January 2018. The participants of this study were 11 adolescence students of Gama English Course in level 7 to 9. The data were collected by interviewing 11 students and 2 English teachers. This study also used observation to know the teaching procedures of emergency vocabulary game. The data showed that majority of the students’ views were positive, like: ‘exciting’, ‘fun’, ‘good, ‘be more familiar with friends’, ‘helps to memorize words’, ‘enrich vocabulary’ and ‘build self confidence’. Few of them said some weaknesses of this game were: ‘limited time to answer’, ‘the punishment is less challenging’ and ‘the game is too easy’. In addition, teachers also revealed some advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of the game were ‘effective’, ‘unique’ and ‘good’. Meanwhile, the disadvantages were as follows: ‘shy students were difficult to interact’, ‘takes a lot of time’ and ‘making students forget to learn’. Both teacher used emergency vocabulary game at the end of teaching learning process after the students were given the materials. Using game at the end of learning can make the students have less stress. Keywords: vocabulary, teaching vocabulary, game, emergency vocabulary game, adolescence

    Mobile Incidental Learning to Support the Inclusion of Recent Immigrants

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    Social inclusion of recent immigrants is a challenge in many countries for both immigrants and the host communities. To harness the potential of social, situated and opportunistic mobile interactions for the social inclusion of immigrants in a host country, we have developed an Incidental Learning Framework. This supports the design and evaluation of MApp, a suite of smartphone tools and services for recent immigrants. Developed within the European Union's MASELTOV project (http://www.maseltov.eu), the MApp delivers language learning activities, image-to-text translation, context-aware and interest-based recommendations, local information, game-based cultural learning and social support to immigrants in cities. Preliminary field trials in Vienna, Madrid and London have highlighted issues of mobile literacy, affordability, ethics and privacy challenges, as well as insights into motivations and possible measures of success. Incidental learning implemented on a smartphone app has implications for the relationship between formal and informal learning; new systems of learner support by other immigrants, mentors and volunteers; the design of learning materials that combine immediate assistance with longer term learner development; and potential conflicts between technological affordances, e.g. context awareness and learner tracking, and user preferences among vulnerable groups such as recent immigrants

    Addressing Linguistic Isolation through Community Based ESL and Emergency Preparedness

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    Linguistic isolation acts as a barrier to the well-being and social integration of Limited English Proficient (LEP) adults. Community-based English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, designed with learner-centric curricula, may help LEPs gain access to social and navigational capital in the form of English proficiency, confidence and social integration. Community-based ESL programs provide adult English Language Learners (ELLs) with a path to English proficiency and social integration, but curricula should be geared toward ELLs’ needs. There is a need for ESL curricula focused on emergency and disaster preparedness, curricula which may contribute positively to adult ELLs’ speaking skills and pragmatic competence when navigating crisis situations. The purpose of this field project is to develop emergency preparedness ESL lessons for adult learners who attend community-based ESL classes. Document analysis of current textbooks was conducted in order to determine where there were gaps in instruction for adult learners attending ESL classes. This field project is informed by the theoretical frameworks of Malcolm Knowles’s theory of andragogy and Tara Yosso’s theory of community cultural wealth as these apply to adult English language learners. The form of the project is a student workbook, the themes of which are emergency and disaster preparedness. The workbook contains exercises in speaking, reading, listening and writing. This workbook is a potential resource for teachers who want to supplement ESL lessons with emergency preparedness exercises

    A citizen-centred approach to education in the smart city: incidental language learning for supporting the inclusion of recent migrants

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    Smart cities are often developed in a top-down approach and designers may see citizens as bits within data flows. A more human-centred perspective would be to consider what the smart city might afford its citizens. A high speed, pervasive network infrastructure offers the opportunity for ubiquitous mobile learning to become a reality. The MASELTOV project sees the smart city as enabling technology enhanced incidental learning: unplanned or unintentional learning that takes place in everyday life, in any place, at any time, with the city itself the context and the prompt for learning episodes. Migrants in particular will benefit: limited in their opportunity to attend formal education yet with a pressing need for language learning to support their integration. Incidental learning services, like smart city planning, need interdisciplinary communication for successful development. We describe the MASELTOV Incidental Learning Framework which will act as a boundary object to facilitate this process.

    Disruption analytics in urban metro systems with large-scale automated data

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    Urban metro systems are frequently affected by disruptions such as infrastructure malfunctions, rolling stock breakdowns and accidents. Such disruptions give rise to delays, congestion and inconvenience for public transport users, which in turn, lead to a wider range of negative impacts on the social economy and wellbeing. This PhD thesis aims to improve our understanding of disruption impacts and improve the ability of metro operators to detect and manage disruptions by using large-scale automated data. The crucial precondition of any disruption analytics is to have accurate information about the location, occurrence time, duration and propagation of disruptions. In pursuit of this goal, the thesis develops statistical models to detect disruptions via deviations in trains’ headways relative to their regular services. Our method is a unique contribution in the sense that it is based on automated vehicle location data (data-driven) and the probabilistic framework is effective to detect any type of service interruptions, including minor delays that last just a few minutes. As an important research outcome, the thesis delivers novel analyses of the propagation progress of disruptions along metro lines, thus enabling us to distinguish primary and secondary disruptions as well as recovery interventions performed by operators. The other part of the thesis provides new insights for quantifying disruption impacts and measuring metro vulnerability. One of our key messages is that in metro systems there are factors influencing both the occurrence of disruptions and their outcomes. With such confounding factors, we show that causal inference is a powerful tool to estimate unbiased impacts on passenger demand and journey time, which is also capable of quantifying the spatial-temporal propagation of disruption impacts within metro networks. The causal inference approaches are applied to empirical studies based on the Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway (MTR). Our conclusions can assist researchers and practitioners in two applications: (i) the evaluation of metro performance such as service reliability, system vulnerability and resilience, and (ii) the management of future disruptions.Open Acces

    Detecting metro service disruptions via large-scale vehicle location data

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    Urban metro systems are often affected by disruptions such as infrastructure malfunctions, rolling stock breakdowns and accidents. The crucial prerequisite of any disruption analytics is to have accurate information about the location, occurrence time, duration and propagation of disruptions. To pursue this goal, we detect the abnormal deviations in trains’ headway relative to their regular services by using Gaussian mixture models. Our method is a unique contribution in the sense that it proposes a novel, probabilistic, unsupervised clustering framework and it can effectively detect any type of service interruptions, including minor delays of just a few minutes. In contrast to traditional manual inspections and other detection methods based on social media data or smart card data, which suffer from human errors, limited monitoring coverage, and potential bias, our approach uses information on train trajectories derived from automated vehicle location (train movement) data. As an important research output, this paper delivers innovative analyses of the propagation progress of disruptions along metro lines, which enables us to distinguish primary and secondary disruptions as well as effective recovery interventions performed by operators