11,722 research outputs found

    Protosymbols that integrate recognition and response

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    We explore two controversial hypotheses through robotic implementation: (1) Processes involved in recognition and response are tightly coupled both in their operation and epigenesis; and (2) processes involved in symbol emergence should respect the integrity of recognition and response while exploiting the periodicity of biological motion. To that end, this paper proposes a method of recognizing and generating motion patterns based on nonlinear principal component neural networks that are constrained to model both periodic and transitional movements. The method is evaluated by an examination of its ability to segment and generalize different kinds of soccer playing activity during a RoboCup match

    The Theory of Dispositions in Filmmaking and Leadership

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    Inclusive media arts education should be accessible for all young people so that they can be successful citizens of this media-rich, media-saturated world. Issues surrounding access and exclusion are complex. What barriers contribute to exclusion within media arts education programs? The purpose of this study is to determine how best to create more inclusion in media arts education through leadership practices. More specifically, how do we become more inclusive in filmmaking practice, and what is the role of leadership in that endeavor? This study strives to determine how leadership best serves a highly successful inclusive media arts organization, and to make recommendations based on the findings with the aim of transferability to other media arts education programs. Through the paradigm of pragmatism, grounded theory qualitative research occurred at Bus Stop Films, an accessible film studies program that makes inclusive films located in Sydney, Australia. Interviews, a focus group, and observations were used during data collection. Research participants included administrators, teachers, staff, and students. Themes were drawn from the data using open, selective, and axial coding. Participants defined what success means to them, which traits and qualities are necessary to leadership in that environment, and what inclusive media arts means to them. The primary research question is as follows: How does leadership impact the success of inclusive media arts programs? Four major themes emerged from the data: inclusive leadership, dimensions of filmmaking culture, inclusive filmmaking practice, and purpose. The findings of this study led to the development of The Theory of Dispositions in Filmmaking, which posits that disposition serves as an active catalyst within leadership practices and filmmaking practices in media arts education programs

    Corporate strategy revisited: A view from complexity theory

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    Despite its long tradition and well known contributions, corporate strategy research is yet far from being mature. This paper proposes an innovative framework that approaches the field from the theoretical perspective provided by complexity theory. We propose to see the corporate level of the organization as the driver, pacer and framer of the overall firm's evolution process. Drive is provided by the cognitive representation of the corporate fitness landscape that is implicit in the firm's corporate plan. Pacing is a consequence of the kind of strategic initiatives ("search strategy") developed by the company. Framing is achieved through the architectural design that the corporate level implements for the firm.corporate strategy; complexity theory; self-organizing;

    Polymedia Based Instruction in Purposive Communication

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    This paper focused on the development and validation of Polymedia Based Instruction (PBI) materials in Purposive Communication (PC) classes at Urdaneta City University. Descriptive and developmental research designs were employed in this study. The subjects include the PC Instructors and selected pre-service teachers taking the course. This study identified five topics which were determined by the 8 PC instructors namely: Effective Communication, Intercultural Communication, Guidelines to Avoid Plagiarism, Power of Information and Communication Technology, and PowerPoint Presentation. PBI materials were developed for each topic and were categorized into 3components. These are direct materials, interactive materials, and task-based materials. PBI materials were given a highly acceptable remark from the pre-service teachers in the Purposive Communicationcourse. From the abovefindings, the following conclusions were drawn: Most of the identified topics needing computer-aided instructions using PBI materials dealt with speaking and writing skills; PBI materials developed covered spoken texts, mini-lecture, clips, related examples, interactive voice prompts, and computer-aided instructions; and, PBI materials are highly accepted in delivering the identified topics in the identified course.Moreover, the following recommendationsare forwarded: language teachers may use PBI materials as teaching strategies in speaking and writing classes; administrators and language teachers may optimize the PBI materials developed in teaching Purposive Communication course; language teachers may incorporate PBI materials in teaching Purpose Communication course; language teachers may design additional PBI materials to enhance the speaking and writing skills of the learners, and future researchers may explore other variables that can potentially signify to the PBI materials in teaching other related subjects

    The power of vivid experience in hand hygiene compliance

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    Summary In recent years, explicit behavioural theories have been used insome research into hand hygiene behaviour. One of the most prominent ofthese has been the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). In this qualitativestudy aimed at increasing understanding of infection prevention practicein the acute care setting, TPB was identified as a suitable framework forthe emergence of new insights that have the potential to improve thepower of existing education and training. The theory emerging from the researchwas based on a finding that individual experience is of greater importthan formal education in explaining hand hygiene behaviour. Thisindicated that exposure to vivid vicarious experience is a potential meansto improving the power of existing training methods and increasing the propensityfor instilling sustainable adequate hand hygiene habits

    A theory of the coaching process based on the lived experience of coached executives in South Africa

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, Graduate School of Business Administration, 2017.Coaching is a young, growing professional practice with its origins in many older established fields of knowledge. There is considerable research into what coaches think about their work and the theories and methods underlining these approaches. However, there is a great deal less research on how the executives or coaching clients experienced the coaching. This research answered the questions from the coached executive perspective by first wanting to know (1) what the lived experience of the coaching executive was; and (2) based on that lived experience, what theory about the coaching process would emerge. This emerged theory would be grounded in evidence from the coachee. A total of 17 clients were involved in the research. While the research had a strong phenomenological underpinning, the method used was that of constructivist grounded theory. There were five key findings with theoretical propositions behind each of the findings. The findings are: (1) Coaching is a response to an unmet need in an individual who lives in a volatile, ever changing world with great complexity. Coaching provided a wellness model that is collaborative, client driven, and adaptable. A primary need in people is to have a sense of well-being and personal meaning in this world. (2) Even though the coaching is a response to a need, the coaching client still needs to be ready to be coached. A client readiness theory with integrated components was developed based on the clients’ lived experience. The interrelationships based on the client’s perceptions were a new contribution. (3) There are several processes in coaching but the key focus of the processes is that they are active and present. The processes also understand the relationship between the ‘being’ and ‘knowing’ of the coach and the ‘doing’ of the coach. The doing covers the active processes but it is the way in which the coach does these processes (the being) that influences their efficacy. (4) The coach needs to be authentic, credible and present. (5) Brain integration leads to deeper self-awareness, well-being and personal meaning. This theory of brain integration is based in Interpersonal Neurobiology, and the nine domains of integration assist in providing an overarching framework in which to position the outcomes of coaching. The contribution was broad in that it looked at all aspects of the coaching process: the coach, the coachee, the process, the outcomes and the context and provided an integrated framework.MT201

    Intrinsic Motivation Systems for Autonomous Mental Development

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    Exploratory activities seem to be intrinsically rewarding for children and crucial for their cognitive development. Can a machine be endowed with such an intrinsic motivation system? This is the question we study in this paper, presenting a number of computational systems that try to capture this drive towards novel or curious situations. After discussing related research coming from developmental psychology, neuroscience, developmental robotics, and active learning, this paper presents the mechanism of Intelligent Adaptive Curiosity, an intrinsic motivation system which pushes a robot towards situations in which it maximizes its learning progress. This drive makes the robot focus on situations which are neither too predictable nor too unpredictable, thus permitting autonomous mental development.The complexity of the robot’s activities autonomously increases and complex developmental sequences self-organize without being constructed in a supervised manner. Two experiments are presented illustrating the stage-like organization emerging with this mechanism. In one of them, a physical robot is placed on a baby play mat with objects that it can learn to manipulate. Experimental results show that the robot first spends time in situations which are easy to learn, then shifts its attention progressively to situations of increasing difficulty, avoiding situations in which nothing can be learned. Finally, these various results are discussed in relation to more complex forms of behavioral organization and data coming from developmental psychology. Key words: Active learning, autonomy, behavior, complexity, curiosity, development, developmental trajectory, epigenetic robotics, intrinsic motivation, learning, reinforcement learning, values

    Teacher Candidates’ Perceptions of School Organization: Fundamental inconsistencies between expectations and experiences

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    Preservice teacher-candidates enrolled in teacher education programs across Canada are exposed to the nuances of school organization during their practice-teaching assignments. Although the literature is full of scholarship about the concerns of new teachers, less attention has been given to school organizational factors as sources of dissonance for new teachers and preservice teacher education candidates. This study employed quantitative and qualitative methods to determine the effect of the practicum experience on prospective teachers’ beliefs about school organization in Ontario. The fundamental finding of the study was that participants’ experiences during their teaching-practicum assignments had a significantly negative effect upon their beliefs about school organization.Les candidats Ă  l’enseignement inscrits au sein des programmes d’éducation des maĂźtres Ă  travers le Canada sont exposĂ©s Ă  la rĂ©alitĂ© de l’organisation scolaire au cours de leurs expĂ©riences pratiques d’enseignement. Or, si la littĂ©rature soulĂšve abondamment les inquiĂ©tudes des nouveaux enseignants, peu d’attention a Ă©tĂ© accordĂ©e aux facteurs de l’organisation scolaire comme sources de dissonance pour les nouveaux enseignants et les candidats Ă  la profession enseignante. En ce sens, cette Ă©tude utilise des mĂ©thodes quantitatives et qualitatives pour dĂ©terminer les effets des stages sur les croyances des aspirants enseignants relativement Ă  l’organisation scolaire en Ontario. La conclusion fondamentale de cette Ă©tude est que les expĂ©riences des aspirants enseignants durant leurs travaux pratiques ont des effets significativement nĂ©gatifs sur leurs croyances concernant l’organisation scolaire

    An application of Lewin in a trans-pandemic world: a narrative inquiry in a case study with a suggested model for the future

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    Change is constant in today’s post-pandemic world. This is truly evident in online business success with entrepreneurs that defy past limitations and rely on future vision. This study purposely attempts to identify and qualify the impact of stylized change focused leadership in response to workplace changes during the variant challenges of the corona virus pandemic. The relevancy of Lewin’s organizational change model in today’s new normal provides the foundation for this research. Data were gathered through interview with a purposive sample of 12 managers executives and team members from a public sector organization. Evolving through an iterative process of evaluation and conscious of risk bias in measurement, triangulation methods included a literature review and intensive analyses off the interview responses, participation notes and company records. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis to find information supporting participants’ perceptions. The themes were derived from coding and the number of references coded during the data analysis. Six themes emerged representing leaders’ action for implementation of corporate change strategies. The themes have been divided into three catagories: defrost former learning, movement to change and solidification of new directions in corporate change. Results can help global organization leadership navigate ongoing change in a volatile world
