9 research outputs found

    Анализ методов онтолого-ориентированного нейро-символического интеллекта при коллаборативной поддержке принятия решений

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    The neural network approach to AI, which has become especially widespread in the last decade, has two significant limitations – training of a neural network, as a rule, requires a very large number of samples (not always available), and the resulting models often are not well interpretable, which can reduce their credibility. The use of symbols as the basis of collaborative processes, on the one hand, and the proliferation of neural network AI, on the other hand, necessitate the synthesis of neural network and symbolic paradigms in relation to the creation of collaborative decision support systems. The article presents the results of an analytical review in the field of ontology-oriented neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence with an emphasis on solving problems of knowledge exchange during collaborative decision support. Specifically, the review attempts to answer two questions: 1. how symbolic knowledge, represented as an ontology, can be used to improve AI agents operating on the basis of neural networks (knowledge transfer from a person to AI agents); 2. how symbolic knowledge, represented as an ontology, can be used to interpret decisions made by AI agents and explain these decisions (transfer of knowledge from an AI agent to a person). As a result of the review, recommendations were formulated on the choice of methods for introducing symbolic knowledge into neural network models, and promising areas of ontology-oriented methods for explaining neural networks were identified.Нейросетевой подход к ИИ, получивший особенно широкое распространение в последнее десятилетие, обладает двумя существенными ограничениями – обучение моделей, как правило, требует очень большого количества образцов (не всегда доступных), а получающиеся модели не являются хорошо интерпретируемыми, что может снижать доверие к ним. Использование символьных знаний как основы коллаборативных процессов с одной стороны и распространение нейросетевого ИИ с другой, обусловливают необходимость синтеза нейросетевой и символьной парадигм применительно к созданию коллаборативных систем поддержки принятия решений. В статье представлены результаты аналитического обзора в области онтолого-ориентированного нейро-символического интеллекта применительно к решению задач обмена знаниями при коллаборативной поддержке принятия решений. А именно, в ходе обзора делается попытка ответить на два вопроса: 1. как символьные знания, представленные в виде онтологии, могут быть использованы для улучшения ИИ-агентов, действующих на основе нейронных сетей (передача знаний от человека к ИИ-агентам); 2. как символьные знания, представленные в виде онтологии, могут быть использованы для интерпретации решений, принимаемых ИИ-агентами и объяснения этих решений (передача знаний от ИИ-агента к человеку). В результате проведенного обзора сформулированы рекомендации по выбору методов внедрения символьных знаний в нейросетевые модели, а также выделены перспективные направления онтолого-ориентированных методов объяснения нейронных сетей

    Three Modern Roles for Logic in AI

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    We consider three modern roles for logic in artificial intelligence, which are based on the theory of tractable Boolean circuits: (1) logic as a basis for computation, (2) logic for learning from a combination of data and knowledge, and (3) logic for reasoning about the behavior of machine learning systems.Comment: To be published in PODS 202

    Symbolic Knowledge Injection meets Intelligent Agents: QoS metrics and experiments

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    Bridging intelligent symbolic agents and sub-symbolic predictors is a long-standing research goal in AI. Among the recent integration efforts, symbolic knowledge injection (SKI) proposes algorithms aimed at steering sub-symbolic predictors’ learning towards compliance w.r.t. pre-existing symbolic knowledge bases. However, state-of-the-art contributions about SKI mostly tackle injection from a foundational perspective, often focussing solely on improving the predictive performance of the sub-symbolic predictors undergoing injection. Technical contributions, in turn, are tailored on individual methods/experiments and therefore poorly interoperable with agent technologies as well as among each others. Intelligent agents may exploit SKI to serve many purposes other than predictive performance alone—provided that, of course, adequate technological support exists: for instance, SKI may allow agents to tune computational, energetic, or data requirements of sub-symbolic predictors. Given that different algorithms may exist to serve all those many purposes, some criteria for algorithm selection as well as a suitable technology should be available to let agents dynamically select and exploit the most suitable algorithm for the problem at hand. Along this line, in this work we design a set of quality-of-service (QoS) metrics for SKI, and a general-purpose software API to enable their application to various SKI algorithms—namely, platform for symbolic knowledge injection (PSyKI). We provide an abstract formulation of four QoS metrics for SKI, and describe the design of PSyKI according to a software engineering perspective. Then we discuss how our QoS metrics are supported by PSyKI. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of both our QoS metrics and PSyKI via a number of experiments, where SKI is both applied and assessed via our proposed API. Our empirical analysis demonstrates both the soundness of our proposed metrics and the versatility of PSyKI as the first software tool supporting the application, interchange, and numerical assessment of SKI techniques. To the best of our knowledge, our proposals represent the first attempt to introduce QoS metrics for SKI, and the software tools enabling their practical exploitation for both human and computational agents. In particular, our contributions could be exploited to automate and/or compare the manifold SKI algorithms from the state of the art. Hence moving a concrete step forward the engineering of efficient, robust, and trustworthy software applications that integrate symbolic agents and sub-symbolic predictors

    I profili gius-civilistici dell’Intelligenza Artificiale: Persona, contratto, responsabilità, Metaverso

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    Fondamenti e prospettive dell’intelligenza artificiale: dagli agenti intelligenti al metaverso. Spunti tecnici, etici e tecno-etici. Intelligenza artificiale, metaverso e diritti della personalità: dall’uso umano dell’intelligenza artificiale all’umanizzazione dell’intelligenza artificiale. Diritto dei contratti, intelligenza artificiale e metaverso: dagli smart contracts ai contratti nel metaverso. Responsabilità civile e intelligenza artificiale

    Embedding Symbolic Knowledge into Deep Networks

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    Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 32 (NIPS 2019)4233--424