3,688 research outputs found

    Embedding Graphs into Two-Dimensional Simplicial Complexes

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    We consider the problem of deciding whether an input graph G admits a topological embedding into a two-dimensional simplicial complex C. This problem includes, among others, the embeddability problem of a graph on a surface and the topological crossing number of a graph, but is more general. The problem is NP-complete when C is part of the input, and we give a polynomial-time algorithm if the complex C is fixed. Our strategy is to reduce the problem to an embedding extension problem on a surface, which has the following form: Given a subgraph H\u27 of a graph G\u27, and an embedding of H\u27 on a surface S, can that embedding be extended to an embedding of G\u27 on S? Such problems can be solved, in turn, using a key component in Mohar\u27s algorithm to decide the embeddability of a graph on a fixed surface (STOC 1996, SIAM J. Discr. Math. 1999)

    Generalizations of the Kolmogorov-Barzdin embedding estimates

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    We consider several ways to measure the `geometric complexity' of an embedding from a simplicial complex into Euclidean space. One of these is a version of `thickness', based on a paper of Kolmogorov and Barzdin. We prove inequalities relating the thickness and the number of simplices in the simplicial complex, generalizing an estimate that Kolmogorov and Barzdin proved for graphs. We also consider the distortion of knots. We give an alternate proof of a theorem of Pardon that there are isotopy classes of knots requiring arbitrarily large distortion. This proof is based on the expander-like properties of arithmetic hyperbolic manifolds.Comment: 45 page
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