3 research outputs found

    Métodos de melhoria da disponibilidade e da resiliência a desastres em redes de telecomunicações

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    In current societies, telecommunication networks are one of its essential components, in which different services depend on. Critical service requires these networks to provide high levels of availability between their nodes and high levels of resilient to large-scale natural disasters, either by avoiding them or quickly recover from them. Different techniques can be used to reach these goals. In this dissertation, it is considered the use of geodiversity routing to reduce the impact of large-scale disasters, with the downside of utilizing longer paths which, in turn, reduces the resulting end-to-end availability. This downside can be corrected if the availability of some network elements are upgraded so that the availability required by critical services is met, while maintaining the geodiversity required to prevent the impact of disasters. In this dissertation, different upgrade strategies are implemented to efficiently identify the network elements required to be upgraded, so that the network can provide critical services with high availability and high resilience to natural disasters.As redes de telecomunicações são um dos componentes essenciais na atual sociedade, no qual vários serviços dependem da sua funcionalidade para operarem eficientemente. O suporte de serviços críticos exige que as redes ofereçam altos níveis de disponibilidade entre os seus nós e sejam altamente resilientes a desastres de larga escala, tais como os provocados por fenómenos naturais (tremores de terra, tsunamis, etc.). Algumas técnicas podem ser implementadas para atingir estes objetivos. Nesta dissertação, considera-se o uso de encaminhamento com geodiversidade para reduzir o impacto de desastres de larga escala, com a desvantagem de exigir percursos de encaminhamento mais longos, reduzindo a disponibilidade resultante entre os nós origem-destino do encaminhamento. Assim, para obter simultaneamente alta disponibilidade e alta resiliência a desastres, é necessário melhorar a disponibilidade em alguns elementos da rede. Nesta dissertação são introduzidas diferentes estratégias para identificar eficazmente os elementos da rede que precisam de ser melhorados em termos de disponibilidade, para que a rede suporte os requisitos de disponibilidade e resiliência a desastres requeridos por serviços críticos.Mestrado em Engenharia Informátic

    Embedded network design to support availability differentiation

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    The problem of how to provide, in a cost efficient manner, high levels of availability and service differentiation in communication networks was investigated in [Tipper-TelSyst-2014, Gomes-DRCN-2014, Alashaikh-CompNet-2015]. The strategy adopted was to embed in the physical layer topology a high availability set of links and nodes (termed the spine). The spine enables through protection, routing and cross layer mapping, the provisioning of differentiated classes of resilience with varying levels of end-to-end availability. Here we present an optimization model formulation of the spine design problem, considering link availability and the cost of upgrading link availability. The design problem seeks to minimize the cost while attaining a desired target flow availability. Extensive numerical results illustrate the benefits of modifying the availability of a subset of links of the network to implement quality of resilience classes