5 research outputs found

    Implementing Feature Variability for Models and Code with Projectional Language Workbenches

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    Abstract Product line engineering deals with managing and implementing the variability among a set of related products. We distinguish between two kinds of variability: configuration and customization. Customization variability can be described using programming language code or creative construction DSLs, whereas configuration variability is described using configuration based approaches, such as feature models. Many product lines have both kinds of variability, and they need to be integrated efficiently. This paper describes an approach for product line engineering using projectional language workbenches. These represent code and models with the same fundamental technology, enabling the mixing of models and code. They make the tight integration between several domain-specific languages possible and simple. Since they can store arbitrary information in models, it is possible to overlay configuration variability over customization variability (i.e. apply feature model-based configuration to code and models). Because of the projectional approach to editing, programs can be shown with or without the dependencies on feature models, they can even be rendered (and edited) for a specific variant. This approach leads to highly integrated and productive tools for product line development. The paper explains the approach, outlines the implementation of a prototype tool based on Jetbrains MPS and illustrates the benefits using a small product line for embedded systems

    MediaWiki Grammar Recovery

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    The paper describes in detail the recovery effort of one of the official MediaWiki grammars. Over two hundred grammar transformation steps are reported and annotated, leading to delivery of a level 2 grammar, semi-automatically extracted from a community created semi-formal text using at least five different syntactic notations, several non-enforced naming conventions, multiple misspellings, obsolete parsing technology idiosyncrasies and other problems commonly encountered in grammars that were not engineered properly. Having a quality grammar will allow to test and validate it further, without alienating the community with a separately developed grammar.Comment: 47 page

    Embedded Software Development with Projectional Language Workbenches

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    Graceful Language Extensions and Interfaces

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    Grace is a programming language under development aimed at education. Grace is object-oriented, imperative, and block-structured, and intended for use in first- and second-year object-oriented programming courses. We present a number of language features we have designed for Grace and implemented in our self-hosted compiler. We describe the design of a pattern-matching system with object-oriented structure and minimal extension to the language. We give a design for an object-based module system, which we use to build dialects, a means of extending and restricting the language available to the programmer, and of implementing domain-specific languages. We show a visual programming interface that melds visual editing (Ă  la Scratch) with textual editing, and that uses our dialect system, and we give the results of a user experiment we performed to evaluate the usability of our interface

    Explicitly Integrated Architecture - An Approach for Integrating Software Architecture Model Information with Program Code

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    Software-Architekturspezifikationen und -Implementierungen sind zwei Sichtweisen auf Softwarearchitektur. Sie beschreiben gemeinsame Aspekte, wie z.B. die Existenz und Verbindung von Komponenten. Die Spezifikation fügt Informationen zum Design, zur Kommunikation und zur Analyse hinzu. Die Implementierung beschreibt stattdessen zusätzlich Details für ein ausführbares System. Die Konsistenz zwischen diesen Darstellungen manuell zu verwalten, ist schwierig und fehleranfällig. Diese Arbeit stellt einen Ansatz vor, der Informationen der Architekturspezifikation vollständig in die Implementierung integriert, sodass die Spezifikation als eigenständiges Artefakt nicht mehr notwendig ist. Das Tool Codeling extrahiert die integrierte Architekturspezifikation in unterschiedlichen Sprachen aus dem Code und propagiert Änderungen in dieser Spezifikation automatisch an den Code zurück.Specifications and implementations are both viewpoints upon software architecture. Besides common aspects, the specification adds information for design, communication, or analysis, while the implementation adds details for an executable system instead. Managing the consistency between these representations manually is difficult and error-prone. This thesis presents an approach, that completely integrates architecture specifications with the implementation, so that separate specification artifacts are not necessary anymore. The tool Codeling extracts integrated architecture specifications in multiple languages from code, and automatically propagates changes in these specifications back to the code