47,265 research outputs found

    On Automated Message Processing in Electronic Commerce and Work Support Systems: Speech Act Theory and Expressive Felicity

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    Electronic messaging, whether in an office environment or for electronic commerce, is normally carried out in natural language, even when supported by information systems. For a variety of reasons, it would be useful if electronic messaging systems could have semantic access to, that is, access to the meanings and contents of, the messages they process. Given that natural language understanding is not a practicable alternative, there remain three approaches to delivering systems with semantic access: electronic data interchange (EDI), tagged messages, and the development of a formal language for business communication (FLBC). We favor the latter approach. In this article we compare and contrast these three approaches, present a theoretical basis for an FLBC (using speech act theory), and describe a prototype implementation

    Interchange Fee – Competitiveness of Payment Instruments

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    Purpose of the article: This study describes the markets of payment instruments. It focuses mainly on the systems of credit and debit cards. Authors identify key moments in theory used in this dilemma, called Tourist Test. The market of credit cards and direct debit system is 4 side business, where the Interchange fee plays very important role. Methodology/methods: In this paper was applied secondary research. The secondary research was based on analysis of papers and literature published about Interchange fee including European Commission together with polemic about payment instruments market competitiveness. Scientific aim: The aim of this article is to identify the rules, conditions on the market of payment instruments - the system of credit cards and direct debit system. The authors try to recognize the problems on the demand and supply side. The authors focus on defying the cost-benefit approach, contributed with Tourist test. The Interchange Fee plays the key role. Findings: The approach of the scientific literature pays attention to costs and benefits, its equilibrium, also talking about social utility and social welfare the author is missing the whole impact on end consumer welfare and satisfaction. The dilemma is even more complicated due to the fact that the end consumer does not know he or she is not maximizing his or her utility, apart from the merchant, who is under pressure of margin squeeze. Conclusions: It is needed to start to measure the effectiveness and influence which the existence of Interchange Fee brings. Of course, confront the effectiveness and influence with benefits the Interchange Fee has


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    Efficiency of flow of goods in pharmaceutical industry is essentiallydetermined by efficient warehousing processes. This causes necessity of use oftechnologies for support of flow of pharmaceutical products, whose specific nature forcesapplication of IT systems which perform, except for standard tasks, some auxiliaryfunctions. This paper presents an overview of the IT systems used in chemistries and listsbenefits which can be derived from application of electronic system of medicine ordering.warehousing process, products flow, EDI

    The role in enabling government to organize and operate itself in a more efficient and cost effective manner by using the information technology

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    This paper illustrates the value of interoperability in the delivery of Government e-services: Governmentto- Government, business-to-Government and citizen-to-Government. It describes the many issues involved in achieving successful interoperability programs—together with the tools, technologies and standards that help make this possible.The information technology, the delivery of Government e-services, successful interoperability programs

    Critical success factors for e-tendering implementation in construction collaborative environments : people and process issues

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    The construction industry is increasingly engulfed by globalisation where clients, business partners and customers are found in virtually every corner of the world. Communicating, reaching and supporting them are no longer optional but are imperative for continued business growth and success. A key component of enterprise communication reach is collaborative environments (for the construction industry) which allows customers, suppliers, partners and other project team members secure access to project information, products or services they need at any given moment. Implementation of the stated critical success factors of the project is essential to ensure optimal performance and benefits from the system to all parties involved. This paper presents critical success factors for the implementation of e-tendering in collaborative environments with particular considerations given to the people issues and process factors

    Telematics programme (1991-1994). EUR 15402 EN

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    Study of Tools Interoperability

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    Interoperability of tools usually refers to a combination of methods and techniques that address the problem of making a collection of tools to work together. In this study we survey different notions that are used in this context: interoperability, interaction and integration. We point out relation between these notions, and how it maps to the interoperability problem. We narrow the problem area to the tools development in academia. Tools developed in such environment have a small basis for development, documentation and maintenance. We scrutinise some of the problems and potential solutions related with tools interoperability in such environment. Moreover, we look at two tools developed in the Formal Methods and Tools group1, and analyse the use of different integration techniques
