4 research outputs found

    Analisa Pengaruh Kualitas Website Dan Electronic Word of Mouth Terhadap Reservasi Hotel Online: Persepsi Risiko Dan Minat Beli Online Sebagai Variabel Mediator

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas website dan electronic word of mouth terhadap reservasi hotel online dengan persepsi risiko dan minat beli online sebagai variabel mediator. Kuesioner disebarkan kepada 289 responden dan hasilnya dianalisa menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, semakin baik kualitas website atau Online Travel Agent (OTA), maka semakin tinggi minat beli responden. Electronic word of mouth tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai faktor utama untuk mempengaruhi minat beli online. Persepsi risiko tidak terbukti menjadi variabel yang memperkuat pengaruh antara kualitas website dan electronic word of mouth terhadap pembelian aktual. Selanjutnya minat beli online terbukti dapat menjadi mediator antara kualitas website dan pembelian aktual

    Recurso ao mercado digital para promover o consumo e produção responsáveis

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    Mestrado em Métodos Quantitativos para a Decisão Económica e EmpresarialO desenvolvimento sustentável tem sido um tema cada vez mais debatido nos dias que correm. Com a crescente preocupação com este tema, a necessidade de arranjar formas de combater tudo o que é uma afronta ao consumo e produção irresponsáveis, é cada vez maior. O objetivo deste trabalho é dar resposta ao problema do desperdício dentro da comunidade do ISEG. Deste modo, foi proposto um mercado virtual sustentável que tem como objetivo proporcionar a troca de bens/serviços entre toda a população que faz parte do Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, de forma a consciencializar a população alvo para a reutilização de recursos e para o combate ao desperdício. No seguimento da proposta da solução conceptual, a mesma foi implementada recorrendo a um software open source. Como forma de avaliar se a solução era adequada para solucionar o problema descrito inicialmente, a mesma foi utilizada e avaliada por um conjunto limitado de utilizadores (alunos do Mestrado em Métodos Quantitativos para a Decisão Económica e Empresarial). A análise e avaliação da usabilidade da solução proposta revelam que esta consegue dar resposta, de forma positiva, ao problema apresentado.Sustainable development has been an increasingly debated topic these days. With the growing concern with this issue, the need to find ways to combat everything that is an affront to irresponsible consumption and production, is increasing. The purpose of this paper is to answer the problem of waste within ISEG's community. In this way it is proposed a virtual sustainable market that aims to provide the exchange of goods/services among the entire population that is part of the Lisbon School of Economics and management, in order to raise the awareness of the target population for the reutilization of resources and for combating waste. Following the proposal of the conceptual solution, it was implemented using open source software. As a way of evaluating whether the solution was adequate to solve the problem described, it was used and evaluated by a limited set of people (students of the Master in Quantitative Methods for Economic and Business Decision). An analysis and evaluation of the usability of the proposed solution, revealing that it is able to give a positive answer to the problem presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multimodal social media product reviews and ratings in e-commerce: an empirical approach

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    Since the booming of the internet and the “.com” (e-commerce) in the 1990’s, everything has changed. This improvement created different areas for researchers to investigate and examine, especially in the fields of human computer interaction and social media. This technological revolution has dramatically changed the way we interact with computers, buy, communicate and share information. This thesis investigates multimodal presentations of social media review and rating messages within an e-commerce interface. Multimodality refers to the communication pattern that goes beyond text to include images, audio and media. Multimodality provides a new way of communication, as images, for example, can deliver an additional information which might be difficult or impossible to communicate using text only. Social media can be defined as a two-way interaction using the internet as the communication medium.The overall hypothesis is that the use of multimodal metaphors (sound and avatars) to present social media product r views will improve the usability of the ecommerce interface and increase the user understanding, reduce the time needed to make a decision when compared to non-multimodal presentations. E-commerce usability refers to the presentation, accessibility and clarity of information. An experimental e-commerce platform was developed to investigate the particular interactive circumstances that multimodal metaphors may benefit the social media communication of reviews of products to users. The first experiment using three conditions (text with emoji’s, earcons and facially expressive avatars) measured the user comprehension, understanding information, user satisfaction with the way in which information was communicated and social media preference in e-commerce. The second experiment investigated the time taken by users to understand information, understanding information correctly, user satisfaction and user enjoyment using three conditions (emoji’s, facially expressive avatar and animation clips) in ecommerce platform. The results of the first set experiments of the showed that the text with emoji’s and the use of facially expressive avatar conditions had improved the users’ performance through understanding information effectively and making decisions quicker compared to the earcons condition. In the second experiment, the results showed that the users performed better (understanding information, understating information faster) using the emoji’s and the facially expressive avatar presentations compared to the use of the animation clip condition. A set of empirically derived guidelines to implement these metaphors to communicate social media product reviews in e-commerce interface have been presented

    Electronic Commerce and Business-to-Consumer( B2C) Relations

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    This article discusses some of the recent trends in relation the role that electronic commerce can play in business-to-consumer (B2C) relations, including the importance of understanding the behaviour of online customers and the role that e-commerce can play in managing customer relationships online. The article serves as an introduction to this special edition of the journal, which examined the use of electronic commerce in dealings with consumers