2 research outputs found

    Applications of Category Theory to Programming and Program Specification

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    Category theory is proving a useful tool in programming and program specification - not only as a descriptive language but as directly applicable to programming and specification tasks. Category theory achieves a level of generality of description at which computation is still possible. We show that theorems from category theory often have constructive proofs in the sense that they may be encoded as programs. In particular we look at the computation of colimits in categories showing that general theorems give rise to routines which considerably simplify the rather awkward computation of colimits. The general routines arising from categorical constructions can be used to build programs in the 'combinatorial' style of programming. We show this with an example - a program to implement the semantics of a specification language. More importantly, the intimate relationship between these routines and algebraic specifications allows us to develop programs from certain forms of specifications. Later we turn to algebraic specifications themselves and look at properties of "monadic theories". We establish that, under suitable conditions: 1. Signatures and presentations may be defined for monadic theories and free theories on a signature may be constructed. 2. Theory morphisms give rise to ad junctions between categories of algebras and moreover a collection of algebras of a theory give rise to a new theory with certain properties. 3. Finite colimits and certain factorisations exist in categories of monadic theories. 4. Many-sorted, order-sorted and even category-sorted theories may be handled by somewhat extending the notion of monadic theories. These results show that monadic theories are sufficiently well-behaved to be used in the semantics of algebraic specification languages. Some of the constructions can be encoded as programs by the techniques mentioned above

    Semantics, Implementation and Pragmatics of Clear, a Program Specification Language

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    Specifications are necessary for communicating decisions and intentions and for documenting results at many stages of the program development process. Informal specifications are typically used today, but they are imprecise and often ambiguous. Formal specifications are precise and exact but are more difficult to write and understand. We present work aimed toward enabling the practical use of formal specifications in program development, concentrating on the Clear language for structured algebraic specification. Two different but equivalent denotational semantics for Clear are given. One is a version of a semantics due to Burstall and Goguen with a few corrections, in which the category-theoretic notion of a colimit is used to define Clear's structuring operations independently of the underlying 'institution' (logical formalism). The other semantics defines the same operations by means of straightforward set-theoretic constructions; it is not institutionindependent but it can be modified to handle all institutions of apparent interest. Both versions of the semantics have been implemented. The settheoretic implementation is by far the more useful of the two, and includes a parser and typechecker. An implementation is useful for detecting syntax and type errors in specifications, and can be used as a front end for systems which manipulate specifications. Several large specifications which have been processed by the set-theoretic implementation are presented. A semi-automatic theorem prover for Clear built on top of the Edinburgh LCF system is described. It takes advantage of the structure of Clear specifications to restrict the available information to that which seems relevant to proving the theorem at hand. If the system is unable to prove a theorem automatically the user can attempt the proof interactively using the high-level primitives and inference rules provided. We lay a theoretical foundation for the use of Clear in systematic program development by investigating a new notion of the implementation of a specification by a lower-level specification. This notion extends to handle parameterised specifications. We show that this implementation relation is transitive and commutes with Clear's structuring operations under certain conditions. This means that a large specification can be refined to a program in a gradual and modular fashion, where the correctness of the individual refinements guarantees the correctness of the resulting program