6 research outputs found

    Towards an Optimal Level of Information Systems Flexibility - A Conceptual Model

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    While insufficient flexibility of an information system to support a given business process precludes system use in certain cases, excessive flexibility can limit system usability (Silver 1991), in addition to presenting an unnecessary investment. Despite a wealth of research on flexibility and its impacts on organizations and business processes (esp. manufacturing), the value of flexibility and the price at which it comes have rarely been included into the analysis, with the result that guidelines to determine an appropriate (let alone optimal) level of flexibility of organizations, business processes or information systems have not been developed. To support decisions regarding information system flexibility, the current paper presents a conceptual model that determines the performance of a given business process during the lifetime of a supporting information system, with performance measured as costefficiency. The focus of the model is on the trade-off between investments in two types of flexibility: flexibility to use and flexibility to change an information system. After presenting the conceptual model, directions for further research are pointed out

    Information-shared postponement strategies in supply chain management

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    O impacto das novas tecnologias de informação na gestão da cadeia logística

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    Mestrado em Gestão de OperaçõesAs tendências actuais dos mercados, de crescente abertura e elevado dinamismo, associadas ao desenvolvimento das novas tecnologias e do ebusiness, não permitem que na competição entre empresas estas se comportem como entidades independentes, mas sim como parte integrante de uma cadeia de fornecimentos, colocando em causa a capacidade dos modelos tradicionais responderem aos desafios da nova economia. O presente trabalho propõe-se sintetizar os principais factores que estão na base do desenvolvimento e aplicação do conceito de gestão integrada da cadeia logística, e que levam à afirmação da cadeia logística como uma fonte competitiva por excelência.Today’s more open and dynamic trends in markets, together with the development of new technologies and e-business don’t allow companies to compete on their own, but as a part of the integrated supply chain. Due to this fact, the capability of the traditional models to face the challenges of the new economy is endangered. The aim of this work is to summarise the main factors that lie behind the development and use of the concept of integrated supply chain management that turn the supply chain into a major competitive source

    Risk management in emerging fashion markets

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    Apparel retailers operating in global markets need to consider all kind of risks associated with their expansion strategies. Emerging markets present a unique profile of risks including geopolitical, regulatory, financial, currency and governance. Companies operating in emerging markets must protect their investment and develop safeguards against risks. This can be achieved through an understanding of the country‘s requirements for business and by tailoring their supply chain strategies to meet the unique needs of each market. The European integration allows countries with emerging and developing economies to offer opportunities for business growth and high returns. However, as they conceal greater risk than mature markets, a coherent strategy is necessary with strong communication links within the supply chain and an effective risk management framework is needed. Through the initial literature review it was hypothesised that countries at different stages of becoming emerging markets would present different levels of risks for fashion apparel firms. The meaning of risk within the business environment is evaluated and the tools that organisations have developed according to companies‘ risk appetite. A deductive qualitative approach to this research employs case studies of three Eastern European Countries - Hungary, Czech Republic and Greece and four fashion retailers – Esprit, Mango, H&M and Zara. Risks, uncertainties and disruptions that the companies had reported were connected with the risks identified in the selected markets. Twelve models were developed in order to test the hypothesis and satisfy the objectives. The models were based on the impact of, and the frequency of the risks identified by measuring the risk factors of Political, Economical, Social, Technological, Legal, Environmental and Supply Chain (PESTLE). First of all, the evaluation of the risk factors in each set of companies and countries was presented by creating a generic model showing the different levels of risk and following with an identification of risks concealed in each country for each company. On the basis of risks and uncertainties, each of the selected companies presented information regarding risks according to its nature and its risk appetite. The generic model was developed using IRM, COSO and ONDD frameworks. The risk factors were measured qualitatively and were determined by multiplying the impact and the PhD Risk Management in Emerging Fashion Markets Manchester Metropolitan University iv likelihood presented in additional tables, and expressed as ratios. The results of this study do not show significant differences in the examined risk areas as it was expected. However, Greece presented a slightly riskier character than Hungary and Czech Republic which are still developing. This can easily be seen in the models