11 research outputs found

    Training working memory to improve attentional control in anxiety: a proof-of-principle study using behavioral and electrophysiological measures

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    Trait anxiety is associated with impairments in attentional control and processing efficiency (see Berggren & Derakshan, 2013for a review). Working memory training using the adaptive dual n-back task has shown to improve attentional control in subclinical depression with transfer effects at the behavioral and neural level on a working memory task (Owens, Koster, & Derakshan, 2013). Here, we examined the beneficial effects of working memory training on attentional control in pre-selected high trait anxious individuals who underwent a three week daily training intervention using the adaptive dual n-back task. Pre and post outcome measures of attentional control were assessed using a Flanker task that included a stress induction and an emotional Antisaccade task (with angry and neutral faces as target). Resting state EEG (Theta/Beta ratio) was recorded to as a neural marker of trait attentional control. Our results showed that adaptive working memory training improved attentional control with transfer effects on the Flanker task and resting state EEG, but effects of training on the Antisaccade task were less conclusive. Finally, training related gains were associated with lower levels of trait anxiety at post (vs pre) intervention. Our results demonstrate that adaptive working memory training in anxiety can have beneficial effects on attentional control and cognitive performance that may protect against emotional vulnerability in individuals at risk of developing clinical anxiety

    Spatial attention affects the early processing of neutral versus fearful faces when they are task-irrelevant: a classifier study of the EEG C1 component

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    EEG studies suggest that the emotional content of visual stimuli is processed rapidly. In particular, the C1 component, which occurs up to 100 ms after stimulus onset and likely reflects activity in primary visual cortex V1, has been reported to be sensitive to emotional faces. However, difficulties replicating these results have been reported. We hypothesized that the nature of the task and attentional condition are key to reconcile the conflicting findings. We report three experiments of EEG activity during the C1 time range elicited by peripherally presented neutral and fearful faces under various attentional conditions: the faces were spatially attended or unattended and were either task-relevant or not. Using traditional event-related potential analysis, we found that the early activity changed depending on facial expression, attentional condition, and task. In addition, we trained classifiers to discriminate the different conditions from the EEG signals. Although the classifiers were not able to discriminate between facial expressions in any condition, they uncovered differences between spatially attended and unattended faces but solely when these were task-irrelevant. In addition, this effect was only present for neutral faces. Our study provides further indication that attention and task are key parameters when measuring early differences between emotional and neutral visual stimuli

    Influence of positive emotion on attentional breadth: an experimental approach

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    Emotion Regulation and Vulnerability to Depression: A Longitudinal Test of the Diathesis-Stress Model

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    Maladaptive emotion regulation is an established vulnerability marker for depression. Within a diathesis-stress framework individual differences in emotion regulation constitute sensitivity to stress, such that people who are less able to effectively regulate their emotions are more likely to become depressed when stress is encountered. Markers of maladaptive emotion regulation have been examined from affective, neurological, and cognitive perspectives and, for the most part, have been examined in independent lines of research. As such, the independent and interactive contributions of maladaptive emotion regulation markers are still unknown. The current thesis addresses this gap with a longitudinal study. Emotion regulation markers and depression were assessed at the outset of the study (time one) then life stress and depression were measured three months (time two) and twelve months (time three) later. Three trait measures of emotion regulation were assessed: spontaneous emotion regulation (as indexed by startle reactivity following negative images), frontal and parietal resting EEG asymmetries, and brooding rumination. All emotion regulation markers were found to be independent markers of vulnerability to depression. The emotion regulation markers measured at time one were then tested within a diathesis stress framework to predict stress sensitivity at time two. Poorer online regulation interacted with life stress to predict depression. That is, poor online regulators were sensitive to stress at three months, whereas good online regulators were not. Stress sensitivity was tested again at time three, twelve months after the initial assessment. At this time point frontal asymmetry, parietal asymmetry and life stress interacted to predict depression. When right parietal activity was low, rightward frontal asymmetries showed more sensitivity to stress. However, people with leftward asymmetries showed less stress sensitivity. Brooding predicted depression at three months but not at twelve months and did not interact with stress at either time point. The findings of this thesis show that, within the diathesis-stress framework, online regulation measures indicate short-term sensitivity to stress; however, EEG asymmetry measures show sensitivity to stress in the longer term

    The role of attentional flexibility during emotion processing in resilience and emotional disorders

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    Criticism, self-esteem and the depressed brain : an experimental approach

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