4 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Harmonic and Interharmonic Contribution of Electric Arc Furnace by Using Periodogram

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    Fast and accurate detection of the harmonic and interharmonic contribution of electric arc furnace (EAF) is crucial in identifying and to mitigate the undesired effects to the system.  In this paper, periodogram, a fast and accurate technique is introduced for the analysis of the contribution. Based on a rule-based classifier and the threshold settings that referred to the IEEE Standard 1159 2009, the analysis of the harmonic and interharmonic contribution of EAF are carried out successfully. Moreover, the impact of contribution is measured using total harmonic distortion (THD) and total non-harmonic distortion (TnHD). In addition, periodogram also gives 100 percent correct detection and able to analyze the contribution impact. It is proven that the proposed method is accurate, fast and cost efficient for analyzing the impact of harmonic and interharmonic of EAF

    Estudio de Falla de Transformadores de Distribución en el Oriente de Caldas

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    La expansión de la red eléctrica a las zonas rurales en ubicaciones remotas, tienen que tener en cuenta después de una evaluación detallada de los aspectos técnicos y económicos, un aporte subjetivo en lo socio-económico, sin olvidar el punto de vista de beneficio global para la sociedad En Colombia se hace evidente el esfuerzo realizado por las empresas electrificadoras de expandir las redes eléctricas a todas las zonas rurales del país; cabe mencionar que a pesar de los esfuerzos reiterados por mejorar el suministro de energía en zonas rurales, las condiciones geográficas y atmosféricas suelen deteriorar y/o dañar los equipos que permiten la distribución de la energía, haciendo así que la labor sea más compleja; esto se refleja en mayores tiempos de indisponibilidad del servicio afectando a los usuarios, y mayores costos para la empresa. La tesis aborda el estudio de la alta tasa de falla de transformadores de distribución instalados en la zona rural del oriente del departamento de Caldas. La metodología implementada en el estudio, permite realizar el análisis de causa raíz, calculo de la tasa de falla e identificación de la zona critica de falla; adicionalmente, se evalúan soluciones convencionales y su apropiada implementación para disminuir el alto índice de falla de los transformadoresAbstract : The expansion of the electricity grid to rural areas in remote locations, it should be considered after a thorough technical and financial evaluation, with a subjective socio-economic contribution and without forgetting the overall benefit to society. Electrical companies in Colombia have made great efforts to expand electrical networks to all rural areas of the country; it is noteworthy that despite repeated efforts to improve the power supply in this area, geographical and atmospheric conditions often deteriorate and/or damage the network equipment used for the distribution of energy. Thus, the work becomes more complex and the outcome is higher downtimes affecting users, and higher costs affecting electrical utilities. This thesis undertakes the study of the high rate of failures in installed distribution transformers in rural zone of Caldas ́s eastern; The methodology implemented enables root cause analysis, calculation of the failure rate and identification of critical zone of failure; additionally, conventional solutions and their proper implementation are evaluated to reduce the high rate of failure of transformersMaestrí

    Electric arc furnace model in distribution systems

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