14,879 research outputs found

    Non-adiabatic dynamics in 10Be with the microscopic alpha+alpha+N+N model

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    The alpha+6He low-energy reactions and the structural changes of 10Be in the microscopic alpha+alpha+N+N model are studied by the generalized two-center cluster model with the Kohn-Hulthen-Kato variation method. It is found that, in the inelastic scattering to the alpha+6He(2+) channel, characteristic enhancements are expected as the results of the parity-dependent non-adiabatic dynamics. In the positive parity state, the enhancement originates from the excited eigenstate generated by the radial excitation of the relative motion between two alpha-cores. On the other hand, the enhancement in the negative parity state is induced by the Landau-Zener level-crossing. These non-adiabatic processes are discussed in connection to the formation of the inversion doublet in the compound system of 10Be.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Atomic hydrogen cleaning of GaSb(001) surfaces

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    We show that the (001) surface of GaSb can be cleaned efficiently by exposure to atomic hydrogen at substrate temperatures in the range 400–470 °C. This treatment removes carbon and oxygen contamination, leaving a clean, ordered surface with a symmetric (1 × 3) reconstruction after a total H2 dose of approximately 150 kL. An ordered but partially oxidized surface is generated during cleaning, and the removal of this residual oxide is the most difficult part of the process. Auger electron spectroscopy and low energy electron diffraction were used to monitor the chemical cleanliness and the ordering of the surface during the cleaning process, whereas high resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy was used to probe the electronic structure in the near-surface region. The results obtained indicates that this cleaning procedure leaves no residual electronic damage in the near-surface region of the Te-doped (n ~ 5 × 1017 cm – 3) samples of GaSb(001) studied

    Missing dimer defects investigated by adsorption of nitric oxide (NO) on silicon (100) 2 × 1

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    This paper describes a study concerning the interaction of nitric oxide (NO) with the clean Si(100)2×1 surface in ultra-high vacuum at room temperature. Differential reflectometry (DR) in the photon energy range of 2.4–4.4 eV. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and low energy electron diffraction (LEED) have been used to investigate the chemisorption of NO on Si(100)2×1. With this combination of techniques it is possible to make an analysis of the geometric and electronic structure and chemical composition of the surface layer. The aim of the present study was to explain the experimental results of the adsorption of NO on the clean Si(100)2×1 at 300 K. Analysing the electronic and geometric structure of a simplified stepped 2×1 reconstructed Si(100) surface and of the NO molecule in combination with the use of Woodward-Hoffmann rules (WHR) we were able to model a surface defect specific adsorption mechanism. Surface defects such as missing dimer defects seem to play an important role in the adsorption mechanism of NO on the silicon surface. The experimental results are consistent with this developed model. We also suggest a relation between the missing dimer defects and the number of steps on the silicon surface

    Crystallographic structure of ultrathin Fe films on Cu(100)

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    We report bcc-like crystal structures in 2-4 ML Fe films grown on fcc Cu(100) using scanning tunneling microscopy. The local bcc structure provides a straightforward explanation for their frequently reported outstanding magnetic properties, i.e., ferromagnetic ordering in all layers with a Curie temperature above 300 K. The non-pseudomorphic structure, which becomes pseudomorphic above 4 ML film thickness is unexpected in terms of conventional rules of thin film growth and stresses the importance of finite thickness effects in ferromagnetic ultrathin films.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX/LaTeX2.0

    Acoustic Emission from crumpling paper

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    From magnetic systems to the crust of the earth, many physical systems that exibit a multiplicty of metastable states emit pulses with a broad power law distribution in energy. Digital audio recordings reveal that paper being crumpled, a system that can be easily held in hand, is such a system. Crumpling paper both using the traditional hand method and a novel cylindrical geometry uncovered a power law distribution of pulse energies spanning at least two decades: (exponent 1.3 - 1.6) Crumpling initally flat sheets into a compact ball (strong crumpling), we found little or no evidence that the energy distribution varied systematically over time or the size of the sheet. When we applied repetitive small deformations (weak crumpling) to sheets which had been previously folded along a regular grid, we found no systematic dependence on the grid spacing. Our results suggest that the pulse energy depends only weakly on the size of the paper regions responsible for sound production.Comment: 12 pages of text, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. E, additional information availible at http://www.msc.cornell.edu/~houle/crumpling
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