30 research outputs found

    Europäische Klimapolitik und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit

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    Welche Folgen haben die politischen Strategien der Europäischen Union? Durch die methodische Verbesserung und Verknüpfung von Simulationsmodellen können nun die Auswirkungen auf das Bruttosozialprodukt der Mitgliedstaaten oder die gesamtwirtschaftlichen Schadstoffemissionen abgeschätzt werden

    Use of rrocess mining to verify and validate simulation models in production and logistics

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    Verification and validation (V&V) are imperative to ensure the success of a simulation study but are often insufficiently considered in practice due to the effort associated with V&V-activities. This contribution discusses the application of process mining techniques to check the validity of discrete event simulation models in production and logistics. For this purpose, we present a morphological box which highlights the scope of process mining in the context of V&V for simulation models and distinguishes between different V&V items, aspects of validity, and V&Vcriteria. Subsequently, the paper describes how a real system can be related to the behaviour of a simulation model and presents two scenarios for process miningsupported V&V using a reference example

    Connected Digital Twin for incorporating material flow simulation during product development

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    Changeable production systems do not consider the development and design of a product comprehensively enough. Material flow simulations are useful for considering product changes from a production point of view when used to verify concepts in the planning phase and to check for weak points. While simultaneous engineering is made possible by creating a material flow simulation at an early stage of product development, the creation of simulations is very time consuming and the added value of a simulation is often not fully recognised. In this paper, a concept is presented that helps to reduce the effort of creating and adapting simulation models by relying on the properties of flexibility and easy reconfigurability of adaptive production systems

    Simulation-based analysis of abstraction degrees in the context of Digital Twins for intralogistics transport systems

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    Current challenges in the planning and control of internal logistics systems are based on permanent changes in the requirements on the system, e.g., due to fluctuating order numbers or changes in their structure. For the representation and planning of in-house logistics processes, digital twins offer the possibility to verify different operational decisions such as predictive workforce scheduling. In this context, the quality of the results and their in-time presentation plays a decisive role. However, both target criteria are influenced by the detail-level of the digital representation. Based on a case study, this paper investigates the influence of the level of detail on the simulation runtime and result divergence to provide an evaluation for detail levels in the modelling of intralogistic transport systems

    Gekoppelte, unternehmensĂĽbergreifende Simulation mobiler Arbeitsmaschinen

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    Im Entwicklungsprozess von mobilen Arbeitsmaschinen spielt die Simulation eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Dabei müssen komplexe Systeme aus Mechanik, Hydraulik und Regelung abgebildet werden. Die heute verfügbaren Simulationsprogramme bieten nur mit Einschränkungen die Möglichkeit, diese Systeme mit einem Programm komplett abzubilden. Daneben ist es möglich, für jede Disziplin ein spezialisiertes Programm zu verwenden und durch eine so genannte Co-Simulation zu verbinden. Zahlreiche Programme bieten bereits derartige Schnittstellen an, aber insbesondere bei der Einbindung komplexer hydraulischer Systeme sind noch verschiedene Schwierigkeiten zu überwinden. Hier soll das Projekt GUSMA Grundlagen erarbeiten und die Anwendung einer Co-Simulation an einem typischen Beispiel einer geregelten Komforthydraulik aufzeigen. Der Prozess der Co-Simulation soll standardisiert und eine Plattform etabliert werden, auf der die gekoppelte Simulation anhand einer standardisierten Vorgehensweise durchgeführt werden kann. Um die gewachsene enge Lieferantenbeziehung, die für den Bereich der mobilen Arbeitsmaschinen typisch ist, auszubauen, soll die Möglichkeit geschaffen werden, Teilsimulationsmodelle des Lieferanten in das Gesamtmodell einzubauen. Dabei muss ein besonderes Augenmerk auf das Thema Know-how Schutz gelegt werden


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    Verlinkung von Modellen, Politikfolgenabschätzung, Einkommenswirkung, Agricultural Finance, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Iterative optimization-based simulation in practice – simulation of the surface finishing at Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH

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    The Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH plans a shift in their production program, which might require adaptions in the logistics. A discrete event simulation model is used to evaluate the impact of the new production program on logistics and the effects of various adaptations. In practice, however, optimization algorithms are applied in this system to facilitate resource planning, e.g., for loading train wagons or crane scheduling. To develop a valid production system model, it was necessary to implement optimization algorithms directly within the simulation and execute them iteratively during the simulation run. Using this approach, different adaptions of the logistic system could be evaluated. The approach to implementing iterative optimization-based simulation in practice and the lessons learned are reported

    Integration von Planungssystemen in der Logistik – Ansatz und Anwendung

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    Während noch vor wenigen Jahren die meisten Produktions- oder Handelsunternehmen eigene Logistikabteilungen unterhielten, so sind Logistikfunktionen heute weitestgehend an Logistikdienstleister in Kontraktform ausgelagert. Eine der Hauptaufgaben von Logistikdienstleistern liegt in der mehrstufigen Planung logistischer Dienstleistungen für den Kunden. Sie schließt zahlreiche, meist isoliert betrachtete Planungsschritte ein. Für die Logistikplanung stellt dieser Beitrag einen Ansatz zur Integration von Planungssystemen in der Logistik auf Basis der Modellintegration vor. Am Beispiel der Prozessplanung und der Prozesssimulation wird gezeigt wie mit diesem Ansatz Modelle zwischen Planungssystemen konsistent wiederverwendet werden können

    Arbeitsplätze und Beschäftigungswirkungen im und durch das System der Privaten Krankenversicherung (PKV): Kommentierter Literatur-Review unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Transformationsmodellen zur Bürgerversicherung

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    This paper offers a systematic literature review about jobs and related employment impacts in and by the system of private health insurance (Private Krankenversicherung, PKV). The available literature shows the varying evaluation of private health insurance’s relevance for labor policy depending on emphasis, perspective, methodology and delineation in use. The estimated employment impact of the private health insurance field as insurance carrier and as financier of health care services are complex. Therefore, the number of affected jobs of numerous transformation scenarios to a single-payer system which are discussed by political stakeholders would be substantial. Employment trade-offs in the private health insurance field as insurance carrier are explicitly regarded as unrealistic in current research literature. Neither the expansion of supplementary insurance business in the private health insurance nor employment creation in the statutory health insurance system seems expectable. Additionally, private health insurance companies might refuse to enter the single-payer system-market because of little prospect for success. That would parallel a “cold start” in an unknown and already fully occupied market. Employment impacts through a loss of funding for health care services could be compensated if the financing share of private patients doesn’t lead to a financial loss for health care service providers. In return, that would result in an increase of contribution rate by 1.5 contribution rate points as pointed out in the literature

    Arbeitsplätze und Beschäftigungswirkungen im und durch das System der Privaten Krankenversicherung (PKV): Kommentierter Literatur-Review unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Transformationsmodellen zur Bürgerversicherung

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    This paper offers a systematic literature review about jobs and related employment impacts in and by the system of private health insurance (Private Krankenversicherung, PKV). The available literature shows the varying evaluation of private health insurance’s relevance for labor policy depending on emphasis, perspective, methodology and delineation in use. The estimated employment impact of the private health insurance field as insurance carrier and as financier of health care services are complex. Therefore, the number of affected jobs of numerous transformation scenarios to a single-payer system which are discussed by political stakeholders would be substantial. Employment trade-offs in the private health insurance field as insurance carrier are explicitly regarded as unrealistic in current research literature. Neither the expansion of supplementary insurance business in the private health insurance nor employment creation in the statutory health insurance system seems expectable. Additionally, private health insurance companies might refuse to enter the single-payer system-market because of little prospect for success. That would parallel a “cold start” in an unknown and already fully occupied market. Employment impacts through a loss of funding for health care services could be compensated if the financing share of private patients doesn’t lead to a financial loss for health care service providers. In return, that would result in an increase of contribution rate by 1.5 contribution rate points as pointed out in the literature