1,894 research outputs found

    Perception Through 2D-MIMO FMCW Automotive Radar Under Adverse Weather

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    Millimeter-wave (mmWave) radars are being increasingly integrated in commercial vehicles to support new Adaptive Driver Assisted Systems (ADAS) features that require accurate location and Doppler velocity estimates of objects, independent of environmental conditions. To explore radar-based ADAS applications, we have updated our test-bed with Texas Instrument's 4-chip cascaded FMCW radar (TIDEP-01012) that forms a non-uniform 2D MIMO virtual array. In this paper, we develop the necessary received signal models for applying different direction of arrival (DoA) estimation algorithms and experimentally validating their performance on formed virtual array under controlled scenarios. To test the robustness of mmWave radars under adverse weather conditions, we collected raw radar dataset (I-Q samples post demodulated) for various objects by a driven vehicle-mounted platform, specifically for snowy and foggy situations where cameras are largely ineffective. Initial results from radar imaging algorithms to this dataset are presented.Comment: 5 page

    Compressive Sensing and Its Applications in Automotive Radar Systems

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    Die Entwicklung in Richtung zu autonomem Fahren verspricht, künftig einen sicheren Verkehr ohne tödliche Unfälle zu ermöglichen, indem menschliche Fahrer vollständig ersetzt werden. Dadurch entfällt der Faktor des menschlichen Fehlers, der aus Müdigkeit, Unachtsamkeit oder Alkoholeinfluss resultiert. Um jedoch eine breite Akzeptanz für autonome Fahrzeuge zu erreichen und es somit eines Tages vollständig umzusetzen, sind noch eine Vielzahl von Herausforderungen zu lösen. Da in einem autonomen Fahrzeug kein menschlicher Fahrer mehr in Notfällen eingreifen kann, müssen sich autonome Fahrzeuge auf leistungsfähige und robuste Sensorsysteme verlassen können, um in kritischen Situationen auch unter widrigen Bedingungen angemessen reagieren zu können. Daher ist die Entwicklung von Sensorsystemen erforderlich, die für Funktionalitäten jenseits der aktuellen advanced driver assistance systems eingesetzt werden können. Dies resultiert in neuen Anforderungen, die erfüllt werden müssen, um sichere und zuverlässige autonome Fahrzeuge zu realisieren, die weder Fahrzeuginsassen noch Passanten gefährden. Radarsysteme gehören zu den Schlüsselkomponenten unter der Vielzahl der verfügbaren Sensorsysteme, da sie im Gegensatz zu visuellen Sensoren von widrigen Wetter- und Umgebungsbedingungen kaum beeinträchtigt werden. Darüber hinaus liefern Radarsysteme zusätzliche Umgebungsinformationen wie Abstand, Winkel und relative Geschwindigkeit zwischen Sensor und reflektierenden Zielen. Die vorliegende Dissertation deckt im Wesentlichen zwei Hauptaspekte der Forschung und Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der Radarsysteme im Automobilbereich ab. Ein Aspekt ist die Steigerung der Effizienz und Robustheit der Signalerfassung und -verarbeitung für die Radarperzeption. Der andere Aspekt ist die Beschleunigung der Validierung und Verifizierung von automated cyber-physical systems, die parallel zum Automatisierungsgrad auch eine höhere Komplexität aufweisen. Nach der Analyse zahlreicher möglicher Compressive Sensing Methoden, die im Bereich Fahrzeugradarsysteme angewendet werden können, wird ein rauschmoduliertes gepulstes Radarsystem vorgestellt, das kommerzielle Fahrzeugradarsysteme in seiner Robustheit gegenüber Rauschen übertrifft. Die Nachteile anderer gepulster Radarsysteme hinsichtlich des Signalerfassungsaufwands und der Laufzeit werden durch die Verwendung eines Compressive Sensing-Signalerfassungs- und Rekonstruktionsverfahrens in Kombination mit einer Rauschmodulation deutlich verringert. Mit Compressive Sensing konnte der Aufwand für die Signalerfassung um 70% reduziert werden, während gleichzeitig die Robustheit der Radarwahrnehmung auch für signal-to-noise-ratio-Pegel nahe oder unter Null erreicht wird. Mit einem validierten Radarsensormodell wurde das Rauschradarsystem emuliert und mit einem kommerziellen Fahrzeugradarsystem verglichen. Datengetriebene Wettermodelle wurden entwickelt und während der Simulation angewendet, um die Radarleistung unter widrigen Bedingungen zu bewerten. Während eine Besprühung mit Wasser die Radomdämpfung um 10 dB erhöht und Spritzwasser sogar um 20 dB, ergibt sich die eigentliche Begrenzung aus der Rauschzahl und Empfindlichkeit des Empfängers. Es konnte bewiesen werden, dass das vorgeschlagene Compressive Sensing Rauschradarsystem mit einer zusätzlichen Signaldämpfung von bis zu 60 dB umgehen kann und damit eine hohe Robustheit in ungünstigen Umwelt- und Wetterbedingungen aufweist. Neben der Robustheit wird auch die Interferenz berücksichtigt. Zum einen wird die erhöhte Störfestigkeit des Störradarsystems nachgewiesen. Auf der anderen Seite werden die Auswirkungen auf bestehende Fahrzeugradarsysteme bewertet und Strategien zur Minderung der Auswirkungen vorgestellt. Die Struktur der Arbeit ist folgende. Nach der Einführung der Grundlagen und Methoden für Fahrzeugradarsysteme werden die Theorie und Metriken hinter Compressive Sensing gezeigt. Darüber hinaus werden weitere Aspekte wie Umgebungsbedingungen, unterschiedliche Radararchitekturen und Interferenz erläutert. Der Stand der Technik gibt einen Überblick über Compressive Sensing-Ansätze und Implementierungen mit einem Fokus auf Radar. Darüber hinaus werden Aspekte von Fahrzeug- und Rauschradarsystemen behandelt. Der Hauptteil beginnt mit der Vorstellung verschiedener Ansätze zur Nutzung von Compressive Sensing für Fahrzeugradarsysteme, die in der Lage sind, die Erfassung und Wahrnehmung von Radarsignalen zu verbessern oder zu erweitern. Anschließend wird der Fokus auf ein Rauschradarsystem gelegt, das mit Compressive Sensing eine effiziente Signalerfassung und -rekonstruktion ermöglicht. Es wurde mit verschiedenen Compressive Sensing-Metriken analysiert und in einer Proof-of-Concept-Simulation bewertet. Mit einer Emulation des Rauschradarsystems wurde das Potential der Compressive Sensing Signalerfassung und -verarbeitung in einem realistischeren Szenario demonstriert. Die Entwicklung und Validierung des zugrunde liegenden Sensormodells wird ebenso dokumentiert wie die Entwicklung der datengetriebenen Wettermodelle. Nach der Betrachtung von Interferenz und der Koexistenz des Rauschradars mit kommerziellen Radarsystemen schließt ein letztes Kapitel mit Schlussfolgerungen und einem Ausblick die Arbeit ab.Developments towards autonomous driving promise to lead to safer traffic, where fatal accidents can be avoided after making human drivers obsolete and hence removing the factor of human error. However, to ensure the acceptance of automated driving and make it a reality one day, still a huge amount of challenges need to be solved. With having no human supervisors, automated vehicles have to rely on capable and robust sensor systems to ensure adequate reactions in critical situations, even during adverse conditions. Therefore, the development of sensor systems is required that can be applied for functionalities beyond current advanced driver assistance systems. New requirements need to be met in order to realize safe and reliable automated vehicles that do not harm passersby. Radar systems belong to the key components among the variety of sensor systems. Other than visual sensors, radar is less vulnerable towards adverse weather and environment conditions. In addition, radar provides complementary environment information such as target distance, angular position or relative velocity, too. The thesis ad hand covers basically two main aspects of research and development in the field of automotive radar systems. One aspect is to increase efficiency and robustness in signal acquisition and processing for radar perception. The other aspect is to accelerate validation and verification of automated cyber-physical systems that feature more complexity along with the level of automation. After analyzing a variety of possible Compressive Sensing methods for automotive radar systems, a noise modulated pulsed radar system is suggested in the thesis at hand, which outperforms commercial automotive radar systems in its robustness towards noise. Compared to other pulsed radar systems, their drawbacks regarding signal acquisition effort and computation run time are resolved by using noise modulation for implementing a Compressive Sensing signal acquisition and reconstruction method. Using Compressive Sensing, the effort in signal acquisition was reduced by 70%, while obtaining a radar perception robustness even for signal-to-noise-ratio levels close to or below zero. With a validated radar sensor model the noise radar was emulated and compared to a commercial automotive radar system. Data-driven weather models were developed and applied during simulation to evaluate radar performance in adverse conditions. While water sprinkles increase radome attenuation by 10 dB and splash water even by 20 dB, the actual limitation comes from noise figure and sensitivity of the receiver. The additional signal attenuation that can be handled by the proposed compressive sensing noise radar system proved to be even up to 60 dB, which ensures a high robustness of the receiver during adverse weather and environment conditions. Besides robustness, interference is also considered. On the one hand the increased robustness towards interference of the noise radar system is demonstrated. On the other hand, the impact on existing automotive radar systems is evaluated and strategies to mitigate the impact are presented. The structure of the thesis is the following. After introducing basic principles and methods for automotive radar systems, the theory and metrics of Compressive Sensing is presented. Furthermore some particular aspects are highlighted such as environmental conditions, different radar architectures and interference. The state of the art provides an overview on Compressive Sensing approaches and implementations with focus on radar. In addition, it covers automotive radar and noise radar related aspects. The main part starts with presenting different approaches on making use of Compressive Sensing for automotive radar systems, that are capable of either improving or extending radar signal acquisition and perception. Afterwards the focus is put on a noise radar system that uses Compressive Sensing for an efficient signal acquisition and reconstruction. It was analyzed using different Compressive Sensing metrics and evaluated in a proof-of-concept simulation. With an emulation of the noise radar system the feasibility of the Compressive Sensing signal acquisition and processing was demonstrated in a more realistic scenario. The development and validation of the underlying sensor model is documented as well as the development of the data-driven weather models. After considering interference and co-existence with commercial radar systems, a final chapter with conclusions and an outlook completes the work

    Sparse Automotive MIMO Radar for Super-Resolution Single Snapshot DOA Estimation With Mutual Coupling

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    A novel sparse automotive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar configuration is proposed for low-complexity super-resolution single snapshot direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation. The physical antenna effects are incorporated in the signal model via open-circuited embedded-element patterns (EEPs) and coupling matrices. The transmit (TX) and receive (RX) array are each divided into two uniform sparse sub-arrays with different inter-element spacings to generate two MIMO sets. Since the corresponding virtual arrays (VAs) of both MIMO sets are uniform, the well-known spatial smoothing (SS) algorithm is applied to suppress the temporal correlation among sources. Afterwards, the co-prime array principle between two spatially smoothed VAs is deployed to avoid DOA ambiguities. A performance comparison between the sparse and conventional MIMO radars with the same number of TX and RX channels confirms a spatial resolution enhancement. Meanwhile, the DOA estimation error due to the mutual coupling (MC) is less pronounced in the proposed sparse architecture since antennas in both TX and RX arrays are spaced larger than half wavelength apart

    System architecture for a compact high range resolution frequency comb OFDM radar

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    With increasing demands on resolution and flexibility in current and future radar applications, the focus is moving to digital radar systems such as orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) radars. To achieve high bandwidths and consequently a high range resolution, high sampling rates are needed. To overcome this constraint, an approach called frequency comb OFDM radar has been developed. This paper presents a novel, hardware efficient implementation of such a frequency comb OFDM radar including a novel way of comb generation. Special attention is put on the suppression of unwanted frequency components. Measurements which demonstrate the functionality of the hardware efficient radar system in combination with the frequency comb OFDM technique are presented

    Emerging Approaches for THz Array Imaging: A Tutorial Review and Software Tool

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    Accelerated by the increasing attention drawn by 5G, 6G, and Internet of Things applications, communication and sensing technologies have rapidly evolved from millimeter-wave (mmWave) to terahertz (THz) in recent years. Enabled by significant advancements in electromagnetic (EM) hardware, mmWave and THz frequency regimes spanning 30 GHz to 300 GHz and 300 GHz to 3000 GHz, respectively, can be employed for a host of applications. The main feature of THz systems is high-bandwidth transmission, enabling ultra-high-resolution imaging and high-throughput communications; however, challenges in both the hardware and algorithmic arenas remain for the ubiquitous adoption of THz technology. Spectra comprising mmWave and THz frequencies are well-suited for synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging at sub-millimeter resolutions for a wide spectrum of tasks like material characterization and nondestructive testing (NDT). This article provides a tutorial review of systems and algorithms for THz SAR in the near-field with an emphasis on emerging algorithms that combine signal processing and machine learning techniques. As part of this study, an overview of classical and data-driven THz SAR algorithms is provided, focusing on object detection for security applications and SAR image super-resolution. We also discuss relevant issues, challenges, and future research directions for emerging algorithms and THz SAR, including standardization of system and algorithm benchmarking, adoption of state-of-the-art deep learning techniques, signal processing-optimized machine learning, and hybrid data-driven signal processing algorithms...Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of IEE

    Sparse Array Architectures for Wireless Communication and Radar Applications

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    This thesis focuses on sparse array architectures for the next generation of wireless communication, known as fifth-generation (5G), and automotive radar direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation. For both applications, array spatial resolution plays a critical role to better distinguish multiple users/sources. Two novel base station antenna (BSA) configurations and a new sparse MIMO radar, which both outperform their conventional counterparts, are proposed.\ua0We first develop a multi-user (MU) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) simulation platform which incorporates both antenna and channel effects based on standard network theory. The combined transmitter-channel-receiver is modeled by cascading Z-matrices to interrelate the port voltages/currents to one another in the linear network model. The herein formulated channel matrix includes physical antenna and channel effects and thus enables us to compute the actual port powers. This is in contrast with the assumptions of isotropic radiators without mutual coupling effects which are commonly being used in the Wireless Community.\ua0Since it is observed in our model that the sum-rate of a MU-MIMO system can be adversely affected by antenna gain pattern variations, a novel BSA configuration is proposed by combining field-of-view (FOV) sectorization, array panelization and array sparsification. A multi-panel BSA, equipped with sparse arrays in each panel, is presented with the aim of reducing the implementation complexities and maintaining or even improving the sum-rate.\ua0We also propose a capacity-driven array synthesis in the presence of mutual coupling for a MU-MIMO system. We show that the appearance of\ua0grating lobes is degrading the system capacity and cannot be disregarded in a MU communication, where space division\ua0multiple access (SDMA) is applied. With the aid of sparsity and aperiodicity, the adverse effects of grating lobes and mutual coupling\ua0are suppressed and capacity is enhanced. This is performed by proposing a two-phase optimization. In Phase I, the problem\ua0is relaxed to a convex optimization by ignoring the mutual coupling and weakening the constraints. The solution of Phase I\ua0is used as the initial guess for the genetic algorithm (GA) in phase II, where the mutual coupling is taken into account. The\ua0proposed hybrid algorithm outperforms the conventional GA with random initialization.\ua0A novel sparse MIMO radar is presented for high-resolution single snapshot DOA estimation. Both transmit and receive arrays are divided into two uniform arrays with increased inter-element spacings to generate two uniform sparse virtual arrays. Since virtual arrays are uniform, conventional spatial smoothing can be applied for temporal correlation suppression among sources. Afterwards, the spatially smoothed virtual arrays satisfy the co-primality concept to avoid DOA ambiguities. Physical antenna effects are incorporated in the received signal model and their effects on the DOA estimation performance are investigated

    Deterministic Signal Processing Techniques for OFDM-Based Radar Sensing: An Overview

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    In this manuscript, we analyze the most relevant classes of deterministic signal processing methods currently available for the detection and the estimation of multiple targets in a joint communication and sensing system employing orthogonal frequency division multiplexing. Our objective is offering a fair comparison of the available technical options in terms of required computational complexity and accuracy in both range and Doppler estimation. Our numerical results, obtained in various scenarios, evidence that distinct algorithms can achieve a substantially different accuracy-complexity trade-off

    An Approximate Maximum Likelihood Method for the Joint Estimation of Range and Doppler of Multiple Targets in OFDM-Based Radar Systems

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    In this manuscript, an innovative method for the detection and the estimation of multiple targets in a radar system employing orthogonal frequency division multiplexing is illustrated. The core of this method is represented by a novel algorithm for detecting multiple superimposed two-dimensional complex tones in the presence of noise and estimating their parameters. This algorithm is based on a maximum likelihood approach and combines a single tone estimator with a serial cancellation procedure. Our numerical results lead to the conclusion that the developed method can achieve a substantially better accuracy-complexity trade-off than various related techniques in the presence of closely spaced targets

    Millimetre-wave radar development for high resolution detection

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    Automotive technology today is focusing on autonomous vehicle development. The sensors for these systems include radars due to their robustness against adverse weather conditions such as rain, fog, ash or snow. In this constant search for advancement, high resolution systems play a central role in target detection and avoidance. In this PhD project, these methods have been researched and engineered to leverage the best radar resolution for collision avoidance systems. The first part of this thesis will focus on the existing systems consisting of the state-of-the-art at the time of writing and explain what makes a high resolution radar and how it can cover the whole field of view. The second part will focus on how a non-uniform sparse radar system was simulated, developed and benchmarked for improved radar performance up to 40% better than conventional designs. The third part will focus on signal processing techniques and how these methods have achieved high resolution and detection: large virtual aperture array using Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems, beampattern multiplication to improve side-lobe levels and compressive sensing. Also, the substrate-integrated waveguide (SIW) antennas which have been fabricated provide a bandwidth of 1.5GHz for the transmitter and 2GHz at the receiver. This has resulted in a range resolution of 10 cm. The four part of this thesis presents the measurements which have been carried out at the facilities within Heriot-Watt University and also at Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). The results were better than expected since a two transmitter four receiver system was able to detect targets which have been separated at 2.2◦ in angle in the horizontal plane. Also, compressive sensing was used as a high resolution method for obtaining fine target detection and in combination with the multiplication method showed improved detection performance with a 20 dB side-lobe level suppression. The measurement results from the 6-months placements are presented and compared with the state-of the art, revealing that the developed radar is comparable in performance to high-grade automotive radars developed in the industry