383 research outputs found

    Mining data quality rules based on T-dependence

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    Since their introduction in 1976, edit rules have been a standard tool in statistical analysis. Basically, edit rules are a compact representation of non-permitted combinations of values in a dataset. In this paper, we propose a technique to automatically find edit rules by use of the concept of T-dependence. We first generalize the traditional notion of lift, to that of T-lift, where stochastic independence is generalized to T-dependence. A combination of values is declared as an edit rule under a t-norm T if there is a strong negative correlation under T-dependence. We show several interesting properties of this approach. In particular, we show that under the minimum t-norm, edit rules can be computed efficiently by use of frequent pattern trees. Experimental results show that there is a weak to medium correlation in the rank order of edit rules obtained under T_M and T_P, indicating that the semantics of these kinds of dependencies are different

    Efficient Incremental Breadth-Depth XML Event Mining

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    Many applications log a large amount of events continuously. Extracting interesting knowledge from logged events is an emerging active research area in data mining. In this context, we propose an approach for mining frequent events and association rules from logged events in XML format. This approach is composed of two-main phases: I) constructing a novel tree structure called Frequency XML-based Tree (FXT), which contains the frequency of events to be mined; II) querying the constructed FXT using XQuery to discover frequent itemsets and association rules. The FXT is constructed with a single-pass over logged data. We implement the proposed algorithm and study various performance issues. The performance study shows that the algorithm is efficient, for both constructing the FXT and discovering association rules

    Literature Review on Efficient Algorithms for Mining High Utility Itemsets from Transactional Databases

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    This paper presenting a survey on finding itemsets with high utility. For finding itemsets there are many algorithms but those algorithms having a problem of producing a large number of candidate itemsets for high utility itemsets which reduces mining performance in terms of execution. Here we mainly focus on two algorithms utility pattern growth (UP-Growth) and UP-Growth+. Those algorithms are used for mining high utility itemsets, where effective methods are used for pruning candidate itemsets. Mining high utility itemsets Keep in a special data structure called UP-Tree. This, compact tree structure, UP-Tree, is used for make possible the mining performance and avoid scanning original database repeatedly. In this for generation of candidate itemsets only two scans of database. Another proposed algorithms UP Growth+ reduces the number of candidates effectively. It also has better performance than other algorithms in terms of runtime, especially when databases contain huge amount of long transactions. Utility-based data mining is a new research area which is interested in all types of utility factors in data mining processes. In which utility factors are targeted at integrate utility considerations in both predictive and descriptive data mining tasks. High utility itemset mining is a research area of utility based descriptive data mining. Utility based data mining is used for finding itemsets that contribute most to the total utility in that database