5 research outputs found

    Why Using Robots to Teach Computer Science can be Successful Theoretical Reflection to Andragogy and Minimalism

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    Categories and Subject Descriptors K.3.1 [Computers and Education]: Computer Uses in Education – collaborative learning; K.3.2 [Computers and Education]: Computer and Information Science Education – computer science education, self-assessmentTo help students understand subjects such as theoretical aspects of computation, algorithmic reasoning and intelligence of machines, a number of publications report experiments to teach these topics with the help of Lego Mindstorms robots. In the publications, the researchers report how they have created various ways to approach the issues either in Computer Science or in Artificial Intelligence. The reported results of the experiments are based on the learning outcomes, the feedback from the students, and the perceived informal observations (i.e. “feelings”) of the instructors. But can anyone else benefit from the reportedly positive outcomes of the experiments? To give an answer to that question, this paper analyses the reported results through two support theories. The two theories chosen for this, andragogy and minimalism, are concerned with adult learning and how teaching adults should be approached. When reflecting the results of the four teaching experiments to the suggestions drawn from the theories, a more comprehensive answer to why the experiments have been successful can be given. The four teaching experiments analysed here were in many ways similar to each other. A connection to the chosen support theories was straightforward to make. Besides describing the artefacts of teaching with the robots, a deeper discussion on this teaching approach is provided. For an instructor, all these observations offer more concrete evidence about beneficial factors of teaching with robots

    Estratégia geral de ondas de mensagens para desenvolvimento de tarefas em enxames de robôs

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    This thesis proposes a general methodology for a systematic approach of tasks in swarms of robots. Swarm robotics investigates collective behaviors in multiple robot systems. The study and development of robotic systems, in general, aims to assist the human being in difficult, heavy or unhealthy jobs. In contrast to robotic systems based on a single robot, the use of robotic swarms still does not translate into everyday applications. One possible explanation is the difficulty in implementing distributed controllers for such applications. Many research works are directed towards the development of techniques to assist in the elaboration of collective tasks. In the message wave strategy proposed in this work, the swarm operates as a network of robots, which interact through wireless communication. A distributed message wave algorithm is designed to be used in robot swarms, serving as the basis for the control of different tasks. In this thesis, the control software for commonly nown as basic tasks of recruitment, alignment, navigation, aggregation, and dispersion, are implemented. The operation of these tasks is evaluated through a simulated swarm of robots. Experiments show that the time required to complete these tasks is dependent on the size of the swarm, the propagation of messages and the characteristics of each task. The design and execution of such tasks serve as proof of concept for the proposed strategy, indicating its generality so as to be used to implement other collective tasks.Esta tese propõe uma metodologia geral para o desenvolvimento sistemático de tarefas em enxames de robôs. A robótica de enxame investiga comportamentos coletivos em sistemas de múltiplos robôs. O estudo e desenvolvimento de sistemas robóticos, de uma forma geral, tem por objetivo auxiliar o ser humano em trabalhos difíceis, pesados ou insalubres. Em contraste com sistemas robóticos baseados em um único robô, o uso de enxames robóticos ainda não se traduz em aplicações do cotidiano. Uma possível explicação para este fato está na dificuldade existente no desenvolvimento de controladores distribuídos para tais aplicações. Muitas pesquisas estão direcionadas para a criação de técnicas que auxiliem na elaboração de tarefas coletivas. Na estratégia de ondas de mensagens proposta nesta tese, o enxame opera como uma rede de robôs que interagem por meio de comunicação sem fio. Um algoritmo distribuído de ondas de mensagens foi formulado para uso em enxames de robôs, servindo como base para o controle de diferentes tarefas. Neste trabalho foram implementados os softwares de controle para as tarefas conhecidas como básicas, que dizem respeito ao recrutamento, alinhamento, navegação, agregação e dispersão. O funcionamento destas tarefas foi avaliado em um enxame simulado de robôs. Experimentos mostram que o tempo necessário para conclusão destas tarefas está relacionado com o tamanho do enxame, a propagação das mensagens e características próprias de cada tarefa. A implementação destas tarefas demonstra a generalidade da estratégia proposta, indicando seu potencial uso em outras tarefas coletivas

    Efficient use of robots in the undergraduate curriculum

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    In this paper we describe how a single Khepera II robot was used for an assignment in a senior level course on graphical user interface implementation. The assignment required each student to implement a graphical user interface for remotely controlling a Khepera II robot. From the author’s point of view, the focus of the project was how to efficiently and effectively allow the 35 students enrolled in the course to have access to the robot for the purposes of testing and debugging. Furthermore, two of the students were enrolled through the distance education program and were remotely located. The intent was to see if an assignment making use of the robot would stimulate student interest, and whether it could be done with a minimal investment in hardware, lab, and instructor resources. The students were surveyed at the conclusion of the assignment in order to assess the effectiveness of the assignment. The results of this survey are presented, along with plans for future work

    Efficient use of robots in the undergraduate curriculum

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