44 research outputs found

    Efficient Tweakable Enciphering Schemes from (Block-Wise) Universal Hash Functions

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    This paper describes several constructions of tweakable strong pseudorandom permutations (SPRPs) built from different modes of operations of a block cipher and suitable universal hash functions. For the electronic codebook (ECB) based construction, an invertible blockwise universal hash function is required. We simplify an earlier construction of such a function described by Naor and Reingold. The other modes of operations considered are the counter mode and the output feedback (OFB) mode. All the constructions make the same number of block cipher calls and the same number of multiplications. Combined with a class of polynomials defined by Bernstein, the new constructions provide the currently best known algorithms for the important practical problem of disk encryption

    Optimally Secure Tweakable Blockciphers

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    We consider the generic design of a tweakable blockcipher from one or more evaluations of a classical blockcipher, in such a way that all input and output wires are of size n bits. As a first contribution, we show that any tweakable blockcipher with one primitive call and arbitrary linear pre- and postprocessing functions can be distinguished from an ideal one with an attack complexity of about 2^{n/2}. Next, we introduce the tweakable blockcipher tilde{F}[1]. It consists of one multiplication and one blockcipher call with tweak-dependent key, and achieves 2^{2n/3} security. Finally, we introduce tilde{F}[2], which makes two blockcipher calls, one of which with tweak-dependent key, and achieves optimal 2^n security. Both schemes are more efficient than all existing beyond birthday bound tweakable blockciphers known to date, as long as one blockcipher key renewal is cheaper than one blockcipher evaluation plus one universal hash evaluation

    Tweakable Enciphering Schemes Using Only the Encryption Function of a Block Cipher

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    A new construction of block cipher based tweakable enciphering schemes (TES) is described. The major improvement over existing TES is that the construction uses only the encryption function of the underlying block cipher. Consequently, this leads to substantial savings in the size of hardware implementation of TES applications such as disk encryption. This improvement is achieved without loss in efficiency of encryption and decryption compared to the best previously known schemes

    ZCZ - Achieving n-bit SPRP Security with a Minimal Number of Tweakable-block-cipher Calls

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    Strong Pseudo-random Permutations (SPRPs) are important for various applications. In general, it is desirable to base an SPRP on a single-keyed primitive for minimizing the implementation costs. For constructions built on classical block ciphers, Nandi showed at ASIACRYPT\u2715 that at least two calls to the primitive per processed message block are required for SPRP security, assuming that all further operations are linear. The ongoing trend of using tweakable block ciphers as primitive has already led to MACs or encryption modes with high security and efficiency properties. Thus, three interesting research questions are hovering in the domain of SPRPs: (1) if and to which extent the bound of two calls per block can be reduced with a tweakable block cipher, (2) how concrete constructions could be realized, and (3) whether full nn-bit security is achievable from primitives with nn-bit state size. The present work addresses all three questions. Inspired by Iwata et al.\u27s ZHash proposal at CRYPTO\u2717, we propose the ZCZ (ZHash-Counter-ZHash) construction, a single-key variable-input-length SPRP based on a single tweakable block cipher whose tweak length is at least its state size. ZCZ possesses close to optimal properties with regards to both performance and security: not only does it require only asymptotically 3β„“/23\ell/2 calls to the primitive for β„“\ell-block messages, but we also show that this figure is close to the minimum by an PRP distinguishing attack on any construction with tweak size of Ο„=n\tau = n bits and fewer than (3β„“βˆ’1)/2(3\ell-1)/2 calls to the same primitive. Moreover, it provides optimal nn-bit security for a primitive with nn-bit state and tweak size

    Robust Authenticated-Encryption: AEZ and the Problem that it Solves

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    With a scheme for \textit{robust} authenticated-encryption a user can select an arbitrary value Ξ»β‰₯0\lambda \ge 0 and then encrypt a plaintext of any length into a ciphertext that\u27s Ξ»\lambda characters longer. The scheme must provide all the privacy and authenticity possible for the requested~Ξ»\lambda. We formalize and investigate this idea, and construct a well-optimized solution, AEZ, from the AES round function. Our scheme encrypts strings at almost the same rate as OCB-AES or CTR-AES (on Haswell, AEZ has a peak speed of about 0.7 cpb). To accomplish this we employ an approach we call \textit{prove-then-prune}: prove security and then instantiate with a \textit{scaled-down} primitive (e.g., reducing rounds for blockcipher calls)

    Double Ciphertext Mode : A Proposal for Secure Backup

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    Security of data stored in bulk storage devices like the hard disk has gained a lot of importance in the current days. Among the variety of paradigms which are available for disk encryption, low level disk encryption is well accepted because of the high security guarantees it provides. In this paper we view the problem of disk encryption from a different direction. We explore the possibility of how one can maintain secure backups of the data, such that loss of a physical device will mean neither loss of the data nor the fact that the data gets revealed to the adversary. We propose an efficient solution to this problem through a new cryptographic scheme which we call as the double ciphertext mode (DCM). In this paper we describe the syntax of DCM, define security for it and give some efficient constructions. Moreover we argue regarding the suitability of DCM for the secure backup application and also explore other application areas where a DCM can be useful

    Ubiquitous Weak-key Classes of BRW-polynomial Function

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    BRW-polynomial function is suggested as a preferred alternative of polynomial function, owing to its high efficiency and seemingly non-existent weak keys. In this paper we investigate the weak-key issue of BRW-polynomial function as well as BRW-instantiated cryptographic schemes. Though, in BRW-polynomial evaluation, the relationship between coefficients and input blocks is indistinct, we give out a recursive algorithm to compute another (2v+1βˆ’1)(2^{v+1}-1)-block message, for any given (2v+1βˆ’1)(2^{v+1}-1)-block message, such that their output-differential through BRW-polynomial evaluation, equals any given ss-degree polynomial, where vβ‰₯⌊log⁑2(s+1)βŒ‹v\ge\lfloor\log_2(s+1)\rfloor. With such algorithm, we illustrate that any non-empty key subset is a weak-key class in BRW-polynomial function. Moreover any key subset of BRW-polynomial function, consisting of at least 22 keys, is a weak-key class in BRW-instantiated cryptographic schemes like the Wegman-Carter scheme, the UHF-then-PRF scheme, DCT, etc. Especially in the AE scheme DCT, its confidentiality, as well as its integrity, collapses totally, when using weak keys of BRW-polynomial function, which are ubiquitous

    Disk Encryption: Do We Need to Preserve Length?

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    In the last one-and-a-half decade there has been a lot of activity towards development of cryptographic techniques for disk encryption. It has been almost canonised that an encryption scheme suitable for the application of disk encryption must be length preserving, i.e., it rules out the use of schemes like authenticated encryption where an authentication tag is also produced as a part of the ciphertext resulting in ciphertexts being longer than the corresponding plaintexts. The notion of a tweakable enciphering scheme (TES) has been formalised as the appropriate primitive for disk encryption and it has been argued that they provide the maximum security possible for a tag-less scheme. On the other hand, TESs are less efficient than some existing authenticated encryption schemes. Also TES cannot provide true authentication as they do not have authentication tags. In this paper, we analyze the possibility of the use of encryption schemes where length expansion is produced for the purpose of disk encryption. On the negative side, we argue that nonce based authenticated encryption schemes are not appropriate for this application. On the positive side, we demonstrate that deterministic authenticated encryption (DAE) schemes may have more advantages than disadvantages compared to a TES when used for disk encryption. Finally, we propose a new deterministic authenticated encryption scheme called BCTR which is suitable for this purpose. We provide the full specification of BCTR, prove its security and also report an efficient implementation in reconfigurable hardware. Our experiments suggests that BCTR performs significantly better than existing TESs and existing DAE schemes

    Efficient Hardware Implementations of BRW Polynomials and Tweakable Enciphering Schemes

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    A new class of polynomials was introduced by Bernstein (Bernstein 2007) which were later named by Sarkar as Bernstein-Rabin-Winograd (BRW) polynomials (Sarkar 2009). For the purpose of authentication, BRW polynomials offer considerable computational advantage over usual polynomials: (mβˆ’1)(m-1) multiplications for usual polynomial hashing versus ⌊m2βŒ‹\lfloor\frac{m}{2}\rfloor multiplications and ⌈log⁑2mβŒ‰\lceil\log_2 m\rceil squarings for BRW hashing, where mm is the number of message blocks to be authenticated. In this paper, we develop an efficient pipelined hardware architecture for computing BRW polynomials. The BRW polynomials have a nice recursive structure which is amenable to parallelization. While exploring efficient ways to exploit the inherent parallelism in BRW polynomials we discover some interesting combinatorial structural properties of such polynomials. These are used to design an algorithm to decide the order of the multiplications which minimizes pipeline delays. Using the nice structural properties of the BRW polynomials we present a hardware architecture for efficient computation of BRW polynomials. Finally we provide implementations of tweakable enciphering schemes proposed in Sarkar 2009 which uses BRW polynomials. This leads to the fastest known implementation of disk encryption systems