901 research outputs found

    Deep Neural Network and Data Augmentation Methodology for off-axis iris segmentation in wearable headsets

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    A data augmentation methodology is presented and applied to generate a large dataset of off-axis iris regions and train a low-complexity deep neural network. Although of low complexity the resulting network achieves a high level of accuracy in iris region segmentation for challenging off-axis eye-patches. Interestingly, this network is also shown to achieve high levels of performance for regular, frontal, segmentation of iris regions, comparing favorably with state-of-the-art techniques of significantly higher complexity. Due to its lower complexity, this network is well suited for deployment in embedded applications such as augmented and mixed reality headsets

    Vulnerability assessment in the use of biometrics in unsupervised environments

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorIn the last few decades, we have witnessed a large-scale deployment of biometric systems in different life applications replacing the traditional recognition methods such as passwords and tokens. We approached a time where we use biometric systems in our daily life. On a personal scale, the authentication to our electronic devices (smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.) utilizes biometric characteristics to provide access permission. Moreover, we access our bank accounts, perform various types of payments and transactions using the biometric sensors integrated into our devices. On the other hand, different organizations, companies, and institutions use biometric-based solutions for access control. On the national scale, police authorities and border control measures use biometric recognition devices for individual identification and verification purposes. Therefore, biometric systems are relied upon to provide a secured recognition where only the genuine user can be recognized as being himself. Moreover, the biometric system should ensure that an individual cannot be identified as someone else. In the literature, there are a surprising number of experiments that show the possibility of stealing someone’s biometric characteristics and use it to create an artificial biometric trait that can be used by an attacker to claim the identity of the genuine user. There were also real cases of people who successfully fooled the biometric recognition system in airports and smartphones [1]–[3]. That urges the necessity to investigate the potential threats and propose countermeasures that ensure high levels of security and user convenience. Consequently, performing security evaluations is vital to identify: (1) the security flaws in biometric systems, (2) the possible threats that may target the defined flaws, and (3) measurements that describe the technical competence of the biometric system security. Identifying the system vulnerabilities leads to proposing adequate security solutions that assist in achieving higher integrity. This thesis aims to investigate the vulnerability of fingerprint modality to presentation attacks in unsupervised environments, then implement mechanisms to detect those attacks and avoid the misuse of the system. To achieve these objectives, the thesis is carried out in the following three phases. In the first phase, the generic biometric system scheme is studied by analyzing the vulnerable points with special attention to the vulnerability to presentation attacks. The study reviews the literature in presentation attack and the corresponding solutions, i.e. presentation attack detection mechanisms, for six biometric modalities: fingerprint, face, iris, vascular, handwritten signature, and voice. Moreover, it provides a new taxonomy for presentation attack detection mechanisms. The proposed taxonomy helps to comprehend the issue of presentation attacks and how the literature tried to address it. The taxonomy represents a starting point to initialize new investigations that propose novel presentation attack detection mechanisms. In the second phase, an evaluation methodology is developed from two sources: (1) the ISO/IEC 30107 standard, and (2) the Common Evaluation Methodology by the Common Criteria. The developed methodology characterizes two main aspects of the presentation attack detection mechanism: (1) the resistance of the mechanism to presentation attacks, and (2) the corresponding threat of the studied attack. The first part is conducted by showing the mechanism's technical capabilities and how it influences the security and ease-of-use of the biometric system. The second part is done by performing a vulnerability assessment considering all the factors that affect the attack potential. Finally, a data collection is carried out, including 7128 fingerprint videos of bona fide and attack presentation. The data is collected using two sensing technologies, two presentation scenarios, and considering seven attack species. The database is used to develop dynamic presentation attack detection mechanisms that exploit the fingerprint spatio-temporal features. In the final phase, a set of novel presentation attack detection mechanisms is developed exploiting the dynamic features caused by the natural fingerprint phenomena such as perspiration and elasticity. The evaluation results show an efficient capability to detect attacks where, in some configurations, the mechanisms are capable of eliminating some attack species and mitigating the rest of the species while keeping the user convenience at a high level.En las últimas décadas, hemos asistido a un despliegue a gran escala de los sistemas biométricos en diferentes aplicaciones de la vida cotidiana, sustituyendo a los métodos de reconocimiento tradicionales, como las contraseñas y los tokens. Actualmente los sistemas biométricos ya forman parte de nuestra vida cotidiana: es habitual emplear estos sistemas para que nos proporcionen acceso a nuestros dispositivos electrónicos (teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas, ordenadores portátiles, etc.) usando nuestras características biométricas. Además, accedemos a nuestras cuentas bancarias, realizamos diversos tipos de pagos y transacciones utilizando los sensores biométricos integrados en nuestros dispositivos. Por otra parte, diferentes organizaciones, empresas e instituciones utilizan soluciones basadas en la biometría para el control de acceso. A escala nacional, las autoridades policiales y de control fronterizo utilizan dispositivos de reconocimiento biométrico con fines de identificación y verificación individual. Por lo tanto, en todas estas aplicaciones se confía en que los sistemas biométricos proporcionen un reconocimiento seguro en el que solo el usuario genuino pueda ser reconocido como tal. Además, el sistema biométrico debe garantizar que un individuo no pueda ser identificado como otra persona. En el estado del arte, hay un número sorprendente de experimentos que muestran la posibilidad de robar las características biométricas de alguien, y utilizarlas para crear un rasgo biométrico artificial que puede ser utilizado por un atacante con el fin de reclamar la identidad del usuario genuino. También se han dado casos reales de personas que lograron engañar al sistema de reconocimiento biométrico en aeropuertos y teléfonos inteligentes [1]–[3]. Esto hace que sea necesario investigar estas posibles amenazas y proponer contramedidas que garanticen altos niveles de seguridad y comodidad para el usuario. En consecuencia, es vital la realización de evaluaciones de seguridad para identificar (1) los fallos de seguridad de los sistemas biométricos, (2) las posibles amenazas que pueden explotar estos fallos, y (3) las medidas que aumentan la seguridad del sistema biométrico reduciendo estas amenazas. La identificación de las vulnerabilidades del sistema lleva a proponer soluciones de seguridad adecuadas que ayuden a conseguir una mayor integridad. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo investigar la vulnerabilidad en los sistemas de modalidad de huella dactilar a los ataques de presentación en entornos no supervisados, para luego implementar mecanismos que permitan detectar dichos ataques y evitar el mal uso del sistema. Para lograr estos objetivos, la tesis se desarrolla en las siguientes tres fases. En la primera fase, se estudia el esquema del sistema biométrico genérico analizando sus puntos vulnerables con especial atención a los ataques de presentación. El estudio revisa la literatura sobre ataques de presentación y las soluciones correspondientes, es decir, los mecanismos de detección de ataques de presentación, para seis modalidades biométricas: huella dactilar, rostro, iris, vascular, firma manuscrita y voz. Además, se proporciona una nueva taxonomía para los mecanismos de detección de ataques de presentación. La taxonomía propuesta ayuda a comprender el problema de los ataques de presentación y la forma en que la literatura ha tratado de abordarlo. Esta taxonomía presenta un punto de partida para iniciar nuevas investigaciones que propongan novedosos mecanismos de detección de ataques de presentación. En la segunda fase, se desarrolla una metodología de evaluación a partir de dos fuentes: (1) la norma ISO/IEC 30107, y (2) Common Evaluation Methodology por el Common Criteria. La metodología desarrollada considera dos aspectos importantes del mecanismo de detección de ataques de presentación (1) la resistencia del mecanismo a los ataques de presentación, y (2) la correspondiente amenaza del ataque estudiado. Para el primer punto, se han de señalar las capacidades técnicas del mecanismo y cómo influyen en la seguridad y la facilidad de uso del sistema biométrico. Para el segundo aspecto se debe llevar a cabo una evaluación de la vulnerabilidad, teniendo en cuenta todos los factores que afectan al potencial de ataque. Por último, siguiendo esta metodología, se lleva a cabo una recogida de datos que incluye 7128 vídeos de huellas dactilares genuinas y de presentación de ataques. Los datos se recogen utilizando dos tecnologías de sensor, dos escenarios de presentación y considerando siete tipos de instrumentos de ataque. La base de datos se utiliza para desarrollar y evaluar mecanismos dinámicos de detección de ataques de presentación que explotan las características espacio-temporales de las huellas dactilares. En la fase final, se desarrolla un conjunto de mecanismos novedosos de detección de ataques de presentación que explotan las características dinámicas causadas por los fenómenos naturales de las huellas dactilares, como la transpiración y la elasticidad. Los resultados de la evaluación muestran una capacidad eficiente de detección de ataques en la que, en algunas configuraciones, los mecanismos son capaces de eliminar completamente algunos tipos de instrumentos de ataque y mitigar el resto de los tipos manteniendo la comodidad del usuario en un nivel alto.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Cristina Conde Vila.- Secretario: Mariano López García.- Vocal: Farzin Derav

    A Novel Authentication Method Using Multi-Factor Eye Gaze

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    A method for novel, rapid and robust one-step multi-factor authentication of a user is presented, employing multi-factor eye gaze. The mobile environment presents challenges that render the conventional password model obsolete. The primary goal is to offer an authentication method that competitively replaces the password, while offering improved security and usability. This method and apparatus combine the smooth operation of biometric authentication with the protection of knowledge based authentication to robustly authenticate a user and secure information on a mobile device in a manner that is easily used and requires no external hardware. This work demonstrates a solution comprised of a pupil segmentation algorithm, gaze estimation, and an innovative application that allows a user to authenticate oneself using gaze as the interaction medium

    Pupil Localisation and Eye Centre Estimation using Machine Learning and Computer Vision

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    Various methods have been used to estimate the pupil location within an image or a real-time video frame in many fields. However, these methods lack the performance specifically in low-resolution images and varying background conditions. We propose a coarse-to-fine pupil localisation method using a composite of machine learning and image processing algorithms. First, a pre-trained model is employed for the facial landmark identification to extract the desired eye-frames within the input image. We then use multi-stage convolution to find the optimal horizontal and vertical coordinates of the pupil within the identified eye-frames. For this purpose, we define an adaptive kernel to deal with the varying resolution and size of input images. Furthermore, a dynamic threshold is calculated recursively for reliable identification of the best-matched candidate. We evaluated our method using various statistical and standard metrics along-with a standardized distance metric we introduce first time in this study. Proposed method outperforms previous works in terms of accuracy and reliability when benchmarked on multiple standard datasets. The work has diverse artificial intelligence and industrial applications including human computer interfaces, emotion recognition, psychological profiling, healthcare and automated deception detection

    Fusion Iris and Periocular Recognitions in Non-Cooperative Environment

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    The performance of iris recognition in non-cooperative environment can be negatively impacted when the resolution of the iris images is low which results in failure to determine the eye center, limbic and pupillary boundary of the iris segmentation. Hence, a combination with periocular features is suggested to increase the authenticity of the recognition system. However, the texture feature of periocular can be easily affected by a background complication while the colour feature of periocular is still limited to spatial information and quantization effects. This happens due to different distances between the sensor and the subject during the iris acquisition stage as well as image size and orientation. The proposed method of periocular feature extraction consists of a combination of rotation invariant uniform local binary pattern to select the texture features and a method of color moment to select the color features. Besides, a hue-saturation-value channel is selected to avoid loss of discriminative information in the eye image. The proposed method which consists of combination between texture and colour features provides the highest accuracy for the periocular recognition with more than 71.5% for the UBIRIS.v2 dataset and 85.7% for the UBIPr dataset. For the fusion recognitions, the proposed method achieved the highest accuracy with more than 85.9% for the UBIRIS.v2 dataset and 89.7% for the UBIPr dataset

    A Survey of Iris Recognition System

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    The uniqueness of iris texture makes it one of the reliable physiological biometric traits compare to the other biometric traits. In this paper, we investigate a different level of fusion approach in iris image. Although, a number of iris recognition methods has been proposed in recent years, however most of them focus on the feature extraction and classification method. Less number of method focuses on the information fusion of iris images. Fusion is believed to produce a better discrimination power in the feature space, thus we conduct an analysis to investigate which fusion level is able to produce the best result for iris recognition system. Experimental analysis using CASIA dataset shows feature level fusion produce 99% recognition accuracy. The verification analysis shows the best result is GAR = 95% at the FRR = 0.1

    Bi-Modal System Using SVM (Support Vector Machine) and MLP (Multilayer Perceptron) -Proposed

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    In this era of high technological advancement, the need to identify an individual especially in the developing countries has long been an attractive goal. The necessity to secure an environments, devices and resources due to the increasing rate of crime has led to the proposal of this research. Iris modality has become interesting as an alternative approach to reliable visual recognition of persons due to its distinctive characteristics, as well as fingerprint modality for its innumerable advantages. Therefore a bi-modal biometric system using Qualitative SVM (Support Vector Machine) and MLP (Multilayer Perceptron) for classification has been proposed in this research. Performance analysis of these modalities will be carried out with each model. The designed models will be duly implemented using JAVA programming Language as a frontend and Access database as a backend respectively. Keywords: Biometric, Bimodal system, Iris modality, fingerprint modality, Support Vector Machine and Multilayer Perceptron

    Continuous m-Health Data Authentication Using Wavelet Decomposition for Feature Extraction

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016 considered m-health as: “the use of mobile wireless technologies including smart devices such as smartphones and smartwatches for public health”. WHO emphasizes the potential of this technology to increase its use in accessing health information and services as well as promoting positive changes in health behaviours and overall management of diseases. In this regard, the capability of smartphones and smartwatches for m-health monitoring through the collection of patient data remotely, has become an important component in m-health system. It is important that the integrity of the data collected is verified continuously through data authentication before storage. In this research work, we extracted heart rate variability (HRV) and decomposed the signals into sub-bands of detail and approximation coefficients. A comparison analysis is done after the classification of the extracted features to select the best sub-bands. An architectural framework and a used case for m-health data authentication is carried out using two sub-bands with the best performance from the HRV decomposition using 30 subjects’ data. The best sub-band achieved an equal error rate (EER) of 12.42%