12 research outputs found

    Weighted Well-Covered Claw-Free Graphs

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    A graph G is well-covered if all its maximal independent sets are of the same cardinality. Assume that a weight function w is defined on its vertices. Then G is w-well-covered if all maximal independent sets are of the same weight. For every graph G, the set of weight functions w such that G is w-well-covered is a vector space. Given an input claw-free graph G, we present an O(n^6)algortihm, whose input is a claw-free graph G, and output is the vector space of weight functions w, for which G is w-well-covered. A graph G is equimatchable if all its maximal matchings are of the same cardinality. Assume that a weight function w is defined on the edges of G. Then G is w-equimatchable if all its maximal matchings are of the same weight. For every graph G, the set of weight functions w such that G is w-equimatchable is a vector space. We present an O(m*n^4 + n^5*log(n)) algorithm which receives an input graph G, and outputs the vector space of weight functions w such that G is w-equimatchable.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Edge-Stable Equimatchable Graphs

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    A graph GG is \emph{equimatchable} if every maximal matching of GG has the same cardinality. We are interested in equimatchable graphs such that the removal of any edge from the graph preserves the equimatchability. We call an equimatchable graph GG \emph{edge-stable} if GeG\setminus {e}, that is the graph obtained by the removal of edge ee from GG, is also equimatchable for any eE(G)e \in E(G). After noticing that edge-stable equimatchable graphs are either 2-connected factor-critical or bipartite, we characterize edge-stable equimatchable graphs. This characterization yields an O(min(n3.376,n1.5m))O(\min(n^{3.376}, n^{1.5}m)) time recognition algorithm. Lastly, we introduce and shortly discuss the related notions of edge-critical, vertex-stable and vertex-critical equimatchable graphs. In particular, we emphasize the links between our work and the well-studied notion of shedding vertices, and point out some open questions

    On Almost Well-Covered Graphs of Girth at Least 6

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    We consider a relaxation of the concept of well-covered graphs, which are graphs with all maximal independent sets of the same size. The extent to which a graph fails to be well-covered can be measured by its independence gap, defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum sizes of a maximal independent set in GG. While the well-covered graphs are exactly the graphs of independence gap zero, we investigate in this paper graphs of independence gap one, which we also call almost well-covered graphs. Previous works due to Finbow et al. (1994) and Barbosa et al. (2013) have implications for the structure of almost well-covered graphs of girth at least kk for k{7,8}k\in \{7,8\}. We focus on almost well-covered graphs of girth at least 66. We show that every graph in this class has at most two vertices each of which is adjacent to exactly 22 leaves. We give efficiently testable characterizations of almost well-covered graphs of girth at least 66 having exactly one or exactly two such vertices. Building on these results, we develop a polynomial-time recognition algorithm of almost well-covered {C3,C4,C5,C7}\{C_3,C_4,C_5,C_7\}-free graphs

    Vertex Cover and Feedback Vertex Set Above and Below Structural Guarantees

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    Vertex Cover parameterized by the solution size k is the quintessential fixed-parameter tractable problem. FPT algorithms are most interesting when the parameter is small. Several lower bounds on k are well-known, such as the maximum size of a matching. This has led to a line of research on parameterizations of Vertex Cover by the difference of the solution size k and a lower bound. The most prominent cases for such lower bounds for which the problem is FPT are the matching number or the optimal fractional LP solution. We investigate parameterizations by the difference between k and other graph parameters including the feedback vertex number, the degeneracy, cluster deletion number, and treewidth with the goal of finding the border of fixed-parameter tractability for said difference parameterizations. We also consider similar parameterizations of the Feedback Vertex Set problem

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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