7,392 research outputs found

    Few-Shot Bayesian Imitation Learning with Logical Program Policies

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    Humans can learn many novel tasks from a very small number (1--5) of demonstrations, in stark contrast to the data requirements of nearly tabula rasa deep learning methods. We propose an expressive class of policies, a strong but general prior, and a learning algorithm that, together, can learn interesting policies from very few examples. We represent policies as logical combinations of programs drawn from a domain-specific language (DSL), define a prior over policies with a probabilistic grammar, and derive an approximate Bayesian inference algorithm to learn policies from demonstrations. In experiments, we study five strategy games played on a 2D grid with one shared DSL. After a few demonstrations of each game, the inferred policies generalize to new game instances that differ substantially from the demonstrations. Our policy learning is 20--1,000x more data efficient than convolutional and fully convolutional policy learning and many orders of magnitude more computationally efficient than vanilla program induction. We argue that the proposed method is an apt choice for tasks that have scarce training data and feature significant, structured variation between task instances.Comment: AAAI 202

    Search and Result Presentation in Scientific Workflow Repositories

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    We study the problem of searching a repository of complex hierarchical workflows whose component modules, both composite and atomic, have been annotated with keywords. Since keyword search does not use the graph structure of a workflow, we develop a model of workflows using context-free bag grammars. We then give efficient polynomial-time algorithms that, given a workflow and a keyword query, determine whether some execution of the workflow matches the query. Based on these algorithms we develop a search and ranking solution that efficiently retrieves the top-k grammars from a repository. Finally, we propose a novel result presentation method for grammars matching a keyword query, based on representative parse-trees. The effectiveness of our approach is validated through an extensive experimental evaluation

    A uniform definition of stochastic process calculi

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    We introduce a unifying framework to provide the semantics of process algebras, including their quantitative variants useful for modeling quantitative aspects of behaviors. The unifying framework is then used to describe some of the most representative stochastic process algebras. This provides a general and clear support for an understanding of their similarities and differences. The framework is based on State to Function Labeled Transition Systems, FuTSs for short, that are state-transition structures where each transition is a triple of the form (s; Ī±;P). The first andthe second components are the source state, s, and the label, Ī±, of the transition, while the third component is the continuation function, P, associating a value of a suitable type to each state s0. For example, in the case of stochastic process algebras the value of the continuation function on s0 represents the rate of the negative exponential distribution characterizing the duration/delay of the action performed to reach state s0 from s. We first provide the semantics of a simple formalism used to describe Continuous-Time Markov Chains, then we model a number of process algebras that permit parallel composition of models according to the two main interaction paradigms (multiparty and one-to-one synchronization). Finally, we deal with formalisms where actions and rates are kept separate and address the issues related to the coexistence of stochastic, probabilistic, and non-deterministic behaviors. For each formalism, we establish the formal correspondence between the FuTSs semantics and its original semantics

    Synthesizing Program Input Grammars

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    We present an algorithm for synthesizing a context-free grammar encoding the language of valid program inputs from a set of input examples and blackbox access to the program. Our algorithm addresses shortcomings of existing grammar inference algorithms, which both severely overgeneralize and are prohibitively slow. Our implementation, GLADE, leverages the grammar synthesized by our algorithm to fuzz test programs with structured inputs. We show that GLADE substantially increases the incremental coverage on valid inputs compared to two baseline fuzzers
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