520 research outputs found

    Sparse Regression Codes for Multi-terminal Source and Channel Coding

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    We study a new class of codes for Gaussian multi-terminal source and channel coding. These codes are designed using the statistical framework of high-dimensional linear regression and are called Sparse Superposition or Sparse Regression codes. Codewords are linear combinations of subsets of columns of a design matrix. These codes were recently introduced by Barron and Joseph and shown to achieve the channel capacity of AWGN channels with computationally feasible decoding. They have also recently been shown to achieve the optimal rate-distortion function for Gaussian sources. In this paper, we demonstrate how to implement random binning and superposition coding using sparse regression codes. In particular, with minimum-distance encoding/decoding it is shown that sparse regression codes attain the optimal information-theoretic limits for a variety of multi-terminal source and channel coding problems.Comment: 9 pages, appeared in the Proceedings of the 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing - 201

    A Study on the Impact of Locality in the Decoding of Binary Cyclic Codes

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    In this paper, we study the impact of locality on the decoding of binary cyclic codes under two approaches, namely ordered statistics decoding (OSD) and trellis decoding. Given a binary cyclic code having locality or availability, we suitably modify the OSD to obtain gains in terms of the Signal-To-Noise ratio, for a given reliability and essentially the same level of decoder complexity. With regard to trellis decoding, we show that careful introduction of locality results in the creation of cyclic subcodes having lower maximum state complexity. We also present a simple upper-bounding technique on the state complexity profile, based on the zeros of the code. Finally, it is shown how the decoding speed can be significantly increased in the presence of locality, in the moderate-to-high SNR regime, by making use of a quick-look decoder that often returns the ML codeword.Comment: Extended version of a paper submitted to ISIT 201

    Source and Physical-Layer Network Coding for Correlated Two-Way Relaying

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    In this paper, we study a half-duplex two-way relay channel (TWRC) with correlated sources exchanging bidirectional information. In the case, when both sources have the knowledge of correlation statistics, a source compression with physical-layer network coding (SCPNC) scheme is proposed to perform the distributed compression at each source node. When only the relay has the knowledge of correlation statistics, we propose a relay compression with physical-layer network coding (RCPNC) scheme to compress the bidirectional messages at the relay. The closed-form block error rate (BLER) expressions of both schemes are derived and verified through simulations. It is shown that the proposed schemes achieve considerable improvements in both error performance and throughput compared with the conventional non-compression scheme in correlated two-way relay networks (CTWRNs).Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. IET Communications, 201

    Low-complexity dominance-based Sphere Decoder for MIMO Systems

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    The sphere decoder (SD) is an attractive low-complexity alternative to maximum likelihood (ML) detection in a variety of communication systems. It is also employed in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems where the computational complexity of the optimum detector grows exponentially with the number of transmit antennas. We propose an enhanced version of the SD based on an additional cost function derived from conditions on worst case interference, that we call dominance conditions. The proposed detector, the king sphere decoder (KSD), has a computational complexity that results to be not larger than the complexity of the sphere decoder and numerical simulations show that the complexity reduction is usually quite significant

    Iterative Soft Input Soft Output Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes by Adapting the Parity Check Matrix

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    An iterative algorithm is presented for soft-input-soft-output (SISO) decoding of Reed-Solomon (RS) codes. The proposed iterative algorithm uses the sum product algorithm (SPA) in conjunction with a binary parity check matrix of the RS code. The novelty is in reducing a submatrix of the binary parity check matrix that corresponds to less reliable bits to a sparse nature before the SPA is applied at each iteration. The proposed algorithm can be geometrically interpreted as a two-stage gradient descent with an adaptive potential function. This adaptive procedure is crucial to the convergence behavior of the gradient descent algorithm and, therefore, significantly improves the performance. Simulation results show that the proposed decoding algorithm and its variations provide significant gain over hard decision decoding (HDD) and compare favorably with other popular soft decision decoding methods.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, final version accepted by IEEE Trans. on Information Theor

    Cooperative Strategies for Simultaneous and Broadcast Relay Channels

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    Consider the \emph{simultaneous relay channel} (SRC) which consists of a set of relay channels where the source wishes to transmit common and private information to each of the destinations. This problem is recognized as being equivalent to that of sending common and private information to several destinations in presence of helper relays where each channel outcome becomes a branch of the \emph{broadcast relay channel} (BRC). Cooperative schemes and capacity region for a set with two memoryless relay channels are investigated. The proposed coding schemes, based on \emph{Decode-and-Forward} (DF) and \emph{Compress-and-Forward} (CF) must be capable of transmitting information simultaneously to all destinations in such set. Depending on the quality of source-to-relay and relay-to-destination channels, inner bounds on the capacity of the general BRC are derived. Three cases of particular interest are considered: cooperation is based on DF strategy for both users --referred to as DF-DF region--, cooperation is based on CF strategy for both users --referred to as CF-CF region--, and cooperation is based on DF strategy for one destination and CF for the other --referred to as DF-CF region--. These results can be seen as a generalization and hence unification of previous works. An outer-bound on the capacity of the general BRC is also derived. Capacity results are obtained for the specific cases of semi-degraded and degraded Gaussian simultaneous relay channels. Rates are evaluated for Gaussian models where the source must guarantee a minimum amount of information to both users while additional information is sent to each of them.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, To appear in IEEE Trans. on Information Theor