875 research outputs found

    Ignorance is Almost Bliss: Near-Optimal Stochastic Matching With Few Queries

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    The stochastic matching problem deals with finding a maximum matching in a graph whose edges are unknown but can be accessed via queries. This is a special case of stochastic kk-set packing, where the problem is to find a maximum packing of sets, each of which exists with some probability. In this paper, we provide edge and set query algorithms for these two problems, respectively, that provably achieve some fraction of the omniscient optimal solution. Our main theoretical result for the stochastic matching (i.e., 22-set packing) problem is the design of an \emph{adaptive} algorithm that queries only a constant number of edges per vertex and achieves a (1−ϵ)(1-\epsilon) fraction of the omniscient optimal solution, for an arbitrarily small ϵ>0\epsilon>0. Moreover, this adaptive algorithm performs the queries in only a constant number of rounds. We complement this result with a \emph{non-adaptive} (i.e., one round of queries) algorithm that achieves a (0.5−ϵ)(0.5 - \epsilon) fraction of the omniscient optimum. We also extend both our results to stochastic kk-set packing by designing an adaptive algorithm that achieves a (2k−ϵ)(\frac{2}{k} - \epsilon) fraction of the omniscient optimal solution, again with only O(1)O(1) queries per element. This guarantee is close to the best known polynomial-time approximation ratio of 3k+1−ϵ\frac{3}{k+1} -\epsilon for the \emph{deterministic} kk-set packing problem [Furer and Yu, 2013] We empirically explore the application of (adaptations of) these algorithms to the kidney exchange problem, where patients with end-stage renal failure swap willing but incompatible donors. We show on both generated data and on real data from the first 169 match runs of the UNOS nationwide kidney exchange that even a very small number of non-adaptive edge queries per vertex results in large gains in expected successful matches

    Robust Non-Rigid Registration with Reweighted Position and Transformation Sparsity

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    Non-rigid registration is challenging because it is ill-posed with high degrees of freedom and is thus sensitive to noise and outliers. We propose a robust non-rigid registration method using reweighted sparsities on position and transformation to estimate the deformations between 3-D shapes. We formulate the energy function with position and transformation sparsity on both the data term and the smoothness term, and define the smoothness constraint using local rigidity. The double sparsity based non-rigid registration model is enhanced with a reweighting scheme, and solved by transferring the model into four alternately-optimized subproblems which have exact solutions and guaranteed convergence. Experimental results on both public datasets and real scanned datasets show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and is more robust to noise and outliers than conventional non-rigid registration methods.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphic

    Experimental Analysis of Algorithms for Coflow Scheduling

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    Modern data centers face new scheduling challenges in optimizing job-level performance objectives, where a significant challenge is the scheduling of highly parallel data flows with a common performance goal (e.g., the shuffle operations in MapReduce applications). Chowdhury and Stoica introduced the coflow abstraction to capture these parallel communication patterns, and Chowdhury et al. proposed effective heuristics to schedule coflows efficiently. In our previous paper, we considered the strongly NP-hard problem of minimizing the total weighted completion time of coflows with release dates, and developed the first polynomial-time scheduling algorithms with O(1)-approximation ratios. In this paper, we carry out a comprehensive experimental analysis on a Facebook trace and extensive simulated instances to evaluate the practical performance of several algorithms for coflow scheduling, including the approximation algorithms developed in our previous paper. Our experiments suggest that simple algorithms provide effective approximations of the optimal, and that the performance of our approximation algorithms is relatively robust, near optimal, and always among the best compared with the other algorithms, in both the offline and online settings.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 11 table

    Anytime Stereo Image Depth Estimation on Mobile Devices

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    Many applications of stereo depth estimation in robotics require the generation of accurate disparity maps in real time under significant computational constraints. Current state-of-the-art algorithms force a choice between either generating accurate mappings at a slow pace, or quickly generating inaccurate ones, and additionally these methods typically require far too many parameters to be usable on power- or memory-constrained devices. Motivated by these shortcomings, we propose a novel approach for disparity prediction in the anytime setting. In contrast to prior work, our end-to-end learned approach can trade off computation and accuracy at inference time. Depth estimation is performed in stages, during which the model can be queried at any time to output its current best estimate. Our final model can process 1242× \times 375 resolution images within a range of 10-35 FPS on an NVIDIA Jetson TX2 module with only marginal increases in error -- using two orders of magnitude fewer parameters than the most competitive baseline. The source code is available at https://github.com/mileyan/AnyNet .Comment: Accepted by ICRA201

    Towards Adapting ImageNet to Reality: Scalable Domain Adaptation with Implicit Low-rank Transformations

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    Images seen during test time are often not from the same distribution as images used for learning. This problem, known as domain shift, occurs when training classifiers from object-centric internet image databases and trying to apply them directly to scene understanding tasks. The consequence is often severe performance degradation and is one of the major barriers for the application of classifiers in real-world systems. In this paper, we show how to learn transform-based domain adaptation classifiers in a scalable manner. The key idea is to exploit an implicit rank constraint, originated from a max-margin domain adaptation formulation, to make optimization tractable. Experiments show that the transformation between domains can be very efficiently learned from data and easily applied to new categories. This begins to bridge the gap between large-scale internet image collections and object images captured in everyday life environments

    Combining Outcome-Based and Preference-Based Matching: A Constrained Priority Mechanism

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    We introduce a constrained priority mechanism that combines outcome-based matching from machine-learning with preference-based allocation schemes common in market design. Using real-world data, we illustrate how our mechanism could be applied to the assignment of refugee families to host country locations, and kindergarteners to schools. Our mechanism allows a planner to first specify a threshold gˉ\bar g for the minimum acceptable average outcome score that should be achieved by the assignment. In the refugee matching context, this score corresponds to the predicted probability of employment, while in the student assignment context it corresponds to standardized test scores. The mechanism is a priority mechanism that considers both outcomes and preferences by assigning agents (refugee families, students) based on their preferences, but subject to meeting the planner's specified threshold. The mechanism is both strategy-proof and constrained efficient in that it always generates a matching that is not Pareto dominated by any other matching that respects the planner's threshold.Comment: This manuscript has been accepted for publication by Political Analysis and will appear in a revised form subject to peer review and/or input from the journal's editor. End-users of this manuscript may only make use of it for private research and study and may not distribute it furthe

    Locally Stable Marriage with Strict Preferences

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    We study stable matching problems with locality of information and control. In our model, each agent is a node in a fixed network and strives to be matched to another agent. An agent has a complete preference list over all other agents it can be matched with. Agents can match arbitrarily, and they learn about possible partners dynamically based on their current neighborhood. We consider convergence of dynamics to locally stable matchings -- states that are stable with respect to their imposed information structure in the network. In the two-sided case of stable marriage in which existence is guaranteed, we show that the existence of a path to stability becomes NP-hard to decide. This holds even when the network exists only among one partition of agents. In contrast, if one partition has no network and agents remember a previous match every round, a path to stability is guaranteed and random dynamics converge with probability 1. We characterize this positive result in various ways. For instance, it holds for random memory and for cache memory with the most recent partner, but not for cache memory with the best partner. Also, it is crucial which partition of the agents has memory. Finally, we present results for centralized computation of locally stable matchings, i.e., computing maximum locally stable matchings in the two-sided case and deciding existence in the roommates case.Comment: Conference version in ICALP 2013; to appear in SIAM J. Disc Mat
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