3 research outputs found

    Dead Reckoning Localization Technique for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Localization in wireless sensor networks not only provides a node with its geographical location but also a basic requirement for other applications such as geographical routing. Although a rich literature is available for localization in static WSN, not enough work is done for mobile WSNs, owing to the complexity due to node mobility. Most of the existing techniques for localization in mobile WSNs uses Monte-Carlo localization, which is not only time-consuming but also memory intensive. They, consider either the unknown nodes or anchor nodes to be static. In this paper, we propose a technique called Dead Reckoning Localization for mobile WSNs. In the proposed technique all nodes (unknown nodes as well as anchor nodes) are mobile. Localization in DRLMSN is done at discrete time intervals called checkpoints. Unknown nodes are localized for the first time using three anchor nodes. For their subsequent localizations, only two anchor nodes are used. The proposed technique estimates two possible locations of a node Using Bezouts theorem. A dead reckoning approach is used to select one of the two estimated locations. We have evaluated DRLMSN through simulation using Castalia simulator, and is compared with a similar technique called RSS-MCL proposed by Wang and Zhu .Comment: Journal Paper, IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 201

    Sequential Monte Carlo Localization Methods in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review

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    The advancement of digital technology has increased the deployment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in our daily life. However, locating sensor nodes is a challenging task in WSNs. Sensing data without an accurate location is worthless, especially in critical applications. The pioneering technique in range-free localization schemes is a sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) method, which utilizes network connectivity to estimate sensor location without additional hardware. This study presents a comprehensive survey of stateof-the-art SMC localization schemes. We present the schemes as a thematic taxonomy of localization operation in SMC. Moreover, the critical characteristics of each existing scheme are analyzed to identify its advantages and disadvantages. The similarities and differences of each scheme are investigated on the basis of significant parameters, namely, localization accuracy, computational cost, communication cost, and number of samples. We discuss the challenges and direction of the future research work for each parameter

    Effect of superstructure flexıbılıty on the probabılıstıc dynamıc behavıor of seısmıcally ısolated buıldıngs under synthetıc near-fault ground motıons

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    Bu tez, 119M804 no’lu TÜBİTAK projesi (Gazi, H., Alhan, C., Baran, B., 2021, Yakın-Fay Yer Hareketlerine Maruz Taban İzolasyonlu Binaların Güvenilirlikleri Üzerinde Belirsizlik Kaynaklarının ve Üstyapı Esnekliğinin Etkileri, TÜBİTAK-119M804) kapsamında gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tez çalışmasında yakın-fay yer hareketlerine maruz taban izolasyonlu binaların izolasyon sistemi, titreşime duyarlı ekipman ve yapısal sistem bütünlüğü açısından güvenilirliklerinin analizleri yapılmıştır. Bu analizler, Monte Carlo simülasyonları dâhilinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Önceki çalışmalardan farklı ve özgün olarak bu çalışmada, yakın-fay yer hareketlerine maruz taban izolasyonlu binaların söz konusu güvenilirliklerinin analizinde, doğrusal olmayan izolasyon sistemlerine sahip, çok katlı ve gerçekçi üç boyutlu modeller kullanılarak; izolasyon sistemi ile yer hareketi parametrelerindeki belirsizliklerin yanı sıra üstyapı parametrelerindeki belirsizlikler de göz önünde bulundurulmuştur. Bunların yanı sıra, yine önceki çalışmalardan farklı ve özgün olarak, üst yapı esnekliği de dikkate alınmış olup; farklı üstyapı esnekliklerine, farklı izolasyon periyotlarına ve farklı izolasyon karakteristik kuvvet oranlarına sahip taban izolasyonlu binaların, farklı moment magnitüdü ve farklı fay mesafesi seviyeleri için üretilen sentetik yakın-fay yer hareketleri etkisindeki güvenilirlikleri incelenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamındaki doğrusal olmayan dinamik analizler, 3D-BASIS yazılımının (Nagarajaiah, S., Reinhorn, A.M., Contantinou, M.C., 1991, 3D-BASIS: A General Program for the Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Three Dimensional Base Isolated Buildings, USA) üstyapı, izolasyon sistemi ve yer hareketlerindeki belirsizlikleri dikkate alabilecek ve Monte Carlo simülasyonları dahilinde tekrarlı dinamik analizler gerçekleştirebilecek şekilde,anılan proje kapsamında modifiye edilen versiyonuyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Güvenilirlik analizleri ise, binaların izolasyon sistemi, titreşime duyarlı ekipman ve yapısal sistem bütünlüğü açısından güvenilirliklerinin önce ayrı ayrı ve ardından birlikte ele alınması suretiyle iki aşamalı olarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, üstyapı, izolasyon sistemi ve yer hareketi belirsizliklerinin birlikte dikkate alınmaları halinde, üstyapı esnekliğinin yakın-fay yer hareketlerine maruz taban izolasyonlu binaların izolasyon sistemi, titreşime duyarlı ekipman ve yapısal sistem bütünlükleri açısından güvenilirlikleri üzerindeki etkileri, izolasyon sistemi periyodu, izolasyon sistemi karakteristik kuvvet oranı, deprem moment magnitüdü ve deprem fay mesafeleri ayrımları gözetilerek- istatiksel olarak ortaya konulmuştur.This thesis is carried out within the scope of the project numbered 119M804 of TUBITAK (Gazi, H., Alhan, C., Baran, B., 2021, Effects of Uncertainty Sources and Superstructure Flexibility on the Reliability of Base-Isolated Buildings under Near-Fault Earthquakes, TÜBİTAK-119M804). In this thesis, the reliability analyses of the base isolated buildings under near-fault ground motions are carried out with regards to their isolation system, vibration sensitive equipment and structural system integrity. These analyses are carried out within Monte Carlo simulations. Different from the past studies, multi-story and realistic threedimensional models with non-linear isolation systems are used in the reliability analyses of base-isolated buildings under near-fault ground motions by considering the uncertainties in the superstructure parameters in addition to the uncertainties in the isolation system and ground motion parameters. Besides, the flexibility of the superstructure is also taken into account different from the past studies. Thus, the subject reliabilities of base-isolated buildings with different superstructure flexibilities, different isolation periods and different isolation xviii characteristic strength ratios are investigated under synthetic near-fault ground motions generated for different earthquake moment magnitudes and different earthquake fault distances. The nonlinear dynamic analyses are conducted out via the version of the 3D-BASIS academic software (Nagarajaiah, S., Reinhorn, A.M., Contantinou, M.C., 1991, 3D-BASIS: A General Program for the Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis of Three Dimensional Base Isolated Buildings, USA), which is modified within the scope of the aforementioned project in a way that could take into account the uncertainties in the superstructure, isolation system and ground motion parameters and perform iterative dynamic analyses within Monte Carlo simulations. Reliability analyses are carried out in two steps considering the isolation system, vibration sensitive equipment and structural system integrity reliabilities of the buildings first separately and then together. Thus, in the case that subject uncertainty sources are considered together, the effects of flexibilities of the superstructures on the isolation system, vibration sensitive equipment and structural integrity reliabilities of base-isolated buildings exposed to near-fault ground motions are revealed statistically by taking into account the differences in isolation system periods, isolation system characteristic strength ratios, earthquake moment magnitudes, and earthquake closest fault distances.TÜBİTA