7,598 research outputs found

    The Galileo PPS expert monitoring and diagnostic prototype

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    The Galileo PPS Expert Monitoring Module (EMM) is a prototype system implemented on the SUN workstation that will demonstrate a knowledge-based approach to monitoring and diagnosis for the Galileo spacecraft Power/Pyro subsystems. The prototype will simulate an analysis module functioning within the SFOC Engineering Analysis Subsystem Environment (EASE). This document describes the implementation of a prototype EMM for the Galileo spacecraft Power Pyro Subsystem. Section 2 of this document provides an overview of the issues in monitoring and diagnosis and comparison between traditional and knowledge-based solutions to this problem. Section 3 describes various tradeoffs which must be considered when designing a knowledge-based approach to monitoring and diagnosis, and section 4 discusses how these issues were resolved in constructing the prototype. Section 5 presents conclusions and recommendations for constructing a full-scale demonstration of the EMM. A Glossary provides definitions of terms used in this text

    An overview of decision table literature 1982-1995.

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    This report gives an overview of the literature on decision tables over the past 15 years. As much as possible, for each reference, an author supplied abstract, a number of keywords and a classification are provided. In some cases own comments are added. The purpose of these comments is to show where, how and why decision tables are used. The literature is classified according to application area, theoretical versus practical character, year of publication, country or origin (not necessarily country of publication) and the language of the document. After a description of the scope of the interview, classification results and the classification by topic are presented. The main body of the paper is the ordered list of publications with abstract, classification and comments.

    A GSPN semantics for Continuous Time Bayesian Networks with Immediate Nodes

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    In this report we present an extension to Continuous Time Bayesian Networks (CTBN) called Generalized Continuous Time Bayesian Networks (GCTBN). The formalism allows one to model, in addition to continuous time delayed variables (with exponentially distributed transition rates), also non delayed or "immediate" variables, which act as standard chance nodes in a Bayesian Network. This allows the modeling of processes having both a continuous-time temporal component and an immediate (i.e. non-delayed) component capturing the logical/probabilistic interactions among the model\u2019s variables. The usefulness of this kind of model is discussed through an example concerning the reliability of a simple component-based system. A semantic model of GCTBNs, based on the formalism of Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets (GSPN) is outlined, whose purpose is twofold: to provide a well-de\ufb01ned semantics for GCTBNs in terms of the underlying stochastic process, and to provide an actual mean to perform inference (both prediction and smoothing) on GCTBNs. The example case study is then used, in order to highlight the exploitation of GSPN analysis for posterior probability computation on the GCTBN model