18,354 research outputs found

    Efficient global illumination for dynamic scenes

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    The production of high quality animations which feature compelling lighting effects is computationally a very heavy task when traditional rendering approaches are used where each frame is computed separately. The fact that most of the computation must be restarted from scratch for each frame leads to unnecessary redundancy. Since temporal coherence is typically not exploited, temporal aliasing problems are also more difficult to address. Many small errors in lighting distribution cannot be perceived by human observers when they are coherent in temporal domain. However, when such a coherence is lost, the resulting animations suffer from unpleasant flickering effects. In this thesis, we propose global illumination and rendering algorithms, which are designed specifically to combat those problems. We achieve this goal by exploiting temporal coherence in the lighting distribution between the subsequent animation frames. Our strategy relies on extending into temporal domain wellknown global illumination and rendering techniques such as density estimation path tracing, photon mapping, ray tracing, and irradiance caching, which have been originally designed to handle static scenes only. Our techniques mainly focus on the computation of indirect illumination, which is the most expensive part of global illumination modelling.Die Erstellung von hochqualitativen 3D-Animationen mit anspruchsvollen Lichteffekten ist für traditionelle Renderinganwendungen, bei denen jedes Bild separat berechnet wird, sehr aufwendig. Die Tatsache jedes Bild komplett neu zu berechnen führt zu unnötiger Redundanz. Wenn temporale Koherenz vernachlässigt wird, treten unter anderem auch schwierig zu behandelnde temporale Aliasingprobleme auf. Viele kleine Fehler in der Beleuchtungsberechnung eines Bildes können normalerweise nicht wahr genommen werden. Wenn jedoch die temporale Koherenz zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Bildern fehlt, treten störende Flimmereffekte auf. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir globale Beleuchtungsalgorithmen vor, die die oben genannten Probleme behandeln. Dies erreichen wir durch Ausnutzung von temporaler Koherenz zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Einzelbildern einer Animation. Unsere Strategy baut auf die klassischen globalen Beleuchtungsalgorithmen wie "Path tracing", "Photon Mapping" und "Irradiance Caching" auf und erweitert diese in die temporale Domäne. Dabei beschränken sich unsereMethoden hauptsächlich auf die Berechnung indirekter Beleuchtung, welche den zeitintensivsten Teil der globalen Beleuchtungsberechnung darstellt

    Efficient global illumination for dynamic scenes

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    The production of high quality animations which feature compelling lighting effects is computationally a very heavy task when traditional rendering approaches are used where each frame is computed separately. The fact that most of the computation must be restarted from scratch for each frame leads to unnecessary redundancy. Since temporal coherence is typically not exploited, temporal aliasing problems are also more difficult to address. Many small errors in lighting distribution cannot be perceived by human observers when they are coherent in temporal domain. However, when such a coherence is lost, the resulting animations suffer from unpleasant flickering effects. In this thesis, we propose global illumination and rendering algorithms, which are designed specifically to combat those problems. We achieve this goal by exploiting temporal coherence in the lighting distribution between the subsequent animation frames. Our strategy relies on extending into temporal domain wellknown global illumination and rendering techniques such as density estimation path tracing, photon mapping, ray tracing, and irradiance caching, which have been originally designed to handle static scenes only. Our techniques mainly focus on the computation of indirect illumination, which is the most expensive part of global illumination modelling.Die Erstellung von hochqualitativen 3D-Animationen mit anspruchsvollen Lichteffekten ist für traditionelle Renderinganwendungen, bei denen jedes Bild separat berechnet wird, sehr aufwendig. Die Tatsache jedes Bild komplett neu zu berechnen führt zu unnötiger Redundanz. Wenn temporale Koherenz vernachlässigt wird, treten unter anderem auch schwierig zu behandelnde temporale Aliasingprobleme auf. Viele kleine Fehler in der Beleuchtungsberechnung eines Bildes können normalerweise nicht wahr genommen werden. Wenn jedoch die temporale Koherenz zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Bildern fehlt, treten störende Flimmereffekte auf. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir globale Beleuchtungsalgorithmen vor, die die oben genannten Probleme behandeln. Dies erreichen wir durch Ausnutzung von temporaler Koherenz zwischen aufeinanderfolgenden Einzelbildern einer Animation. Unsere Strategy baut auf die klassischen globalen Beleuchtungsalgorithmen wie "Path tracing", "Photon Mapping" und "Irradiance Caching" auf und erweitert diese in die temporale Domäne. Dabei beschränken sich unsereMethoden hauptsächlich auf die Berechnung indirekter Beleuchtung, welche den zeitintensivsten Teil der globalen Beleuchtungsberechnung darstellt

    Gerçek zamanlı sahnelerin ışıklandırılmasına yardımcı, dinamik voxelleştirme teknikleri.

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    In this thesis, we focus on approximating indirect illumination on real-time applications to visualize realistic scenes. In order to approximate indirect illumination we provide a fast sparse voxel tree structure for highly dynamic scenes. Our system tries to cover traditional real-time animation methods including dynamic non-deforming objects and objects that deform with bone transformations. The voxel scene data structure is designed for fully dynamic objects and eliminates the voxelization of the dynamic objects per frame which in turn facilitates efficient realistic rendering. We combine this new scene information structure with the widely used real-time rendering techniques and these techniques’ data structures such as shadow mapping and deferred rendering to provide an efficient cone ray-casting algorithm that achieves global illumination in real-time. M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Importance driven environment map sampling

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    In this paper we present an automatic and efficient method for supporting Image Based Lighting (IBL) for bidirectional methods which improves both the sampling of the environment, and the detection and sampling of important regions of the scene, such as windows and doors. These often have a small area proportional to that of the entire scene, so paths which pass through them are generated with a low probability. The method proposed in this paper improves this by taking into account view importance, and modifies the lighting distribution to use light transport information. This also automatically constructs a sampling distribution in locations which are relevant to the camera position, thereby improving sampling. Results are presented when our method is applied to bidirectional rendering techniques, in particular we show results for Bidirectional Path Tracing, Metropolis Light Transport and Progressive Photon Mapping. Efficiency results demonstrate speed up of orders of magnitude (depending on the rendering method used), when compared to other methods