4 research outputs found

    Strang splitting method for semilinear parabolic problems with inhomogeneous boundary conditions: a correction based on the flow of the nonlinearity

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    The Strang splitting method, formally of order two, can suffer from order reduction when applied to semilinear parabolic problems with inhomogeneous boundary conditions. The recent work [L .Einkemmer and A. Ostermann. Overcoming order reduction in diffusion-reaction splitting. Part 1. Dirichlet boundary conditions. SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 37, 2015. Part 2: Oblique boundary conditions, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 38, 2016] introduces a modification of the method to avoid the reduction of order based on the nonlinearity. In this paper we introduce a new correction constructed directly from the flow of the nonlinearity and which requires no evaluation of the source term or its derivatives. The goal is twofold. One, this new modification requires only one evaluation of the diffusion flow and one evaluation of the source term flow at each step of the algorithm and it reduces the computational effort to construct the correction. Second, numerical experiments suggest it is well suited in the case where the nonlinearity is stiff. We provide a convergence analysis of the method for a smooth nonlinearity and perform numerical experiments to illustrate the performances of the new approach.Comment: To appear in SIAM J. Sci. Comput. (2020), 23 page

    Overcoming the order barrier two in splitting methods when applied to semilinear parabolic problems with non-periodic boundary conditions

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    In general, high order splitting methods suffer from an order reduction phenomena when applied to the time integration of partial differential equations with non-periodic boundary conditions. In the last decade, there were introduced several modifications to prevent the second order Strang Splitting method from such a phenomena. In this article, inspired by these recent corrector techniques, we introduce a splitting method of order three for a class of semilinear parabolic problems that avoids order reduction in the context of non-periodic boundary conditions. We give a proof for the third order convergence of the method in a simplified linear setting and confirm the result by numerical experiments. Moreover, we show numerically that the high order convergence persists for an order four variant of a splitting method, and also for a nonlinear source term

    A μ\mu-mode integrator for solving evolution equations in Kronecker form

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    In this paper, we propose a μ\mu-mode integrator for computing the solution of stiff evolution equations. The integrator is based on a d-dimensional splitting approach and uses exact (usually precomputed) one-dimensional matrix exponentials. We show that the action of the exponentials, i.e. the corresponding batched matrix-vector products, can be implemented efficiently on modern computer systems. We further explain how μ\mu-mode products can be used to compute spectral transformations efficiently even if no fast transform is available. We illustrate the performance of the new integrator by solving three-dimensional linear and nonlinear Schr\"odinger equations, and we show that the μ\mu-mode integrator can significantly outperform numerical methods well established in the field. We also discuss how to efficiently implement this integrator on both multi-core CPUs and GPUs. Finally, the numerical experiments show that using GPUs results in performance improvements between a factor of 10 and 20, depending on the problem