8 research outputs found

    Liveness-Based Garbage Collection for Lazy Languages

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    We consider the problem of reducing the memory required to run lazy first-order functional programs. Our approach is to analyze programs for liveness of heap-allocated data. The result of the analysis is used to preserve only live data---a subset of reachable data---during garbage collection. The result is an increase in the garbage reclaimed and a reduction in the peak memory requirement of programs. While this technique has already been shown to yield benefits for eager first-order languages, the lack of a statically determinable execution order and the presence of closures pose new challenges for lazy languages. These require changes both in the liveness analysis itself and in the design of the garbage collector. To show the effectiveness of our method, we implemented a copying collector that uses the results of the liveness analysis to preserve live objects, both evaluated (i.e., in WHNF) and closures. Our experiments confirm that for programs running with a liveness-based garbage collector, there is a significant decrease in peak memory requirements. In addition, a sizable reduction in the number of collections ensures that in spite of using a more complex garbage collector, the execution times of programs running with liveness and reachability-based collectors remain comparable

    On the Relation of Interaction Semantics to Continuations and Defunctionalization

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    In game semantics and related approaches to programming language semantics, programs are modelled by interaction dialogues. Such models have recently been used in the design of new compilation methods, e.g. for hardware synthesis or for programming with sublinear space. This paper relates such semantically motivated non-standard compilation methods to more standard techniques in the compilation of functional programming languages, namely continuation passing and defunctionalization. We first show for the linear {\lambda}-calculus that interpretation in a model of computation by interaction can be described as a call-by-name CPS-translation followed by a defunctionalization procedure that takes into account control-flow information. We then establish a relation between these two compilation methods for the simply-typed {\lambda}-calculus and end by considering recursion

    Formally Verified Space-Safety for Program Transformations

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    Existing work on compilers has often primarily concerned itself with preserving behavior, but programs have other facets besides their observable behavior. We expect that the performance of our code is preserved and bettered by the compiler, not made worse. Unfortunately, that\u27s exactly what sometimes occurs in modern optimizing compilers. Poor representations or incorrect optimizations may preserve the correct behavior, but push that program into a different complexity class entirely. We\u27ve seen such blowups like this occurring in practice, and many transformations have pitfalls which can cause issues. Even when a program is not dramatically worsened, it can cause the program to use more resources than expected, causing issues in resource-constrained environments, and increasing garbage-collection pauses. While several researchers have noticed potential issues, there have been a relative dearth of proofs for space-safety, and none at all concerning non-local optimizations. This work expands upon existing notions of space-safety, allowing them to be used to reason about long-running programs with both input and output, while ensuring that the program maintains some temporal locality of space costs. In addition, this work includes new proof techniques which can handle more dramatic shifts in the program and heap structure than existing methods, as well as more frequent garbage collection. The results are formalized in Coq, including a proof of space-safety for lifting data up in scope, which increases sharing and saves duplicate work, but may also catastrophically increase space usage, if done incorrectly

    An Analytical Approach to Programs as Data Objects

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    This essay accompanies a selection of 32 articles (referred to in bold face in the text and marginally marked in the bibliographic references) submitted to Aarhus University towards a Doctor Scientiarum degree in Computer Science.The author's previous academic degree, beyond a doctoral degree in June 1986, is an "Habilitation à diriger les recherches" from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) in France; the corresponding material was submitted in September 1992 and the degree was obtained in January 1993.The present 32 articles have all been written since 1993 and while at DAIMI.Except for one other PhD student, all co-authors are or have been the author's students here in Aarhus

    Implementing a Functional Language for Flix

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    Static program analysis is a powerful technique for maintaining software, with applications such as compiler optimizations, code refactoring, and bug finding. Static analyzers are typically implemented in general-purpose programming languages, such as C++ and Java; however, these analyzers are complex and often difficult to understand and maintain. An alternate approach is to use Datalog, a declarative language. Implementors can express analysis constraints declaratively, which makes it easier to understand and ensure correctness of the analysis. Furthermore, the declarative nature of the analysis allows multiple, independent analyses to be easily combined. Flix is a programming language for static analysis, consisting of a logic language and a functional language. The logic language is inspired by Datalog, but supports user-defined lattices. The functional language allows implementors to write functions, something which is not supported in Datalog. These two extensions, user-defined lattices and functions, allow Flix to support analyses that cannot be expressed by Datalog, such as a constant propagation analysis. Datalog is limited to constraints on relations, and although it can simulate finite lattices, it cannot express lattices over an infinite domain. Finally, another advantage of Flix is that it supports interoperability with existing tools written in general-purpose programming languages. This thesis discusses the implementation of the Flix functional language, which involves abstract syntax tree transformations, an interpreter back-end, and a code generator back-end. The implementation must support a number of interesting language features, such as pattern matching, first-class functions, and interoperability. The thesis also evaluates the implementation, comparing the interpreter and code generator back-ends in terms of correctness and performance. The performance benchmarks include purely functional programs (such as an N-body simulation), programs that involve both the logic and functional languages (such as matrix multiplication), and a real-world static analysis (the Strong Update analysis). Additionally, for the purely functional benchmarks, the performance of Flix is compared to C++, Java, Scala, and Ruby. In general, the performance of compiled Flix code is significantly faster than interpreted Flix code. This applies to all the purely functional benchmarks, as well as benchmarks that spend most of the time in the functional language, rather than the logic language. Furthermore, for purely functional code, the performance of compiled Flix is often comparable to Java and Scala

    Dynamic Compilation for Functional Programs

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    Diese Arbeit behandelt die dynamische, zur Laufzeit stattfindende Übersetzung und Optimierung funktionaler Programme. Ziel der Optimierung ist die erhöhte Laufzeiteffizient der Programme, die durch die compilergesteuerte Eliminierung von Abstraktionen der Programmiersprache erreicht wird. Bei der Implementierung objekt-orientierter Programmiersprachen werden bereits seit mehreren Jahrzehnten Compiler-Techniken zur Laufzeit eingesetzt, um objekt-orientierte Programme effizient ausführen zu können. Spätestens seit der Einführung der Programmiersprache Java und ihres auf einer abstrakten Maschine basierenden Ausführungsmodells hat sich die Praktikabilität dieser Implementierungstechnik gezeigt. Viele Eigenschaften moderner Programmiersprachen konnten erst durch den Einsatz dynamischer Transformationstechniken effizient realisiert werden, wie zum Beispiel das dynamische Nachladen von Programmteilen (auch über Netzwerke), Reflection sowie verschiedene Sicherheitslösungen (z.B. Sandboxing). Ziel dieser Arbeit ist zu zeigen, dass rein funktionale Programmiersprachen auf ähnliche Weise effizient implementiert werden können, und sogar Vorteile gegenüber den allgemein eingesetzten objekt-orientierten Sprachen bieten, was die Effizienz, Sicherheit und Korrektheit von Programmen angeht. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, werden in dieser Arbeit Implementierungstechniken entworfen bzw. aus bestehenden Lösungen weiterentwickelt, welche die dynamische Kompilierung und Optimierung funktionaler Programme erlauben: zum einen präsentieren wir eine Programmzwischendarstellung (getypte dynamische Continuation-Passing-Style-Darstellung), welche sich zur dynamischen Kompilierung und Optimierung eignet. Basierend auf dieser Darstellung haben wir eine Erweiterung zur verzögerten und selektiven Codeerzeugung von Programmteilen entwickelt. Der wichtigste Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist die dynamische Spezialisierung zur Eliminierung polymorpher Funktionen und Datenstrukturen, welche die Effizienz funktionaler Programme deutlich steigern kann. Die präsentierten Ergebnisse experimenteller Messungen eines prototypischen Ausführungssystems belegen, dass funktionale Programme effizient dynamisch kompiliert werden können.This thesis is about dynamic translation and optimization of functional programs. The goal of the optimization is increased run-time efficiency, which is obtained by compiler-directed elimination of programming language abstractions. Object-oriented programming languages have been implemented for several decades using run-time compilation techniques. With the introduction of the Java programming language and its virtual machine-based execution model, the practicability of this implementation method for real-world applications has been proved. Many aspects of modern programming languages, such as dynamic loading and linking of code (even across networks), reflection and security solutions (e.g., sandboxing) can be realized efficiently only by using dynamic transformation techniques. The goal of this work is to show that functional programming languages can be efficiently implemented in a similar way, and that these languages even offer advantages when compared to more common object-oriented languages. Efficiency, security and correctness of programs is easier to ensure in the functional setting. Towards this goal, we design and develop implementation techniques to enable dynamic compilation and optimization of functional programming languages: we describe an intermediate representation for functional programs (typed dynamic continuation-passing style), which is well suited for dynamic compilation. Based on this representation, we have developed an extension for incremental and selective code generation. The main contribution of this work shows how dynamic specialization of polymorphic functions and data structures can increase the run-time efficiency of functional programs considerably. We present the results of experimental measurements for a prototypical implementation, which prove that functional programs can efficiently be dynamically compiled

    Efficient and safe-for-space closure conversion

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    Modern compilers often implement function calls (or returns) in two steps: first, a “closure ” environment is properly installed to provide access for free variables in the target program fragment; second, the control is transferred to the target by a “jump with arguments (or results). ” Closure conversion—which decides where and how to represent closures at runtime—is a crucial step in the compilation of functional languages. This paper presents a new algorithm that exploits the use of compile-time control and data flow information to optimize function calls. By extensive closure sharing and allocating as many closures in registers as possible, our new closure-conversion algorithm reduces heap allocation by 36 % and memory fetches for local and global variables by 43%; and improves the already efficient code generated by an earlier version of the Standard ML of New Jersey compiler by about 17 % on a DECstation 5000. Moreover, unlike most other approaches, our new closure-allocation scheme satisfies the strong safe-for-space-complexity rule, thus achieving good asymptotic space usage