9 research outputs found

    Detail synthesis for image-based texturing

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    Robust 2D-3D alignment based on geometrical consistency

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    This paper presents a new registration algorithm of a 2D image and a 3D geometrical model, which is robust for initial registration errors, for reconstructing a realistic 3D model of indoor scene settings. One of the typical tech-niques of pose estimation of a 3D model in a 2D image is the method based on the correspondences between 2D pho-tometrical edges and 3D geometrical edges projected on the 2D image. However, for indoor settings, features extracted on the 2D image and jump edges of the geometrical model, which can be extracted robustly, are limited. Therefore, it is difficult to find corresponding edges between the 2D image and the 3D model correctly. For this reason, in most cases, the relative position has to be manually set close to correct position beforehand. To overcome this problem, in the pro-posed method, firstly the relative pose is roughly estimated by utilizing geometrical consistencies of back-projected 2D photometrical edges on a 3D model. Next, the edge-based method is applied for the precise pose estimation after the above estimation procedure is converged. The performance of the proposed method is successfully demonstrated with some experiments using simulated models of indoor scene settings and actual environments measured by range and image sensors. 1

    Global refinement of image-to-geometry registration for color projection

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    Mobile Wound Assessment and 3D Modeling from a Single Image

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    The prevalence of camera-enabled mobile phones have made mobile wound assessment a viable treatment option for millions of previously difficult to reach patients. We have designed a complete mobile wound assessment platform to ameliorate the many challenges related to chronic wound care. Chronic wounds and infections are the most severe, costly and fatal types of wounds, placing them at the center of mobile wound assessment. Wound physicians assess thousands of single-view wound images from all over the world, and it may be difficult to determine the location of the wound on the body, for example, if the wound is taken at close range. In our solution, end-users capture an image of the wound by taking a picture with their mobile camera. The wound image is segmented and classified using modern convolution neural networks, and is stored securely in the cloud for remote tracking. We use an interactive semi-automated approach to allow users to specify the location of the wound on the body. To accomplish this we have created, to the best our knowledge, the first 3D human surface anatomy labeling system, based off the current NYU and Anatomy Mapper labeling systems. To interactively view wounds in 3D, we have presented an efficient projective texture mapping algorithm for texturing wounds onto a 3D human anatomy model. In so doing, we have demonstrated an approach to 3D wound reconstruction that works even for a single wound image

    Analysis of 3D Face Reconstruction

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    This thesis investigates the long standing problem of 3D reconstruction from a single 2D face image. Face reconstruction from a single 2D face image is an ill posed problem involving estimation of the intrinsic and the extrinsic camera parameters, light parameters, shape parameters and the texture parameters. The proposed approach has many potential applications in the law enforcement, surveillance, medicine, computer games and the entertainment industries. This problem is addressed using an analysis by synthesis framework by reconstructing a 3D face model from identity photographs. The identity photographs are a widely used medium for face identi cation and can be found on identity cards and passports. The novel contribution of this thesis is a new technique for creating 3D face models from a single 2D face image. The proposed method uses the improved dense 3D correspondence obtained using rigid and non-rigid registration techniques. The existing reconstruction methods use the optical ow method for establishing 3D correspondence. The resulting 3D face database is used to create a statistical shape model. The existing reconstruction algorithms recover shape by optimizing over all the parameters simultaneously. The proposed algorithm simplifies the reconstruction problem by using a step wise approach thus reducing the dimension of the parameter space and simplifying the opti- mization problem. In the alignment step, a generic 3D face is aligned with the given 2D face image by using anatomical landmarks. The texture is then warped onto the 3D model by using the spatial alignment obtained previously. The 3D shape is then recovered by optimizing over the shape parameters while matching a texture mapped model to the target image. There are a number of advantages of this approach. Firstly, it simpli es the optimization requirements and makes the optimization more robust. Second, there is no need to accurately recover the illumination parameters. Thirdly, there is no need for recovering the texture parameters by using a texture synthesis approach. Fourthly, quantitative analysis is used for improving the quality of reconstruction by improving the cost function. Previous methods use qualitative methods such as visual analysis, and face recognition rates for evaluating reconstruction accuracy. The improvement in the performance of the cost function occurs as a result of improvement in the feature space comprising the landmark and intensity features. Previously, the feature space has not been evaluated with respect to reconstruction accuracy thus leading to inaccurate assumptions about its behaviour. The proposed approach simpli es the reconstruction problem by using only identity images, rather than placing eff ort on overcoming the pose, illumination and expression (PIE) variations. This makes sense, as frontal face images under standard illumination conditions are widely available and could be utilized for accurate reconstruction. The reconstructed 3D models with texture can then be used for overcoming the PIE variations

    Uses of uncalibrated images to enrich 3D models information

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    The decrease in costs of semi-professional digital cameras has led to the possibility for everyone to acquire a very detailed description of a scene in a very short time. Unfortunately, the interpretation of the images is usually quite hard, due to the amount of data and the lack of robust and generic image analysis methods. Nevertheless, if a geometric description of the depicted scene is available, it gets much easier to extract information from 2D data. This information can be used to enrich the quality of the 3D data in several ways. In this thesis, several uses of sets of unregistered images for the enrichment of 3D models are shown. In particular, two possible fields of application are presented: the color acquisition, projection and visualization and the geometry modification. Regarding color management, several practical and cheap solutions to overcome the main issues in this field are presented. Moreover, some real applications, mainly related to Cultural Heritage, show that provided methods are robust and effective. In the context of geometry modification, two approaches are presented to modify already existing 3D models. In the first one, information extracted from images is used to deform a dummy model to obtain accurate 3D head models, used for simulation in the context of three-dimensional audio rendering. The second approach presents a method to fill holes in 3D models, with the use of registered images depicting a pattern projected on the real object. Finally, some useful indications about the possible future work in all the presented fields are given, in order to delineate the developments of this promising direction of research

    Efficient, image-based appearance acquisition of real-world objects

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    Two ingredients are necessary to synthesize realistic images: an accurate rendering algorithm and, equally important, high-quality models in terms of geometry and reflection properties. In this dissertation we focus on capturing the appearance of real world objects. The acquired model must represent both the geometry and the reflection properties of the object in order to create new views of the object with novel illumination. Starting from scanned 3D geometry, we measure the reflection properties (BRDF) of the object from images taken under known viewing and lighting conditions. The BRDF measurement require only a small number of input images and is made even more efficient by a view planning algorithm. In particular, we propose algorithms for efficient image-to-geometry registration, and an image-based measurement technique to reconstruct spatially varying materials from a sparse set of images using a point light source. Moreover, we present a view planning algorithm that calculates camera and light source positions for optimal quality and efficiency of the measurement process. Relightable models of real-world objects are requested in various fields such as movie production, e-commerce, digital libraries, and virtual heritage.Zur Synthetisierung realistischer Bilder ist zweierlei nötig: ein akkurates Verfahren zur Beleuchtungsberechnung und, ebenso wichtig, qualitativ hochwertige Modelle, die Geometrie und Reflexionseigenschaften der Szene repräsentieren. Die Aufnahme des Erscheinungbildes realer Gegenstände steht im Mittelpunkt dieser Dissertation. Um beliebige Ansichten eines Gegenstandes unter neuer Beleuchtung zu berechnen, müssen die aufgenommenen Modelle sowohl die Geometrie als auch die Reflexionseigenschaften beinhalten. Ausgehend von einem eingescannten 3D-Geometriemodell, werden die Reflexionseigenschaften (BRDF) anhand von Bildern des Objekts gemessen, die unter kontrollierten Lichtverhältnissen aus verschiedenen Perspektiven aufgenommen wurden. Für die Messungen der BRDF sind nur wenige Eingabebilder erforderlich. Im Speziellen werden Methoden vorgestellt für die Registrierung von Bildern und Geometrie sowie für die bildbasierte Messung von variierenden Materialien. Zur zusätzlichen Steigerung der Effizienz der Aufnahme wie der Qualität des Modells, wurde ein Planungsalgorithmus entwickelt, der optimale Kamera- und Lichtquellenpositionen berechnet. Anwendung finden virtuelle 3D-Modelle bespielsweise in der Filmproduktion, im E-Commerce, in digitalen Bibliotheken wie auch bei der Bewahrung von kulturhistorischem Erbe

    Surface Appearance Estimation from Video Sequences

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    The realistic virtual reproduction of real world objects using Computer Graphics techniques requires the accurate acquisition and reconstruction of both 3D geometry and surface appearance. Unfortunately, in several application contexts, such as Cultural Heritage (CH), the reflectance acquisition can be very challenging due to the type of object to acquire and the digitization conditions. Although several methods have been proposed for the acquisition of object reflectance, some intrinsic limitations still make its acquisition a complex task for CH artworks: the use of specialized instruments (dome, special setup for camera and light source, etc.); the need of highly controlled acquisition environments, such as a dark room; the difficulty to extend to objects of arbitrary shape and size; the high level of expertise required to assess the quality of the acquisition. The Ph.D. thesis proposes novel solutions for the acquisition and the estimation of the surface appearance in fixed and uncontrolled lighting conditions with several degree of approximations (from a perceived near diffuse color to a SVBRDF), taking advantage of the main features that differentiate a video sequences from an unordered photos collections: the temporal coherence; the data redundancy; the easy of the acquisition, which allows acquisition of many views of the object in a short time. Finally, Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) is an example of widely used technology for the acquisition of the surface appearance in the CH field, even if limited to single view Reflectance Fields of nearly flat objects. In this context, the thesis addresses also two important issues in RTI usage: how to provide better and more flexible virtual inspection capabilities with a set of operators that improve the perception of details, features and overall shape of the artwork; how to increase the possibility to disseminate this data and to support remote visual inspection of both scholar and ordinary public

    Efficient and Handy Texture Mapping on 3D Surfaces

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