11,089 research outputs found

    Optimizing Abstract Abstract Machines

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    The technique of abstracting abstract machines (AAM) provides a systematic approach for deriving computable approximations of evaluators that are easily proved sound. This article contributes a complementary step-by-step process for subsequently going from a naive analyzer derived under the AAM approach, to an efficient and correct implementation. The end result of the process is a two to three order-of-magnitude improvement over the systematically derived analyzer, making it competitive with hand-optimized implementations that compute fundamentally less precise results.Comment: Proceedings of the International Conference on Functional Programming 2013 (ICFP 2013). Boston, Massachusetts. September, 201

    Sequentializing Parameterized Programs

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    We exhibit assertion-preserving (reachability preserving) transformations from parameterized concurrent shared-memory programs, under a k-round scheduling of processes, to sequential programs. The salient feature of the sequential program is that it tracks the local variables of only one thread at any point, and uses only O(k) copies of shared variables (it does not use extra counters, not even one counter to keep track of the number of threads). Sequentialization is achieved using the concept of a linear interface that captures the effect an unbounded block of processes have on the shared state in a k-round schedule. Our transformation utilizes linear interfaces to sequentialize the program, and to ensure the sequential program explores only reachable states and preserves local invariants.Comment: In Proceedings FIT 2012, arXiv:1207.348

    Logic programming in the context of multiparadigm programming: the Oz experience

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    Oz is a multiparadigm language that supports logic programming as one of its major paradigms. A multiparadigm language is designed to support different programming paradigms (logic, functional, constraint, object-oriented, sequential, concurrent, etc.) with equal ease. This article has two goals: to give a tutorial of logic programming in Oz and to show how logic programming fits naturally into the wider context of multiparadigm programming. Our experience shows that there are two classes of problems, which we call algorithmic and search problems, for which logic programming can help formulate practical solutions. Algorithmic problems have known efficient algorithms. Search problems do not have known efficient algorithms but can be solved with search. The Oz support for logic programming targets these two problem classes specifically, using the concepts needed for each. This is in contrast to the Prolog approach, which targets both classes with one set of concepts, which results in less than optimal support for each class. To explain the essential difference between algorithmic and search programs, we define the Oz execution model. This model subsumes both concurrent logic programming (committed-choice-style) and search-based logic programming (Prolog-style). Instead of Horn clause syntax, Oz has a simple, fully compositional, higher-order syntax that accommodates the abilities of the language. We conclude with lessons learned from this work, a brief history of Oz, and many entry points into the Oz literature.Comment: 48 pages, to appear in the journal "Theory and Practice of Logic Programming

    Tight Bounds for the Cover Times of Random Walks with Heterogeneous Step Lengths

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    Search patterns of randomly oriented steps of different lengths have been observed on all scales of the biological world, ranging from the microscopic to the ecological, including in protein motors, bacteria, T-cells, honeybees, marine predators, and more. Through different models, it has been demonstrated that adopting a variety in the magnitude of the step lengths can greatly improve the search efficiency. However, the precise connection between the search efficiency and the number of step lengths in the repertoire of the searcher has not been identified. Motivated by biological examples in one-dimensional terrains, a recent paper studied the best cover time on an n-node cycle that can be achieved by a random walk process that uses k step lengths. By tuning the lengths and corresponding probabilities the authors therein showed that the best cover time is roughly n 1+Θ(1/k). While this bound is useful for large values of k, it is hardly informative for small k values, which are of interest in biology. In this paper, we provide a tight bound for the cover time of such a walk, for every integer k > 1. Specifically, up to lower order polylogarithmic factors, the upper bound on the cover time is a polynomial in n of exponent 1+ 1/(2k−1). For k = 2, 3, 4 and 5 the exponent is thus 4/3 , 6/5 , 8/7 , and 10/9 , respectively. Informally, our result implies that, as long as the number of step lengths k is not too large, incorporating an additional step length to the repertoire of the process enables to improve the cover time by a polynomial factor, but the extent of the improvement gradually decreases with k

    The Dynamic Effects of Subconscious Goal Pursuit on Resource Allocation, Task Performance, and Goal Abandonment

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    We test two potential boundary conditions for the effects of subconscious goals—the nature of the goal that is activated (achievement vs. underachievement) and conscious goal striving. Subconscious achievement goals increase the amount of time devoted to skill acquisition, and this increase in resource allocation leads to higher performance when conscious goals are neutral. However, specific conscious goals undermine the performance benefits of subconscious achievement goals. Subconscious underachievement goals cause individuals to abandon goal pursuit and this effect is mediated by task performance. Difficult conscious goals neutralize the detrimental effects of subconscious underachievement goals but only if implemented before performance is undermined. Overall, these results suggest that subconscious achievement goals facilitate task performance, subconscious underachievement goals trigger goal abandonment, and difficult conscious goals moderate these effects depending on the level of resource allocation and timing of goal implementation

    Task-based Augmented Reeb Graphs with Dynamic ST-Trees

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    International audienceThis paper presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first parallel algorithm for the computation of the augmented Reeb graph of piecewise linear scalar data. Such augmented Reeb graphs have a wide range of applications , including contour seeding and feature based segmentation. Our approach targets shared-memory multi-core workstations. For this, it completely revisits the optimal, but sequential, Reeb graph algorithm, which is capable of handing data in arbitrary dimension and with optimal time complexity. We take advantage of Fibonacci heaps to exploit the ST-Tree data structure through independent local propagations, while maintaining the optimal, linearithmic time complexity of the sequential reference algorithm. These independent propagations can be expressed using OpenMP tasks, hence benefiting in parallel from the dynamic load balancing of the task runtime while enabling us to increase the parallelism degree thanks to a dual sweep. We present performance results on triangulated surfaces and tetrahedral meshes. We provide comparisons to related work and show that our new algorithm results in superior time performance in practice, both in sequential and in parallel. An open-source C++ implementation is provided for reproducibility