1,245 research outputs found

    Securely Outsourcing Large Scale Eigen Value Problem to Public Cloud

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    Cloud computing enables clients with limited computational power to economically outsource their large scale computations to a public cloud with huge computational power. Cloud has the massive storage, computational power and software which can be used by clients for reducing their computational overhead and storage limitation. But in case of outsourcing, privacy of client's confidential data must be maintained. We have designed a protocol for outsourcing large scale Eigen value problem to a malicious cloud which provides input/output data security, result verifiability and client's efficiency. As the direct computation method to find all eigenvectors is computationally expensive for large dimensionality, we have used power iterative method for finding the largest Eigen value and the corresponding Eigen vector of a matrix. For protecting the privacy, some transformations are applied to the input matrix to get encrypted matrix which is sent to the cloud and then decrypting the result that is returned from the cloud for getting the correct solution of Eigen value problem. We have also proposed result verification mechanism for detecting robust cheating and provided theoretical analysis and experimental result that describes high-efficiency, correctness, security and robust cheating resistance of the proposed protocol

    Practical and Secure Outsourcing Algorithms of Matrix Operations Based on a Novel Matrix Encryption Method

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    With the recent growth and commercialization of cloud computing, outsourcing computation has become one of the most important cloud services, which allows the resource-constrained clients to efficiently perform large-scale computation in a pay-per-use manner. Meanwhile, outsourcing large scale computing problems and computationally intensive applications to the cloud has become prevalent in the science and engineering computing community. As important fundamental operations, large-scale matrix multiplication computation (MMC), matrix inversion computation (MIC), and matrix determinant computation (MDC) have been frequently used. In this paper, we present three new algorithms to enable secure, verifiable, and efficient outsourcing of MMC, MIC, and MDC operations to a cloud that may be potentially malicious. The main idea behind our algorithms is a novel matrix encryption/decryption method utilizing consecutive and sparse unimodular matrix transformations. Compared to previous works, this versatile technique can be applied to many matrix operations while achieving a good balance between security and efficiency. First, the proposed algorithms provide robust confidentiality by concealing the local information of the entries in the input matrices. Besides, they also protect the statistic information of the original matrix. Moreover, these algorithms are highly efficient. Our theoretical analysis indicates that the proposed algorithms reduce the time overhead on the client side from O(n 2.3728639 ) to O(n 2 ). Finally, the extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate the practical efficiency and effectiveness of our algorithms

    Numerical Problem Encryption for High-Performance Computing Applications

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    Recent years witnessed the diffusion of cloud-based services. Cloud services have the interesting advantage that they can provide resources (CPU, disk space, etc.) that would be too expensive to deploy and maintain in-house. A major drawback of cloud-based services is the problem of handling private data and—possibly—intellectual property to a third party. With some service (e.g., data storage), cryptography can provide a solution; however, there are some services that are more difficult to protect. An example of such services is the renting of CPU to carry out numerical computation such as differential equation solving. In this chapter, we discuss the problem of encrypting numerical problems so that their solution can be safely outsourced. The idea is to transform (encrypt) a given numerical problem into a different one whose solution can be mapped back to the solution of the original problem if the key used at the encryption stage is known

    Outsourced Analysis of Encrypted Graphs in the Cloud with Privacy Protection

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    Huge diagrams have unique properties for organizations and research, such as client linkages in informal organizations and customer evaluation lattices in social channels. They necessitate a lot of financial assets to maintain because they are large and frequently continue to expand. Owners of large diagrams may need to use cloud resources due to the extensive arrangement of open cloud resources to increase capacity and computation flexibility. However, the cloud's accountability and protection of schematics have become a significant issue. In this study, we consider calculations for security savings for essential graph examination practices: schematic extraterrestrial examination for outsourcing graphs in the cloud server. We create the security-protecting variants of the two proposed Eigen decay computations. They are using two cryptographic algorithms: additional substance homomorphic encryption (ASHE) strategies and some degree homomorphic encryption (SDHE) methods. Inadequate networks also feature a distinctively confidential info adaptation convention to allow the trade-off between secrecy and data sparseness. Both dense and sparse structures are investigated. According to test results, calculations with sparse encoding can drastically reduce information. SDHE-based strategies have reduced computing time, while ASHE-based methods have reduced stockpiling expenses

    ShadowNet: A Secure and Efficient System for On-device Model Inference

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    With the increased usage of AI accelerators on mobile and edge devices, on-device machine learning (ML) is gaining popularity. Consequently, thousands of proprietary ML models are being deployed on billions of untrusted devices. This raises serious security concerns about model privacy. However, protecting the model privacy without losing access to the AI accelerators is a challenging problem. In this paper, we present a novel on-device model inference system, ShadowNet. ShadowNet protects the model privacy with Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) while securely outsourcing the heavy linear layers of the model to the untrusted hardware accelerators. ShadowNet achieves this by transforming the weights of the linear layers before outsourcing them and restoring the results inside the TEE. The nonlinear layers are also kept secure inside the TEE. The transformation of the weights and the restoration of the results are designed in a way that can be implemented efficiently. We have built a ShadowNet prototype based on TensorFlow Lite and applied it on four popular CNNs, namely, MobileNets, ResNet-44, AlexNet and MiniVGG. Our evaluation shows that ShadowNet achieves strong security guarantees with reasonable performance, offering a practical solution for secure on-device model inference.Comment: single column, 21 pages (29 pages include appendix), 12 figure

    On Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Learning for IoT Objects

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) will be a main data generation infrastructure for achieving better system intelligence. This paper considers the design and implementation of a practical privacy-preserving collaborative learning scheme, in which a curious learning coordinator trains a better machine learning model based on the data samples contributed by a number of IoT objects, while the confidentiality of the raw forms of the training data is protected against the coordinator. Existing distributed machine learning and data encryption approaches incur significant computation and communication overhead, rendering them ill-suited for resource-constrained IoT objects. We study an approach that applies independent Gaussian random projection at each IoT object to obfuscate data and trains a deep neural network at the coordinator based on the projected data from the IoT objects. This approach introduces light computation overhead to the IoT objects and moves most workload to the coordinator that can have sufficient computing resources. Although the independent projections performed by the IoT objects address the potential collusion between the curious coordinator and some compromised IoT objects, they significantly increase the complexity of the projected data. In this paper, we leverage the superior learning capability of deep learning in capturing sophisticated patterns to maintain good learning performance. Extensive comparative evaluation shows that this approach outperforms other lightweight approaches that apply additive noisification for differential privacy and/or support vector machines for learning in the applications with light data pattern complexities.Comment: 12 pages,IOTDI 201

    Privacy-Preserving Cloud-Assisted Data Analytics

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    Nowadays industries are collecting a massive and exponentially growing amount of data that can be utilized to extract useful insights for improving various aspects of our life. Data analytics (e.g., via the use of machine learning) has been extensively applied to make important decisions in various real world applications. However, it is challenging for resource-limited clients to analyze their data in an efficient way when its scale is large. Additionally, the data resources are increasingly distributed among different owners. Nonetheless, users\u27 data may contain private information that needs to be protected. Cloud computing has become more and more popular in both academia and industry communities. By pooling infrastructure and servers together, it can offer virtually unlimited resources easily accessible via the Internet. Various services could be provided by cloud platforms including machine learning and data analytics. The goal of this dissertation is to develop privacy-preserving cloud-assisted data analytics solutions to address the aforementioned challenges, leveraging the powerful and easy-to-access cloud. In particular, we propose the following systems. To address the problem of limited computation power at user and the need of privacy protection in data analytics, we consider geometric programming (GP) in data analytics, and design a secure, efficient, and verifiable outsourcing protocol for GP. Our protocol consists of a transform scheme that converts GP to DGP, a transform scheme with computationally indistinguishability, and an efficient scheme to solve the transformed DGP at the cloud side with result verification. Evaluation results show that the proposed secure outsourcing protocol can achieve significant time savings for users. To address the problem of limited data at individual users, we propose two distributed learning systems such that users can collaboratively train machine learning models without losing privacy. The first one is a differentially private framework to train logistic regression models with distributed data sources. We employ the relevance between input data features and the model output to significantly improve the learning accuracy. Moreover, we adopt an evaluation data set at the cloud side to suppress low-quality data sources and propose a differentially private mechanism to protect user\u27s data quality privacy. Experimental results show that the proposed framework can achieve high utility with low quality data, and strong privacy guarantee. The second one is an efficient privacy-preserving federated learning system that enables multiple edge users to collaboratively train their models without revealing dataset. To reduce the communication overhead, we select well-aligned and large-enough magnitude gradients for uploading which leads to quick convergence. To minimize the noise added and improve model utility, each user only adds a small amount of noise to his selected gradients, encrypts the noise gradients before uploading, and the cloud server will only get the aggregate gradients that contain enough noise to achieve differential privacy. Evaluation results show that the proposed system can achieve high accuracy, low communication overhead, and strong privacy guarantee. In future work, we plan to design a privacy-preserving data analytics with fair exchange, which ensures the payment fairness. We will also consider designing distributed learning systems with heterogeneous architectures

    Privacy-preserving efficient searchable encryption

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    Data storage and computation outsourcing to third-party managed data centers, in environments such as Cloud Computing, is increasingly being adopted by individuals, organizations, and governments. However, as cloud-based outsourcing models expand to society-critical data and services, the lack of effective and independent control over security and privacy conditions in such settings presents significant challenges. An interesting solution to these issues is to perform computations on encrypted data, directly in the outsourcing servers. Such an approach benefits from not requiring major data transfers and decryptions, increasing performance and scalability of operations. Searching operations, an important application case when cloud-backed repositories increase in number and size, are good examples where security, efficiency, and precision are relevant requisites. Yet existing proposals for searching encrypted data are still limited from multiple perspectives, including usability, query expressiveness, and client-side performance and scalability. This thesis focuses on the design and evaluation of mechanisms for searching encrypted data with improved efficiency, scalability, and usability. There are two particular concerns addressed in the thesis: on one hand, the thesis aims at supporting multiple media formats, especially text, images, and multimodal data (i.e. data with multiple media formats simultaneously); on the other hand the thesis addresses client-side overhead, and how it can be minimized in order to support client applications executing in both high-performance desktop devices and resource-constrained mobile devices. From the research performed to address these issues, three core contributions were developed and are presented in the thesis: (i) CloudCryptoSearch, a middleware system for storing and searching text documents with privacy guarantees, while supporting multiple modes of deployment (user device, local proxy, or computational cloud) and exploring different tradeoffs between security, usability, and performance; (ii) a novel framework for efficiently searching encrypted images based on IES-CBIR, an Image Encryption Scheme with Content-Based Image Retrieval properties that we also propose and evaluate; (iii) MIE, a Multimodal Indexable Encryption distributed middleware that allows storing, sharing, and searching encrypted multimodal data while minimizing client-side overhead and supporting both desktop and mobile devices
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