7 research outputs found

    Multi-Cycle at Speed Test

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    In this research, we focus on the development of an algorithm that is used to generate a minimal number of patterns for path delay test of integrated circuits using the multi-cycle at-speed test. We test the circuits in functional mode, where multiple functional cycles follow after the test pattern scan-in operation. This approach increases the delay correlation between the scan and functional test, due to more functionally realistic power supply noise. We use multiple at-speed cycles to compact K-longest paths per gate tests, which reduces the number of scan patterns. After a path is generated, we try to place each path in the first pattern in the pattern pool. If the path does not fit due to conflicts, we attempt to place it in later functional cycles. This compaction approach retains the greedy nature of the original dynamic compaction algorithm where it will stop if the path fits into a pattern. If the path is not able to compact in any of the functional cycles of patterns in the pool, we generate a new pattern. In this method, each path delay test is compared to at-speed patterns in the pool. The challenge is that the at-speed delay test in a given at-speed cycle must have its necessary value assignments set up in previous (preamble) cycles, and have the captured results propagated to a scan cell in the later (coda) cycles. For instance, if we consider three at-speed (capture) cycles after the scan-in operation, and if we need to place a fault in the first capture cycle, then we must generate it with two propagation cycles. In this case, we consider these propagation cycles as coda cycles, so the algorithm attempts to select the most observable path through them. Likewise, if we are placing the path test in the second capture cycle, then we need one preamble cycle and one coda cycle, and if we are placing the path test in the third capture cycle, we require two preamble cycles with no coda cycles

    Observability Driven Path Generation for Delay Test

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    This research describes an approach for path generation using an observability metric for delay test. K Longest Path Per Gate (KLPG) tests are generated for sequential circuits. A transition launched from a scan flip-flop (SFF) is captured into another SFF during at-speed clock cycles, that is, clock cycles at the rated design speed. The generated path is a ‘longest path’ suitable for delay test. The path generation algorithm then utilizes observability of the fan-out gates in the consecutive, lower-speed clock cycles, known as coda cycles, to generate paths ending at a SFF, to capture the transition from the at-speed cycles. For a given clocking scheme defined by the number of coda cycles, if the final flip-flop is not scan-enabled, the path generation algorithm attempts to generate a different path that ends at a SFF, located in a different branch of the circuit fan-out, indicated by lower observability. The paths generated over multiple cycles are sequentially justified using Boolean satisfiability. The observability metric optimizes the path generation in the coda cycles by always attempting to grow the path through the branch with the best observability and never generating a path that ends at a non-scan flip-flop. The algorithm has been developed in C++. The experiments have been performed on an Intel Core i7 machine with 64GB RAM. Various ISCAS benchmark circuits have been used with various KLPG configurations for code evaluation. Multiple configurations have been used for the experiments. The combinations of the values of K [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and number of coda cycles [1, 2, 3] have been used to characterize the implementation. A sublinear rise is run time has been observed with increasing K values. The total number of tested paths rise with K and falls with number of coda cycles, due to the increasing number of constraints on the path, particularly due to the fixed inputs

    Advanced Algorithms for VLSI: Statistical Circuit Optimization and Cyclic Circuit Analysis

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    This work focuses on two emerging fields in VLSI. The first is use of statistical formulations to tackle one of the classical problems in VLSI design and analysis domains, namely gate sizing. The second is on analysis of nontraditional digital systems in the form of cyclic combinational circuits. In the first part, a new approach for enhancing the process-variation tolerance of digital circuits is described. We extend recent advances in statistical timing analysis into an optimization framework. Our objective is to reduce the performance variance of a technology-mapped circuit where delays across elements are represented by random variables which capture the manufacturing variations. We introduce the notion of statistical critical paths, which account for both means and variances of performance variation. An optimization engine is used to size gates with a goal of reducing the timing variance along the statistical critical paths. Circuit optimization is carried out using a gain-based gate sizing algorithm that terminates when constraints are satisfied or no further improvements can be made. We show optimization results that demonstrate an average of 72% reduction in performance variation at the expense of average 20% increase in design area. In the second part, we tackle the problem of analyzing cyclic circuits. Compiling high-level hardware languages can produce circuits containing combinational cycles that can never be sensitized. Such circuits do have well-defined functional behavior, but wreak havoc with most tools, which assume acyclic combinational logic. As such, some sort of cycle-removal step is usually necessary. We present an algorithm able to quickly and exactly characterize all combinational behavior of a cyclic circuit. It used a combination of explicit and implicit methods to compute input patterns that make the circuit behave combinationally. This can be used to restructure the circuit into an acyclic equivalent, report errors, or as an optimization aid. Experiments show our algorithm runs several orders of magnitude faster than existing ones on real-life cyclic circuits, making it useful in practice

    Security through Obscurity: Layout Obfuscation of Digital Integrated Circuits using Don't Care Conditions

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    Contemporary integrated circuits are designed and manufactured in a globalized environment leading to concerns of piracy, overproduction and counterfeiting. One class of techniques to combat these threats is circuit obfuscation which seeks to modify the gate-level (or structural) description of a circuit without affecting its functionality in order to increase the complexity and cost of reverse engineering. Most of the existing circuit obfuscation methods are based on the insertion of additional logic (called “key gates”) or camouflaging existing gates in order to make it difficult for a malicious user to get the complete layout information without extensive computations to determine key-gate values. However, when the netlist or the circuit layout, although camouflaged, is available to the attacker, he/she can use advanced logic analysis and circuit simulation tools and Boolean SAT solvers to reveal the unknown gate-level information without exhaustively trying all the input vectors, thus bringing down the complexity of reverse engineering. To counter this problem, some ‘provably secure’ logic encryption algorithms that emphasize methodical selection of camouflaged gates have been proposed previously in literature [1,2,3]. The contribution of this paper is the creation and simulation of a new layout obfuscation method that uses don't care conditions. We also present proof-of-concept of a new functional or logic obfuscation technique that not only conceals, but modifies the circuit functionality in addition to the gate-level description, and can be implemented automatically during the design process. Our layout obfuscation technique utilizes don’t care conditions (namely, Observability and Satisfiability Don’t Cares) inherent in the circuit to camouflage selected gates and modify sub-circuit functionality while meeting the overall circuit specification. Here, camouflaging or obfuscating a gate means replacing the candidate gate by a 4X1 Multiplexer which can be configured to perform all possible 2-input/ 1-output functions as proposed by Bao et al. [4]. It is important to emphasize that our approach not only obfuscates but alters sub-circuit level functionality in an attempt to make IP piracy difficult. The choice of gates to obfuscate determines the effort required to reverse engineer or brute force the design. As such, we propose a method of camouflaged gate selection based on the intersection of output logic cones. By choosing these candidate gates methodically, the complexity of reverse engineering can be made exponential, thus making it computationally very expensive to determine the true circuit functionality. We propose several heuristic algorithms to maximize the RE complexity based on don’t care based obfuscation and methodical gate selection. Thus, the goal of protecting the design IP from malicious end-users is achieved. It also makes it significantly harder for rogue elements in the supply chain to use, copy or replicate the same design with a different logic. We analyze the reverse engineering complexity by applying our obfuscation algorithm on ISCAS-85 benchmarks. Our experimental results indicate that significant reverse engineering complexity can be achieved at minimal design overhead (average area overhead for the proposed layout obfuscation methods is 5.51% and average delay overhead is about 7.732%). We discuss the strengths and limitations of our approach and suggest directions that may lead to improved logic encryption algorithms in the future. References: [1] R. Chakraborty and S. Bhunia, “HARPOON: An Obfuscation-Based SoC Design Methodology for Hardware Protection,” IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 28, no. 10, pp. 1493–1502, 2009. [2] J. A. Roy, F. Koushanfar, and I. L. Markov, “EPIC: Ending Piracy of Integrated Circuits,” in 2008 Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2008, pp. 1069–1074. [3] J. Rajendran, M. Sam, O. Sinanoglu, and R. Karri, “Security Analysis of Integrated Circuit Camouflaging,” ACM Conference on Computer Communications and Security, 2013. [4] Bao Liu, Wang, B., "Embedded reconfigurable logic for ASIC design obfuscation against supply chain attacks,"Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition (DATE), 2014 , vol., no., pp.1,6, 24-28 March 2014


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    京都大学0048新制・論文博士工学博士乙第7496号論工博第2471号新制||工||842(附属図書館)UT51-91-E273(主査)教授 矢島 脩三, 教授 津田 孝夫, 教授 田丸 啓吉学位規則第5条第2項該当Kyoto UniversityDFA

    Logics for digital circuit verification : theory, algorithms, and applications

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