9 research outputs found


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    With ever-increasing demand for high-performance computing systems, interconnection networks, serving as the communication links in multicore architectures have become a key element for guaranteeing the system performance. Compared with bandwidth-limited power hungry electrical interconnection networks, optical integrated interconnection networks also referred to as networks-on-chip (ONoC) architectures are emerging as a promising alternative to enable future computing performance. In ONoC architectures, scheduling algorithms are necessary for avoiding packet collisions while achieving high throughput, low latency, and good fairness. Scheduling algorithms exist for non-blocking electrical NoC. These algorithms can be applied to ONoC, while accounting for additional constraints arising from optical component limitations. In this thesis various scheduling algorithms are simulated, With the objective of comparing their latency and throughput using C + + programming language for ONoC with bus and ring topologies. An optimal scheduler based on two-step scheduling (TSS) technique is proposed. The optimal TSS models the scheduling problem in two steps for ONoC. The first step is the matching step which is done by representing each node pair as input bipartite graph then matching takes place between the input and output ports. The second step performs the wavelength assignment between each paired node while avoiding collisions and also with the consideration of wavelength continuity. The two-step approach with the iSLIP and MWM algorithms are considered. The proposed optimal TSS is simulated and its performances are evaluated. The optimal scheduler with maximum weighted matching (MWM) scheduling policy achieves better results in comparison to iSLIP scheduling policy based on queue length under any packet arrival process. The optimal MWM scheduling policy achieved better performance for both bus and ring topologies. The main result is that unidirectional ring topology outperforms the bus topology for any number of wavelengths less or equal to the number of ONoC port, even if the average path length is longer. The reason is that in the bus topology half of the wavelengths are allocated in each direction, fixing the maximum number of packets in each direction using two transceivers per node can compensate this issue, reaching to better performance than the ring

    A comparative study of arbitration algorithms for the Alpha 21364 pipelined router

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    Interconnection networks usually consist of a fabric of interconnected routers, which receive packets arriving at their input ports and forward them to appropriate output ports. Unfortunately, network packets moving through these routers are often delayed due to conflicting demand for resources, such as output ports or buffer space. Hence, routers typically employ arbiters that resolve conflicting resource demands to maximize the number of matches between packets waiting at input ports and free output ports. Efficient design and implementation of the algorithm running on these arbiters is critical to maximize network performance.This paper proposes a new arbitration algorithm called SPAA (Simple Pipelined Arbitration Algorithm), which is implemented in the Alpha 21364 processor's on-chip router pipeline. Simulation results show that SPAA significantly outperforms two earlier well-known arbitration algorithms: PIM (Parallel Iterative Matching) and WFA (Wave-Front Arbiter) implemented in the SGI Spider switch. SPAA outperforms PIM and WFA because SPAA exhibits matching capabilities similar to PIM and WFA under realistic conditions when many output ports are busy, incurs fewer clock cycles to perform the arbitration, and can be pipelined effectively. Additionally, we propose a new prioritization policy called the Rotary Rule, which prevents the network's adverse performance degradation from saturation at high network loads by prioritizing packets already in the network over new packets generated by caches or memory.Mukherjee, S.; Silla Jiménez, F.; Bannon, P.; Emer, J.; Lang, S.; Webb, D. (2002). A comparative study of arbitration algorithms for the Alpha 21364 pipelined router. ACM SIGPLAN Notices. 37(10):223-234. doi:10.1145/605432.605421S223234371

    Low-Complexity Switch Scheduling Algorithms: Delay Optimality in Heavy Traffic

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    Motivated by applications in data center networks, in this paper, we study the problem of scheduling in an input queued switch. While throughput maximizing algorithms in a switch are well-understood, delay analysis was developed only recently. It was recently shown that the well-known MaxWeight algorithm achieves optimal scaling of mean queue lengths in steady state in the heavy-traffic regime, and is within a factor less than 22 of a universal lower bound. However, MaxWeight is not used in practice because of its high time complexity. In this paper, we study several low complexity algorithms and show that their heavy-traffic performance is identical to that of MaxWeight. We first present a negative result that picking a random schedule does not have optimal heavy-traffic scaling of queue lengths even under uniform traffic. We then show that if one picks the best among two matchings or modifies a random matching even a little, using the so-called flip operation, it leads to MaXWeight like heavy-traffic performance under uniform traffic. We then focus on the case of non-uniform traffic and show that a large class of low time complexity algorithms have the same heavy-traffic performance as MaxWeight, as long as it is ensured that a MaxWeight matching is picked often enough. We also briefly discuss the performance of these algorithms in the large scale heavy-traffic regime when the size of the switch increases simultaneously with the load. Finally, we use simulations to compare the performance of various algorithms.Comment: 14 pages paper with 3 page appendix. 4 figures and 1 table. Journa

    Beyond Interference Avoidance: Distributed Sun-network Scheduling in Wireless Networks with Local Views

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    In most wireless networks, nodes have only limited local information about the state of the network, which includes connectivity and channel state information. With limited local information about the network, each node’s knowledge is mismatched; therefore, they must make distributed decisions. In this thesis, we pose the following question - if every node has network state information only about a small neighborhood, how and when should nodes choose to transmit? While link scheduling answers the above question for point-to-point physical layers which are designed for an interference-avoidance paradigm, we look for answers in cases when interference can be embraced by advanced code design, as suggested by results in network information theory. To make progress on this challenging problem, we propose two constructive distributed algorithms, one conservative and one aggressive, which achieve rates higher than link scheduling based on interference avoidance, especially if each node knows more than one hop of network state information. Both algorithms schedule sub-networks such that each sub-network can employ advanced interference-embracing coding schemes to achieve higher rates. Our innovation is in the identification, selection and scheduling of sub-networks, especially when sub-networks are larger than a single link. Using normalized sum-rate as the metric of network performance, we prove that the proposed conservative sub-network scheduling algorithm is guaranteed to have performance greater than or equal to pure coloring-based link scheduling. In addition, the proposed aggressive sub-network scheduling algorithm is shown, through simulations, to achieve better normalized sum-rate than the conservative algorithm for several network classes. Our results highlight the advantages of extending the design space of possible scheduling strategies to include those that leverage local network information

    Scheduling algorithms for throughput maximization in data networks

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 215-226).This thesis considers the performance implications of throughput optimal scheduling in physically and computationally constrained data networks. We study optical networks, packet switches, and wireless networks, each of which has an assortment of features and constraints that challenge the design decisions of network architects. In this work, each of these network settings are subsumed under a canonical model and scheduling framework. Tools of queueing analysis are used to evaluate network throughput properties, and demonstrate throughput optimality of scheduling and routing algorithms under stochastic traffic. Techniques of graph theory are used to study network topologies having desirable throughput properties. Combinatorial algorithms are proposed for efficient resource allocation. In the optical network setting, the key enabling technology is wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), which allows each optical fiber link to simultaneously carry a large number of independent data streams at high rate. To take advantage of this high data processing potential, engineers and physicists have developed numerous technologies, including wavelength converters, optical switches, and tunable transceivers.(cont.) While the functionality provided by these devices is of great importance in capitalizing upon the WDM resources, a major challenge exists in determining how to configure these devices to operate efficiently under time-varying data traffic. In the WDM setting, we make two main contributions. First, we develop throughput optimal joint WDM reconfiguration and electronic-layer routing algorithms, based on maxweight scheduling. To mitigate the service disruption associated with WDM reconfiguration, our algorithms make decisions at frame intervals. Second, we develop analytic tools to quantify the maximum throughput achievable in general network settings. Our approach is to characterize several geometric features of the maximum region of arrival rates that can be supported in the network. In the packet switch setting, we observe through numerical simulation the attractive throughput properties of a simple maximal weight scheduler. Subsequently, we consider small switches, and analytically demonstrate the attractive throughput properties achievable using maximal weight scheduling. We demonstrate that such throughput properties may not be sustained in larger switches.(cont.) In the wireless network setting, mesh networking is a promising technology for achieving connectivity in local and metropolitan area networks. Wireless access points and base stations adhering to the IEEE 802.11 wireless networking standard can be bought off the shelf at little cost, and can be configured to access the Internet in minutes. With ubiquitous low-cost Internet access perceived to be of tremendous societal value, such technology is naturally garnering strong interest. Enabling such wireless technology is thus of great importance. An important challenge in enabling mesh networks, and many other wireless network applications, results from the fact that wireless transmission is achieved by broadcasting signals through the air, which has the potential for interfering with other parts of the network. Furthermore, the scarcity of wireless transmission resources implies that link activation and packet routing should be effected using simple distributed algorithms. We make three main contributions in the wireless setting. First, we determine graph classes under which simple, distributed, maximal weight schedulers achieve throughput optimality.(cont.) Second, we use this acquired knowledge of graph classes to develop combinatorial algorithms, based on matroids, for allocating channels to wireless links, such that each channel can achieve maximum throughput using simple distributed schedulers. Third, we determine new conditions under which distributed algorithms for joint link activation and routing achieve throughput optimality.by Andrew Brzezinski.Ph.D