128 research outputs found

    Exact sampling and optimisation in statistical machine translation

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    In Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), inference needs to be performed over a high-complexity discrete distribution de ned by the intersection between a translation hypergraph and a target language model. This distribution is too complex to be represented exactly and one typically resorts to approximation techniques either to perform optimisation { the task of searching for the optimum translation { or sampling { the task of nding a subset of translations that is statistically representative of the goal distribution. Beam-search is an example of an approximate optimisation technique, where maximisation is performed over a heuristically pruned representation of the goal distribution. For inference tasks other than optimisation, rather than nding a single optimum, one is really interested in obtaining a set of probabilistic samples from the distribution. This is the case in training where one wishes to obtain unbiased estimates of expectations in order to t the parameters of a model. Samples are also necessary in consensus decoding where one chooses from a sample of likely translations the one that minimises a loss function. Due to the additional computational challenges posed by sampling, n-best lists, a by-product of optimisation, are typically used as a biased approximation to true probabilistic samples. A more direct procedure is to attempt to directly draw samples from the underlying distribution rather than rely on n-best list approximations. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, such as Gibbs sampling, o er a way to overcome the tractability issues in sampling, however their convergence properties are hard to assess. That is, it is di cult to know when, if ever, an MCMC sampler is producing samples that are compatible iii with the goal distribution. Rejection sampling, a Monte Carlo (MC) method, is more fundamental and natural, it o ers strong guarantees, such as unbiased samples, but is typically hard to design for distributions of the kind addressed in SMT, rendering an intractable method. A recent technique that stresses a uni ed view between the two types of inference tasks discussed here | optimisation and sampling | is the OS approach. OS can be seen as a cross between Adaptive Rejection Sampling (an MC method) and A optimisation. In this view the intractable goal distribution is upperbounded by a simpler (thus tractable) proxy distribution, which is then incrementally re ned to be closer to the goal until the maximum is found, or until the sampling performance exceeds a certain level. This thesis introduces an approach to exact optimisation and exact sampling in SMT by addressing the tractability issues associated with the intersection between the translation hypergraph and the language model. The two forms of inference are handled in a uni ed framework based on the OS approach. In short, an intractable goal distribution, over which one wishes to perform inference, is upperbounded by tractable proposal distributions. A proposal represents a relaxed version of the complete space of weighted translation derivations, where relaxation happens with respect to the incorporation of the language model. These proposals give an optimistic view on the true model and allow for easier and faster search using standard dynamic programming techniques. In the OS approach, such proposals are used to perform a form of adaptive rejection sampling. In rejection sampling, samples are drawn from a proposal distribution and accepted or rejected as a function of the mismatch between the proposal and the goal. The technique is adaptive in that rejected samples are used to motivate a re nement of the upperbound proposal that brings it closer to the goal, improving the rate of acceptance. Optimisation can be connected to an extreme form of sampling, thus the framework introduced here suits both exact optimisation and exact iv sampling. Exact optimisation means that the global maximum is found with a certi cate of optimality. Exact sampling means that unbiased samples are independently drawn from the goal distribution. We show that by using this approach exact inference is feasible using only a fraction of the time and space that would be required by a full intersection, without recourse to pruning techniques that only provide approximate solutions. We also show that the vast majority of the entries (n-grams) in a language model can be summarised by shorter and optimistic entries. This means that the computational complexity of our approach is less sensitive to the order of the language model distribution than a full intersection would be. Particularly in the case of sampling, we show that it is possible to draw exact samples compatible with distributions which incorporate a high-order language model component from proxy distributions that are much simpler. In this thesis, exact inference is performed in the context of both hierarchical and phrase-based models of translation, the latter characterising a problem that is NP-complete in nature.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Multi-dialect Arabic broadcast speech recognition

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    Dialectal Arabic speech research suffers from the lack of labelled resources and standardised orthography. There are three main challenges in dialectal Arabic speech recognition: (i) finding labelled dialectal Arabic speech data, (ii) training robust dialectal speech recognition models from limited labelled data and (iii) evaluating speech recognition for dialects with no orthographic rules. This thesis is concerned with the following three contributions: Arabic Dialect Identification: We are mainly dealing with Arabic speech without prior knowledge of the spoken dialect. Arabic dialects could be sufficiently diverse to the extent that one can argue that they are different languages rather than dialects of the same language. We have two contributions: First, we use crowdsourcing to annotate a multi-dialectal speech corpus collected from Al Jazeera TV channel. We obtained utterance level dialect labels for 57 hours of high-quality consisting of four major varieties of dialectal Arabic (DA), comprised of Egyptian, Levantine, Gulf or Arabic peninsula, North African or Moroccan from almost 1,000 hours. Second, we build an Arabic dialect identification (ADI) system. We explored two main groups of features, namely acoustic features and linguistic features. For the linguistic features, we look at a wide range of features, addressing words, characters and phonemes. With respect to acoustic features, we look at raw features such as mel-frequency cepstral coefficients combined with shifted delta cepstra (MFCC-SDC), bottleneck features and the i-vector as a latent variable. We studied both generative and discriminative classifiers, in addition to deep learning approaches, namely deep neural network (DNN) and convolutional neural network (CNN). In our work, we propose Arabic as a five class dialect challenge comprising of the previously mentioned four dialects as well as modern standard Arabic. Arabic Speech Recognition: We introduce our effort in building Arabic automatic speech recognition (ASR) and we create an open research community to advance it. This section has two main goals: First, creating a framework for Arabic ASR that is publicly available for research. We address our effort in building two multi-genre broadcast (MGB) challenges. MGB-2 focuses on broadcast news using more than 1,200 hours of speech and 130M words of text collected from the broadcast domain. MGB-3, however, focuses on dialectal multi-genre data with limited non-orthographic speech collected from YouTube, with special attention paid to transfer learning. Second, building a robust Arabic ASR system and reporting a competitive word error rate (WER) to use it as a potential benchmark to advance the state of the art in Arabic ASR. Our overall system is a combination of five acoustic models (AM): unidirectional long short term memory (LSTM), bidirectional LSTM (BLSTM), time delay neural network (TDNN), TDNN layers along with LSTM layers (TDNN-LSTM) and finally TDNN layers followed by BLSTM layers (TDNN-BLSTM). The AM is trained using purely sequence trained neural networks lattice-free maximum mutual information (LFMMI). The generated lattices are rescored using a four-gram language model (LM) and a recurrent neural network with maximum entropy (RNNME) LM. Our official WER is 13%, which has the lowest WER reported on this task. Evaluation: The third part of the thesis addresses our effort in evaluating dialectal speech with no orthographic rules. Our methods learn from multiple transcribers and align the speech hypothesis to overcome the non-orthographic aspects. Our multi-reference WER (MR-WER) approach is similar to the BLEU score used in machine translation (MT). We have also automated this process by learning different spelling variants from Twitter data. We mine automatically from a huge collection of tweets in an unsupervised fashion to build more than 11M n-to-m lexical pairs, and we propose a new evaluation metric: dialectal WER (WERd). Finally, we tried to estimate the word error rate (e-WER) with no reference transcription using decoding and language features. We show that our word error rate estimation is robust for many scenarios with and without the decoding features

    Automatic Framework to Aid Therapists to Diagnose Children who Stutter

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