161,473 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKSI: Berbagai cara ditempuh untuk menghasilkan sebuah perangkat lunak yang handal. Kehandalan perangkat lunak dapat dilihat dari berbagai sudut pandang. Pada umumnya orang melihat kehandalan sebuah perangkat lunak dari segi fleksibilitas dan fungsionalitas yang dimilikinya. Kehandalan sebuah perangkat lunak juga dapat dilihat dari bagaimana cara pemrogramannya. Paradigma berorientasi objek mengedepankan enkapsulasi (pembungkusan) dari sebuah objek agar dapat diakses dan diperlakukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Pendefinisian sebuah kelas terkadang belum merepresentasikan sebuah keadaan. Banyak kelas-kelas yang didefinisikan secara berulang yang pada hakekatnya mengandung operasi-operasi yang sama. Hal tersebut meyebabkan terjadinya duplikasi operasi yang menyebabkan tidak efisiennya penulisan algoritma.Template Method adalah salah satu Design Patterns yang sering digunakan oleh sebagian orang untuk mengatasi kasus-kasus seperti di atas. Memecah kelas-kelas ke dalam beberapa subclass sehingga terbentuk kelas turunan yang lebih spesifik. Dengan metode ini menjadikan stuktur algoritma sebuah program menjadi lebih baik.Tugas akhir ini membangun perangkat lunak Sistem Pengadaan dan Penjualan Barang dengan menggunakan Design Patterns Template Method dan membandingkannya dengan perancangan perangkat lunak secara tradisional sehingga didapat hipotesa yang menyatakan keefisiensiannya bila dibandingkan dengan cara tradisional.Diawali dengan analisa dan perancangan perangkat lunak dengan Metode Object- Oriented Development Life Cycle (OO-LCD) dalam mendefinisikan kebutuhan sistem yang akan dikembangkan dan menggunakan bahasa pemodelannya menggunakan UML (Unified Modelling Languange) dan Tools Rational Rose. Kode program menggunakan Java sebagai bahasa pemrograman dengan platform JBuilder 10.Kata Kunci : Design Patterns, Template Method, UML,OO-DLC, Java.ABSTRACT: Many kind of method uses for create the good software architecture. How make the strong architecture software like functionality and flexibility. The software architecture good not only look from functionality and flexibility beside that we look from Programming technique. Object oriented programming paradigm look a encapsulation property and method in some class so that not any kind of class be able access the class to uses property and method of this class, but just friend or subclass can be access that. In Object Oriented technique some time can not representation or description about the class in requirement of software. Many classes to be create for different function or operation at the basic that is similar definition. This case will make duplication method this problem not efficient to write code algorithm.Template Method is one of the patterns design mostly use. Breakdown. This pattern always uses to handle this problem like duplication method in object oriented coding in algorithm. The super class breakdown became subclass it specific method while the common method must be description in super class.This final project will make the application. That is Design and Implementation Software with Template Method Design Patterns In Sale and Supply System Software. After develop with template method patterns we comparing with traditional development method process. After that we can make hypothesis what the benefit when we develop application among than traditional method or with template method strategy.We start with analyze the requirement specification and design software with Object- Oriented Software Development Lifecycle (OO-DLC).Model Notation use UML (Unified Modeling Language) which Rational Rose Tools. And use JBuilder 10 for the Programming language.Keyword: Design Patterns, Template Method, UML,OO-DLC, Java

    Developing GIS Applications with Objects : A Design Patterns Approach

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    In this paper we present an object-oriented approach for designing GIS applications; it combines well known software engineering practices with the use of design patterns as a conceptual tool to cope with recurrent problems appearing in the GIS domain. Our approach allows the designer to decouple the conceptual definition of application objects from their spatial representation. In this way, GIS applications can evolve smoothly, because maintenance is achieved by focusing on different concerns at different times. We show that our approach is also useful to support spatial features in conventional applications built with object-oriented technology. The structure of this paper is as follows: We first introduce design patterns, an efficient strategy to record design experience; then we discuss the most common design problems a developer of GIS applications must face. The core of our method is then presented by explaining how the use of decorators helps in extending objects to incorporate spatial attributes and behavior. Next, we analyze some recurrent design problems in the GIS domain and present some new patterns addressing those problems. Some further work is finally discussed.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    A Parsing Scheme for Finding the Design Pattern and Reducing the Development Cost of Reusable Object Oriented Software

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    Because of the importance of object oriented methodologies, the research in developing new measure for object oriented system development is getting increased focus. The most of the metrics need to find the interactions between the objects and modules for developing necessary metric and an influential software measure that is attracting the software developers, designers and researchers. In this paper a new interactions are defined for object oriented system. Using these interactions, a parser is developed to analyze the existing architecture of the software. Within the design model, it is necessary for design classes to collaborate with one another. However, collaboration should be kept to an acceptable minimum i.e. better designing practice will introduce low coupling. If a design model is highly coupled, the system is difficult to implement, to test and to maintain overtime. In case of enhancing software, we need to introduce or remove module and in that case coupling is the most important factor to be considered because unnecessary coupling may make the system unstable and may cause reduction in the system's performance. So coupling is thought to be a desirable goal in software construction, leading to better values for external software qualities such as maintainability, reusability and so on. To test this hypothesis, a good measure of class coupling is needed. In this paper, based on the developed tool called Design Analyzer we propose a methodology to reuse an existing system with the objective of enhancing an existing Object oriented system keeping the coupling as low as possible.Comment: 15 page

    The C Object System: Using C as a High-Level Object-Oriented Language

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    The C Object System (Cos) is a small C library which implements high-level concepts available in Clos, Objc and other object-oriented programming languages: uniform object model (class, meta-class and property-metaclass), generic functions, multi-methods, delegation, properties, exceptions, contracts and closures. Cos relies on the programmable capabilities of the C programming language to extend its syntax and to implement the aforementioned concepts as first-class objects. Cos aims at satisfying several general principles like simplicity, extensibility, reusability, efficiency and portability which are rarely met in a single programming language. Its design is tuned to provide efficient and portable implementation of message multi-dispatch and message multi-forwarding which are the heart of code extensibility and reusability. With COS features in hand, software should become as flexible and extensible as with scripting languages and as efficient and portable as expected with C programming. Likewise, Cos concepts should significantly simplify adaptive and aspect-oriented programming as well as distributed and service-oriented computingComment: 18

    Domain-oriented architecture design for production control software

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    this paper, we present domain-oriented architectural design heuristics for production control software. Our approach is based upon the following premisses. First, software design, like all other forms of design, consists of the reduction of uncertainty about a final product by making design decisions. These decisions should as much as possible be based upon information that is certain, either because they represent laws of nature or because they represent previously made design decisions. An import class of information concerns the domain of the software. The domain of control software is the part of the world monitored and controlled by the software; it is the larger system into which the software is embedded. The software engineer should exploit system-level domain knowledge in order to make software design decisions. Second, in the case of production control software, using system-level knowledge is not only justified, it is also imposed on the software engineer by the necessity to cooperate with hardware engineers. These represent their designs by means of Process and Instrumentation Diagrams (PIDs) and Input-Output (IO) lists. They do not want to spend time, nor do they see the need, to duplicate the information represented by these diagrams by means of diagrams from software engineering methods. Such a duplication would be an occasion to introduce errors of omission (information lost during the translation process) or commission (misinterpretation, misguided but invisible design decisions made during the translation) anyway. We think it is up to the software engineer to adapt his or her notations to those of the system engineers he or she must work with. Third, work in patterns and software architectures started from the programminglanguage level and is now moving..

    Developing efficient web-based GIS applications

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    There is an increase in the number of web-based GIS applications over the recent years. This paper describes different mapping technologies, database standards, and web application development standards that are relevant to the development of web-based GIS applications. Different mapping technologies for displaying geo-referenced data are available and can be used in different situations. This paper also explains why Oracle is the system of choice for geospatial applications that need to handle large amounts of data. Wireframing and design patterns have been shown to be useful in making GIS web applications efficient, scalable and usable, and should be an important part of every web-based GIS application. A range of different development technologies are available, and their use in different operating environments has been discussed here in some detail