98 research outputs found

    Content-Centric Networking at Internet Scale through The Integration of Name Resolution and Routing

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    We introduce CCN-RAMP (Routing to Anchors Matching Prefixes), a new approach to content-centric networking. CCN-RAMP offers all the advantages of the Named Data Networking (NDN) and Content-Centric Networking (CCNx) but eliminates the need to either use Pending Interest Tables (PIT) or lookup large Forwarding Information Bases (FIB) listing name prefixes in order to forward Interests. CCN-RAMP uses small forwarding tables listing anonymous sources of Interests and the locations of name prefixes. Such tables are immune to Interest-flooding attacks and are smaller than the FIBs used to list IP address ranges in the Internet. We show that no forwarding loops can occur with CCN-RAMP, and that Interests flow over the same routes that NDN and CCNx would maintain using large FIBs. The results of simulation experiments comparing NDN with CCN-RAMP based on ndnSIM show that CCN-RAMP requires forwarding state that is orders of magnitude smaller than what NDN requires, and attains even better performance

    IP and ATM integration: A New paradigm in multi-service internetworking

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    ATM is a widespread technology adopted by many to support advanced data communication, in particular efficient Internet services provision. The expected challenges of multimedia communication together with the increasing massive utilization of IP-based applications urgently require redesign of networking solutions in terms of both new functionalities and enhanced performance. However, the networking context is affected by so many changes, and to some extent chaotic growth, that any approach based on a structured and complex top-down architecture is unlikely to be applicable. Instead, an approach based on finding out the best match between realistic service requirements and the pragmatic, intelligent use of technical opportunities made available by the product market seems more appropriate. By following this approach, innovations and improvements can be introduced at different times, not necessarily complying with each other according to a coherent overall design. With the aim of pursuing feasible innovations in the different networking aspects, we look at both IP and ATM internetworking in order to investigating a few of the most crucial topics/ issues related to the IP and ATM integration perspective. This research would also address various means of internetworking the Internet Protocol (IP) and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) with an objective of identifying the best possible means of delivering Quality of Service (QoS) requirements for multi-service applications, exploiting the meritorious features that IP and ATM have to offer. Although IP and ATM often have been viewed as competitors, their complementary strengths and limitations from a natural alliance that combines the best aspects of both the technologies. For instance, one limitation of ATM networks has been the relatively large gap between the speed of the network paths and the control operations needed to configure those data paths to meet changing user needs. IP\u27s greatest strength, on the other hand, is the inherent flexibility and its capacity to adapt rapidly to changing conditions. These complementary strengths and limitations make it natural to combine IP with ATM to obtain the best that each has to offer. Over time many models and architectures have evolved for IP/ATM internetworking and they have impacted the fundamental thinking in internetworking IP and ATM. These technologies, architectures, models and implementations will be reviewed in greater detail in addressing possible issues in integrating these architectures s in a multi-service, enterprise network. The objective being to make recommendations as to the best means of interworking the two in exploiting the salient features of one another to provide a faster, reliable, scalable, robust, QoS aware network in the most economical manner. How IP will be carried over ATM when a commercial worldwide ATM network is deployed is not addressed and the details of such a network still remain in a state of flux to specify anything concrete. Our research findings culminated with a strong recommendation that the best model to adopt, in light of the impending integrated service requirements of future multi-service environments, is an ATM core with IP at the edges to realize the best of both technologies in delivering QoS guarantees in a seamless manner to any node in the enterprise

    IPv6 multicast forwarding in RPL-based wireless sensor networks

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    In wireless sensor deployments, network layer multicast can be used to improve the bandwidth and energy efficiency for a variety of applications, such as service discovery or network management. However, despite efforts to adopt IPv6 in networks of constrained devices, multicast has been somewhat overlooked. The Multicast Forwarding Using Trickle (Trickle Multicast) internet draft is one of the most noteworthy efforts. The specification of the IPv6 routing protocol for low power and lossy networks (RPL) also attempts to address the area but leaves many questions unanswered. In this paper we highlight our concerns about both these approaches. Subsequently, we present our alternative mechanism, called stateless multicast RPL forwarding algorithm (SMRF), which addresses the aforementioned drawbacks. Having extended the TCP/IP engine of the Contiki embedded operating system to support both trickle multicast (TM) and SMRF, we present an in-depth comparison, backed by simulated evaluation as well as by experiments conducted on a multi-hop hardware testbed. Results demonstrate that SMRF achieves significant delay and energy efficiency improvements at the cost of a small increase in packet loss. The outcome of our hardware experiments show that simulation results were realistic. Lastly, we evaluate both algorithms in terms of code size and memory requirements, highlighting SMRF's low implementation complexity. Both implementations have been made available to the community for adoption

    An anycast based feedback aggregation scheme for efficient network transparency in cross-layer design

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    To ensure Quality of Service for multimedia data sessions in next generation mobile telecommunication systems, jointly-optimized cross-layer architectures were introduced recently. Such shemes usually require an adaptive media source which is able to modify the main parameters of ongoing connections by transferring control and feedback information via the network and through different protocol layers from application layer to physical layer and vice versa, according to the actual state of the path between peer nodes. This concept of transmitting cross-layer information is referred as network transparency in the literature, meaning that the underlying infrastructure is almost invisible to all the entities involved in joint optimization due to the continuous conveyance of cross-layer feedbacks. In this paper we introduce and evaluate a possible solution for reducing the network overhead caused by this volume of information exchange. Our soulution is based on the anycasting communication paradigm and creates a hierarchical data aggregation scheme allowing to adapt each entity of the multimedia transmission chain based on frequent feedbacks and even so in a low-bandwitdh manner

    Virtual Multicast

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    Networking Group Content: RESTful Multiparty Access to a Data-centric Web of Things

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    Content replication to many destinations is a common use case in the Internet of Things (IoT). The deployment of IP multicast has proven inefficient, though, due to its lack of layer-2 support by common IoT radio technologies and its synchronous end-to-end transmission, which is highly susceptible to interference. Information-centric networking (ICN) introduced hop-wise multi-party dissemination of cacheable content, which has proven valuable in particular for low-power lossy networking regimes. Even NDN, however, the most prominent ICN protocol, suffers from a lack of deployment. In this paper, we explore how multiparty content distribution in an information-centric Web of Things (WoT) can be built on CoAP. We augment the CoAP proxy by request aggregation and response replication functions, which together with proxy caches enable asynchronous group communication. In a further step, we integrate content object security with OSCORE into the CoAP multicast proxy system, which enables ubiquitous caching of certified authentic content. In our evaluation, we compare NDN with different deployment models of CoAP, including our data-centric approach in realistic testbed experiments. Our findings indicate that multiparty content distribution based on CoAP proxies performs equally well as NDN, while remaining fully compatible with the established IoT protocol world of CoAP on the Internet

    Routing in Large Scale tactical mobile ad hoc Networks

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    The current Transformation of the military networks adopts the MANET as a main component of the tactical domain. Indeed, a MANET is the right solution to enable highly mobile, highly reactive and quickly deployable tactical networks. Many applications such as the Situational Awareness rely on group communications, underlying the need for a multicast service within the tactical environment where the MANET is employed as a transit network. The purpose of this thesis is to study the setting up of an optimal multicast service within this tactical environment. We firstly focus on defining the protocol architecture to carry out within the tactical network paying particular attention to the MANET. This network is interconnected with different types of networks based on IP technologies and implementing potentially heterogeneous multicast protocols. The tactical MANET is supposed to be made of several hundred of mobile nodes, which implies that the scalability is crucial in the multicast protocol architecture choice. Since the concept of clustering proposes interesting scalability features, we consider that the MANET is a clustered network. Thereby, we define two multicast routing protocols adapted to the MANET: firstly STAMP that is in charge of the multicast communications within each cluster and secondly SAFIR that handles multicast flows between the clusters. These two protocols that can be implemented independently, act in concert to provide an efficient and scalable multicast service for the tactical MANET. Then, we study the interoperability of these multicast protocols employed within the MANET with those employed in the heterogeneous networks that it is interconnected with in order to guarantee end-to-end seamless multicast services to users. Finally, since the multicast protocols proposed in this thesis rely on underlying unicast routing protocols, we propose, in the last chapter, a scalable unicast routing protocol based on OLS

    IPv6 Multicast Forwarding in RPL-Based Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This article was published in the journal, Wireless Personal Communications [© Springer Science+Business Media] and the definitive version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11277-013-1250-5In wireless sensor deployments, network layer multicast can be used to improve the bandwidth and energy efficiency for a variety of applications, such as service discovery or network management. However, despite efforts to adopt IPv6 in networks of constrained devices, multicast has been somewhat overlooked. The Multicast Forwarding Using Trickle (Trickle Multicast) internet draft is one of the most noteworthy efforts. The specification of the IPv6 routing protocol for low power and lossy networks (RPL) also attempts to address the area but leaves many questions unanswered. In this paper we highlight our concerns about both these approaches. Subsequently, we present our alternative mechanism, called stateless multicast RPL forwarding algorithm (SMRF), which addresses the aforementioned drawbacks. Having extended the TCP/IP engine of the Contiki embedded operating system to support both trickle multicast (TM) and SMRF, we present an in-depth comparison, backed by simulated evaluation as well as by experiments conducted on a multi-hop hardware testbed. Results demonstrate that SMRF achieves significant delay and energy efficiency improvements at the cost of a small increase in packet loss. The outcome of our hardware experiments show that simulation results were realistic. Lastly, we evaluate both algorithms in terms of code size and memory requirements, highlighting SMRF's low implementation complexity. Both implementations have been made available to the community for adoption

    Mobility prediction and multicasting in wireless networks : performance and analysis

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    Handoff is a call handling mechanism that is invoked when a mobile node moves from one cell to another. Such movement may lead to degradation in performance for wireless networks as a result of packet losses. A promising technique proposed in this thesis is to apply multicasting techniques aided by mobility prediction in order to improve handoff performance. In this thesis, we present a method that uses a Grey model for mobility prediction and a fuzzy logic controller that has been fine-tuned using evolutionary algorithms in order to improve prediction accuracy. We also compare the self-tuning algorithm with two evolutionary algorithms in terms of accuracy and their convergence times. Our proposed method takes into account signal strengths from the base stations and predicts the signal strength of the next candidate base station in order to provide improved handover performance. The primary decision for mobility prediction is the accurate prediction of signal strengths obtained from the base stations and remove any unwanted errors in the prediction using suitable optimisation techniques. Furthermore, the model includes the procedures of fine-tuning the predicted data using fuzzy parameters. We also propose suitable multicasting algorithms to minimise the reservation of overall network resource requirements during handoff with the mobility prediction information. To be able to efficiently solve the problem, the situation is modelled using a multicast tree that is defined to maintain connectivity with the mobile node, whilst ensuring bandwidth guarantees and a minimum hop-count. In this approach, we have tried to solve the problem by balancing two objectives through putting a weight on each of two costs. We provide a detailed description of an algorithm to implement join and prune mechanisms, which will help to build an optimal multicast tree with QoS requirements during handoff as well as incorporating dynamic changes in the positions of mobile nodes. An analysis of how mobility prediction helps in the selection of potential Access Routers (AR) with QoS requirements - which affects the multicast group size and bandwidth cost of the multicast tree -- is presented. The proposed technique tries to minimise the number of multicast tree join and prune operations. Our results show that the expected size of the multicast group increases linearly with an increase in the number of selected destination AR's for multicast during handoff. We observe that the expected number of joins and prunes from the multicast tree increases with group size. A special simulation model was developed to demonstrate both homogeneous and heterogeneous handoff which is an emerging requirement for fourth generation mobile networks. The model incorporates our mobility prediction model for heterogeneous handoff between the Wireless LAN and a cellular network. The results presented in this thesis for mobility prediction, multicasting techniques and heterogeneous handoff include proposed algorithms and models which aid in the understanding, analysing and reducing of overheads during handoff
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