6 research outputs found

    An efficient hardware logarithm generator with modified quasi-symmetrical approach for digital signal processing

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    This paper presents a low-error, low-area FPGA-based hardware logarithm generator for digital signal processing systems which require high-speed, real time logarithm operations. The proposed logarithm generator employs the modified quasi-symmetrical approach for an efficient hardware implementation. The error analysis and implementation results are also presented and discussed. The achieved results show that the proposed approach can reduce the approximation error and hardware area compared with traditional methods

    FPGA based efficient Multiplier for Image Processing Applications using Recursive Error Free Mitchell Log Multiplier and KOM Architecture

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    The Digital Image processing applications like medical imaging, satellite imaging, Biometric trait images etc., rely on multipliers to improve the quality of image. However, existing multiplication techniques introduce errors in the output with consumption of more time, hence error free high speed multipliers has to be designed. In this paper we propose FPGA based Recursive Error Free Mitchell Log Multiplier (REFMLM) for image Filters. The 2x2 error free Mitchell log multiplier is designed with zero error by introducing error correction term is used in higher order Karastuba-Ofman Multiplier (KOM) Architectures. The higher order KOM multipliers is decomposed into number of lower order multipliers using radix 2 till basic multiplier block of order 2x2 which is designed by error free Mitchell log multiplier. The 8x8 REFMLM is tested for Gaussian filter to remove noise in fingerprint image. The Multiplier is synthesized using Spartan 3 FPGA family device XC3S1500-5fg320. It is observed that the performance parameters such as area utilization, speed, error and PSNR are better in the case of proposed architecture compared to existing architecture

    Efficient FPGA Architectures for Separable Filters and Logarithmic Multipliers and Automation of Fish Feature Extraction Using Gabor Filters

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    Convolution and multiplication operations in the filtering process can be optimized by minimizing the resource utilization using Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) and separable filter kernels. An FPGA architecture for separable convolution is proposed to achieve reduction of on-chip resource utilization and external memory bandwidth for a given processing rate of the convolution unit. Multiplication in integer number system can be optimized in terms of resources, operation time and power consumption by converting to logarithmic domain. To achieve this, a method altering the filter weights is proposed and implemented for error reduction. The results obtained depict significant error reduction when compared to existing methods, thereby optimizing the multiplication in terms of the above mentioned metrics. Underwater video and still images are used by many programs within National Oceanic Atmospheric and Administration (NOAA) fisheries with the objective of identifying, classifying and quantifying living marine resources. They use underwater cameras to get video recording data for manual analysis. This process of manual analysis is labour intensive, time consuming and error prone. An efficient solution for this problem is proposed which uses Gabor filters for feature extraction. The proposed method is implemented to identify two species of fish namely Epinephelus morio and Ocyurus chrysurus. The results show higher rate of detection with minimal rate of false alarms