6 research outputs found

    Efficient in-game communication in collaborative online multiplayer Games

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    The ability to communicate during online gaming is one that has become fundamental. Players could use voice, textual chat, pre-determined commands or a combination of these methods in order to command a team, follow an appointed leader or simply to socialise with friends. There is an abundance of reasons why a person will choose to utilise the conversational frameworks available, however, when considering a game where players must work together in order to reach a common goal, it is up for interpretation to determine which method works most efficiently. The aim of this work is to address this need through a game that utilises these three methods of communication in order to determine their efficiency. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was employed to formulate a well-rounded conclusion. Results indicated that a combination of voice and predetermined commands is the most efficient method of in-game communication in online, task-oriented games

    Perilaku Toxic Dalam Berkomunikasi di Game Online Counter Strike Global Offensive

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    The game at this time can be said as a medium to communicate with one another, the communication that exists can have a positive or negative impact as is the case in the Counter Strike Global Offensive game and the steam community forum which is a competitive game and one of the platforms for exchanging information for sure. Communication is important, there are bad impacts that occur when communicating such as using harsh words in communicating in voice call or in chat boxes. The theory in this study uses CMC (Computer Mediated Communication) and this study is a qualitative research with descriptive techniques. The purpose of this research is how toxic behavior can occur in communicating in online games. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews, observation and documentation on secondary data. Sampling technique using purposive sampling. Data analysis using Miles and Hubberman's entitled qualitative data analysis. The data validity technique used is triangulation of data sources. The results of the study show that toxic behavior that appears in CSGO games and forums is related to the competitive rhythm of the game and the anonymity factor and users use CMC as a medium to carry out toxic behavior

    Perilaku Cyberbullying Dalam Game Online (Analisis Kualitatif Deskriptif Harassment Pada Game League Of Legends Wild Rift)

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    League of Legends is a mobile MOBA game that requires good communication and strategy to win. To do this, the presence of features such as chatboxes, voice chat, and also quick chat really helps to make this happen. but when playing, there are times when you meet players who cannot be responsible for the in-game roles they get and eventually become a burden to the team and cause defeat. This triggers cyberbullying, where the chat feature is used to exchange strategies and turns into a place used by unscrupulous players to carry out cyberbullying, like harassment to vent their anger. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method. The purpose of this study is to find out how harassment behavior forms when communicating in the game League of Legends: Wild Rift. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. Data collection techniques include interviews and participant observation. The data analysis used is the Miles and Hubberman model. As well as using source triangulation to validate the data. From this study, the results indicate that the form of cyberbullying that the players often do is harassment. Even though harassment often occurs,this can be easily overcome by using the mute feature inside the game


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    Esport je grana industrije zabave koja je u eksponencijalnom rastu te svake godine privlači sve više igrača, fanova i pratitelja. Esport podrazumijeva natjecanje u igranju video igara. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati nužnost i značaj komunikacije u svijetu igrača video igri s obzirom na to da se u ljudskoj svakodnevnici komunikacijske vještine nameću kao najznačajnija kategorija vještina koja dijeli uspješne od neuspješnih. O komunikaciji u timu uvelike može ovisiti sam ishod igre zbog čega je važno da su igrači svjesni načela i elemenata komunikacije, ali i značaja potrebe za jednom osobom u timu koja će, između ostaloga, biti idealan posrednik informacija, odnosno vješti komunikator. Rezultati istraživanja provedenog pomoću online anketnog obrasca u razdoblju od 10. do 17. rujna 2021. godine, na uzorku od 126 igrača igre League of Legends: Summoner\u27s Rift čije se prebivalište nalazi na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske, pokazali su kako je većina ispitanika svjesna značaja komunikacije za vrijeme igre, odnosno da je komunikacija vrlo važan element koji može direktno utjecati na ishod igre.Esport is a branch of the entertainment industry that is growing exponentially and attracts more and more players, fans and followers every year. Esport implies competition in playing video games. The aim of this paper is to analyze the necessity and importance of communication in the world of video game players, given that in human everyday life communication skills are imposed as the most important category of skills that separates the successful from the unsuccessful. The outcome of the game can largely depend on the communication in the team, which is why it is important that players are aware of the principles and elements of communication, but also of the importance of the need for one person in the team who will be an ideal mediator, that is a skillful communicator. The results of a survey conducted using an online survey form in the period from September 10 to September 17, 2021, on a sample of 126 players of the game League of Legends: Summoner\u27s Rift whose residence is located in the Republic of Croatia, showed that most respondents are aware of the importance of communication during the game or of the fact that communication is a very important element that can directly affect the outcome of the game

    The Impact of Communication Methods on Online Cooperative Play with Non-Familiar Co-Players

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    Multiplayer play is commonplace within contemporary digital games, with many requiring collaboration or cooperation between multiple players to effectively achieve gameplay objectives. Often noted as an integral part of successful cooperative play is communication, with commercial online games most commonly featuring some permutation or implementation of mediated vocal communication (Voice Chat), or written communication (Text Chat). This thesis explores the influence of the method of communication available to players over several facets of player experience and player behaviour within the context of online multiplayer play between non-co-located non-familiar co-players. Through this we broaden the understanding of the interplay between communication and player experience and to inform the design of future commercial multiplayer games. In fulfilment of these research aims, we conduct a participant study using an experimental online multiplayer 3D puzzle-platform game artefact, designed under the influence of a taxonomy of collaborative multiplayer game design elements. This study tasks pairs of non-familiar participants to complete a series of cooperative challenges, each focusing of differing gameplay elements, using one of either Voice Chat or Predefined-Text Chat, before evaluating their play experiences through validated questionnaires and interviews. From this research we find that different facets of player experience are influenced to differing extents; the immersion facet of player experience is not influenced by the communication used, whilst the degree of social presence that was experienced is significantly greater for participants using Voice Chat. This research also indicates several influences on player behaviour, both strategically and socially, that are associated with the use of differing communication methods

    The Impact of Games on Wellbeing in Autism

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    This thesis begins with a systematic literature review exploring the experiences of autistic individuals who engage in multiplayer online gaming. A systematic search of the literature identified 11 papers for inclusion. The papers identified were analysed and synthesised using a meta-ethnographic approach. Four themes emerged from the analysis: 1) Relationships in multiplayer online games are built through a platform of opportunity, 2) Multiplayer online games are a platform to practise and develop communication skills with reduced barriers, 3) Emotional recognition, regulation and expression is facilitated through multiplayer online games, and 4) A sense of belonging and self-esteem contributes to increased wellbeing. The review highlighted that multiplayer online games provide opportunities for players to interact in a way that feels less pressured than the face-to-face world. Additionally, players learn skills that contribute to increased self-esteem and improved wellbeing. It is hoped that findings from this review could be used to help psychologists to think about how they can adapt their work to be more suitable for autistic individuals. The research paper explores the impact of table-top board games on wellbeing and functioning in autistic adults. Ten autistic adults volunteered to participate in semi-structured interviews. Verbatim interview transcripts were analysed following the principles of Grounded Theory. Results identified three main themes: the cycle of board game engagement, impact on aspects of autism, impact on wellbeing and functioning. Content of these themes interacted in a variety of ways, represented in a theoretical model. Limitations for the research, along with areas for future research and clinical implications, have been considered. The critical appraisal section of this work pulls together the two pieces of work and discuss how they are related. The processes of qualitative research have also been discussed, along with personal reflections. Future directions for the work have been identified