129 research outputs found

    Efficient Implementation of a Synchronous Parallel Push-Relabel Algorithm

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    Motivated by the observation that FIFO-based push-relabel algorithms are able to outperform highest label-based variants on modern, large maximum flow problem instances, we introduce an efficient implementation of the algorithm that uses coarse-grained parallelism to avoid the problems of existing parallel approaches. We demonstrate good relative and absolute speedups of our algorithm on a set of large graph instances taken from real-world applications. On a modern 40-core machine, our parallel implementation outperforms existing sequential implementations by up to a factor of 12 and other parallel implementations by factors of up to 3

    Speeding up Maximum Flow Computations on Shared-Memory Platforms

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    Optimizing for a Many-Core Architecture without Compromising Ease-of-Programming

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    Faced with nearly stagnant clock speed advances, chip manufacturers have turned to parallelism as the source for continuing performance improvements. But even though numerous parallel architectures have already been brought to market, a universally accepted methodology for programming them for general purpose applications has yet to emerge. Existing solutions tend to be hardware-specific, rendering them difficult to use for the majority of application programmers and domain experts, and not providing scalability guarantees for future generations of the hardware. This dissertation advances the validation of the following thesis: it is possible to develop efficient general-purpose programs for a many-core platform using a model recognized for its simplicity. To prove this thesis, we refer to the eXplicit Multi-Threading (XMT) architecture designed and built at the University of Maryland. XMT is an attempt at re-inventing parallel computing with a solid theoretical foundation and an aggressive scalable design. Algorithmically, XMT is inspired by the PRAM (Parallel Random Access Machine) model and the architecture design is focused on reducing inter-task communication and synchronization overheads and providing an easy-to-program parallel model. This thesis builds upon the existing XMT infrastructure to improve support for efficient execution with a focus on ease-of-programming. Our contributions aim at reducing the programmer's effort in developing XMT applications and improving the overall performance. More concretely, we: (1) present a work-flow guiding programmers to produce efficient parallel solutions starting from a high-level problem; (2) introduce an analytical performance model for XMT programs and provide a methodology to project running time from an implementation; (3) propose and evaluate RAP -- an improved resource-aware compiler loop prefetching algorithm targeted at fine-grained many-core architectures; we demonstrate performance improvements of up to 34.79% on average over the GCC loop prefetching implementation and up to 24.61% on average over a simple hardware prefetching scheme; and (4) implement a number of parallel benchmarks and evaluate the overall performance of XMT relative to existing serial and parallel solutions, showing speedups of up to 13.89x vs.~ a serial processor and 8.10x vs.~parallel code optimized for an existing many-core (GPU). We also discuss the implementation and optimization of the Max-Flow algorithm on XMT, a problem which is among the more advanced in terms of complexity, benchmarking and research interest in the parallel algorithms community. We demonstrate better speed-ups compared to a best serial solution than previous attempts on other parallel platforms

    Parallel and Flow-Based High Quality Hypergraph Partitioning

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    Balanced hypergraph partitioning is a classic NP-hard optimization problem that is a fundamental tool in such diverse disciplines as VLSI circuit design, route planning, sharding distributed databases, optimizing communication volume in parallel computing, and accelerating the simulation of quantum circuits. Given a hypergraph and an integer kk, the task is to divide the vertices into kk disjoint blocks with bounded size, while minimizing an objective function on the hyperedges that span multiple blocks. In this dissertation we consider the most commonly used objective, the connectivity metric, where we aim to minimize the number of different blocks connected by each hyperedge. The most successful heuristic for balanced partitioning is the multilevel approach, which consists of three phases. In the coarsening phase, vertex clusters are contracted to obtain a sequence of structurally similar but successively smaller hypergraphs. Once sufficiently small, an initial partition is computed. Lastly, the contractions are successively undone in reverse order, and an iterative improvement algorithm is employed to refine the projected partition on each level. An important aspect in designing practical heuristics for optimization problems is the trade-off between solution quality and running time. The appropriate trade-off depends on the specific application, the size of the data sets, and the computational resources available to solve the problem. Existing algorithms are either slow, sequential and offer high solution quality, or are simple, fast, easy to parallelize, and offer low quality. While this trade-off cannot be avoided entirely, our goal is to close the gaps as much as possible. We achieve this by improving the state of the art in all non-trivial areas of the trade-off landscape with only a few techniques, but employed in two different ways. Furthermore, most research on parallelization has focused on distributed memory, which neglects the greater flexibility of shared-memory algorithms and the wide availability of commodity multi-core machines. In this thesis, we therefore design and revisit fundamental techniques for each phase of the multilevel approach, and develop highly efficient shared-memory parallel implementations thereof. We consider two iterative improvement algorithms, one based on the Fiduccia-Mattheyses (FM) heuristic, and one based on label propagation. For these, we propose a variety of techniques to improve the accuracy of gains when moving vertices in parallel, as well as low-level algorithmic improvements. For coarsening, we present a parallel variant of greedy agglomerative clustering with a novel method to resolve cluster join conflicts on-the-fly. Combined with a preprocessing phase for coarsening based on community detection, a portfolio of from-scratch partitioning algorithms, as well as recursive partitioning with work-stealing, we obtain our first parallel multilevel framework. It is the fastest partitioner known, and achieves medium-high quality, beating all parallel partitioners, and is close to the highest quality sequential partitioner. Our second contribution is a parallelization of an n-level approach, where only one vertex is contracted and uncontracted on each level. This extreme approach aims at high solution quality via very fine-grained, localized refinement, but seems inherently sequential. We devise an asynchronous n-level coarsening scheme based on a hierarchical decomposition of the contractions, as well as a batch-synchronous uncoarsening, and later fully asynchronous uncoarsening. In addition, we adapt our refinement algorithms, and also use the preprocessing and portfolio. This scheme is highly scalable, and achieves the same quality as the highest quality sequential partitioner (which is based on the same components), but is of course slower than our first framework due to fine-grained uncoarsening. The last ingredient for high quality is an iterative improvement algorithm based on maximum flows. In the sequential setting, we first improve an existing idea by solving incremental maximum flow problems, which leads to smaller cuts and is faster due to engineering efforts. Subsequently, we parallelize the maximum flow algorithm and schedule refinements in parallel. Beyond the strive for highest quality, we present a deterministically parallel partitioning framework. We develop deterministic versions of the preprocessing, coarsening, and label propagation refinement. Experimentally, we demonstrate that the penalties for determinism in terms of partition quality and running time are very small. All of our claims are validated through extensive experiments, comparing our algorithms with state-of-the-art solvers on large and diverse benchmark sets. To foster further research, we make our contributions available in our open-source framework Mt-KaHyPar. While it seems inevitable, that with ever increasing problem sizes, we must transition to distributed memory algorithms, the study of shared-memory techniques is not in vain. With the multilevel approach, even the inherently slow techniques have a role to play in fast systems, as they can be employed to boost quality on coarse levels at little expense. Similarly, techniques for shared-memory parallelism are important, both as soon as a coarse graph fits into memory, and as local building blocks in the distributed algorithm

    Computing Maximum Cardinality Matchings in Parallel on Bipartite Graphs via Tree-Grafting

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    Parallel Flow-Based Hypergraph Partitioning

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    We present a shared-memory parallelization of flow-based refinement, which is considered the most powerful iterative improvement technique for hypergraph partitioning at the moment. Flow-based refinement works on bipartitions, so current sequential partitioners schedule it on different block pairs to improve k-way partitions. We investigate two different sources of parallelism: a parallel scheduling scheme and a parallel maximum flow algorithm based on the well-known push-relabel algorithm. In addition to thoroughly engineered implementations, we propose several optimizations that substantially accelerate the algorithm in practice, enabling the use on extremely large hypergraphs (up to 1 billion pins). We integrate our approach in the state-of-the-art parallel multilevel framework Mt-KaHyPar and conduct extensive experiments on a benchmark set of more than 500 real-world hypergraphs, to show that the partition quality of our code is on par with the highest quality sequential code (KaHyPar), while being an order of magnitude faster with 10 threads

    Methods to Improve Applicability and Efficiency of Distributed Data-Centric Compute Frameworks

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    The success of modern applications depends on the insights they collect from their data repositories. Data repositories for such applications currently exceed exabytes and are rapidly increasing in size, as they collect data from varied sources - web applications, mobile phones, sensors and other connected devices. Distributed storage and data-centric compute frameworks have been invented to store and analyze these large datasets. This dissertation focuses on extending the applicability and improving the efficiency of distributed data-centric compute frameworks

    Dynamic re-optimization techniques for stream processing engines and object stores

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    Large scale data storage and processing systems are strongly motivated by the need to store and analyze massive datasets. The complexity of a large class of these systems is rooted in their distributed nature, extreme scale, need for real-time response, and streaming nature. The use of these systems on multi-tenant, cloud environments with potential resource interference necessitates fine-grained monitoring and control. In this dissertation, we present efficient, dynamic techniques for re-optimizing stream-processing systems and transactional object-storage systems.^ In the context of stream-processing systems, we present VAYU, a per-topology controller. VAYU uses novel methods and protocols for dynamic, network-aware tuple-routing in the dataflow. We show that the feedback-driven controller in VAYU helps achieve high pipeline throughput over long execution periods, as it dynamically detects and diagnoses any pipeline-bottlenecks. We present novel heuristics to optimize overlays for group communication operations in the streaming model.^ In the context of object-storage systems, we present M-Lock, a novel lock-localization service for distributed transaction protocols on scale-out object stores to increase transaction throughput. Lock localization refers to dynamic migration and partitioning of locks across nodes in the scale-out store to reduce cross-partition acquisition of locks. The service leverages the observed object-access patterns to achieve lock-clustering and deliver high performance. We also present TransMR, a framework that uses distributed, transactional object stores to orchestrate and execute asynchronous components in amorphous data-parallel applications on scale-out architectures

    Power Transmission Control using Distributed Max-Flow

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    Existing maximum flow algorithms use one processor for all calculations or one processor per vertex in a graph to calculate the maximum possible flow through a graph\u27s vertices. This is not suitable for practical implementation. We extend the max-flow work of Goldberg and Tarjan to a distributed algorithm to calculate maximum flow where the number of processors is less than the number of vertices in a graph. Our algorithm is applied to maximizing electrical flow within a power network where the power grid is modeled as a graph. Error detection measures are included to detect problems in a simulated power network. We show that our algorithm is successful in executing quickly enough to prevent catastrophic power outages