173,201 research outputs found

    Cassini-Huygens mission images classification framework by deep learning advanced approach

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    Developing a deep learning (DL) model for image classification commonly demands a crucial architecture organization. Planetary expeditions produce a massive quantity of data and images. However, manually analyzing and classifying flight missions image databases with hundreds of thousands of images is ungainly and yield weak accuracy. In this paper, we speculate an essential topic related to the classification of remotely sensed images, in which the process of feature coding and extraction are decisive procedures. Diverse feature extraction techniques are intended to stimulate a discriminative image classifier. Features extraction is the primary engagement in raw data processing with the purpose of data classification; when it comes across the task of analysis of vast and varied data, these kinds of tasks are considered as time-consuming and hard to be treated with. Most of these classifiers are either, in principle, quite intricate or virtually unattainable to calculate for massive datasets. Stimulated by this perception, we put forward a straightforward, efficient classifier based on feature extraction by analyzing the cell of tensors via layered MapReduce framework beside meta-learning LSTM followed by a SoftMax classifier. Experiment results show that the provided model attains a classification accuracy of 96.7%, which makes the provided model quite valid for diverse image databases with varying sizes

    Classification of Test Documents Based on Handwritten Student ID's Characteristics

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    AbstractThe bag of words (BoW) model is an efficient image representation technique for image categorization and annotation tasks. Building good feature vocabularies from automatically extracted image feature vectors produces discriminative feature words, which can improve the accuracy of image categorization tasks. In this paper we use feature vocabularies based biometric characteristic for identification on student ID and classification of students’ papers and various exam documents used at the University of Mostar. We demonstrated an experiment in which we used OpenCV as an image processing tool and tool for feature extraction. As regards to classification method, we used Neural Network for Recognition of Handwritten Digits (student ID). We tested out proposed method on MNIST test database and achieved recognition rate of 94,76% accuracy. The model is tested on digits which are extracted from the handwritten student exams and the accuracy of 82% is achieved (92% correctly classified digits)

    Sparse Coding for Hyperspectral Images Using Random Dictionary and Soft Thresholding

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    Many techniques have been recently developed for classification of hyperspectral images (HSI) including support vector machines (SVMs), neural networks and graph-based methods. To achieve good performances for the classification, a good feature representation of the HSI is essential. A great deal of feature extraction algorithms have been developed such as principal component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA). Sparse coding has recently shown state-of-the-art performances in many applications including image classification. In this paper, we present a feature extraction method for HSI data motivated by a recently developed sparse coding based image representation technique. Sparse coding consists of a dictionary learning step and an encoding step. In the learning step, we compared two different methods, L1-penalized sparse coding and random selection for the dictionary learning. In the encoding step, we utilized a soft threshold activation function to obtain feature representations for HSI. We applied the proposed algorithm to a HSI dataset collected at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and compared our results with those obtained by a recently proposed method, supervised locally linear embedding weighted k-nearest-neighbor (SLLE-WkNN) classifier. We have achieved better performances on this dataset in terms of the overall accuracy with a random dictionary. We conclude that this simple feature extraction framework might lead to more efficient HSI classification systems

    A novel spectral-spatial singular spectrum analysis technique for near real-time in-situ feature extraction in hyperspectral imaging.

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    As a cutting-edge technique for denoising and feature extraction, singular spectrum analysis (SSA) has been applied successfully for feature mining in hyperspectral images (HSI). However, when applying SSA for in situ feature extraction in HSI, conventional pixel-based 1-D SSA fails to produce satisfactory results, while the band-image-based 2D-SSA is also infeasible especially for the popularly used line-scan mode. To tackle these challenges, in this article, a novel 1.5D-SSA approach is proposed for in situ spectral-spatial feature extraction in HSI, where pixels from a small window are used as spatial information. For each sequentially acquired pixel, similar pixels are located from a window centered at the pixel to form an extended trajectory matrix for feature extraction. Classification results on two well-known benchmark HSI datasets and an actual urban scene dataset have demonstrated that the proposed 1.5D-SSA achieves the superior performance compared with several state-of-the-art spectral and spatial methods. In addition, the near real-time implementation in aligning to the HSI acquisition process can meet the requirement of online image analysis for more efficient feature extraction than the conventional offline workflow
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