3 research outputs found

    Exploiting machine learning for combinatorial problem solving and optimisation

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    This dissertation presents a number of contributions to the field of solver portfolios, in particular for combinatorial search problems. We propose a novel hierarchical portfolio which does not rely on a single problem representation, but may transform the problem to an alternate representation using a portfolio of encodings, additionally a portfolio of solvers is employed for each of the representations. We extend this multi-representation portfolio for discrete optimisation tasks in the graphical models domain, realising a portfolio which won the UAI 2014 Inference Competition. We identify a fundamental flaw in empirical evaluations of many portfolio and runtime prediction methods. The fact that solvers exhibit a runtime distribution has not been considered in the setting of runtime prediction, solver portfolios, or automated configuration systems, to date these methods have taken a single sample as ground-truth. We demonstrated through a large empirical analysis that the outcome of empirical competitions can vary and provide statistical bounds on such variations. Finally, we consider an elastic solver which capitalises on the runtime distribution of a solver by launching searches in parallel, potentially on thousands of machines. We analyse the impact of the number of cores on not only solution time but also on energy consumption, the challenge being to find a optimal balance between the two. We highlight that although solution time always drops as the number of machines increases, the relation between the number of machines and energy consumption is more complicated. We also develop a prediction model, demonstrating that such insights can be exploited to achieve faster solutions times in a more energy efficient manner

    Efficient Encodings from CSP into SAT, and from MaxCSP into MaxSAT

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    We first survey existing encondings from CSP intoSAT, and define two new encodings: the minimal support encoding and the interval-based support encoding. Then, we study how the existing and new encodings from CSP into SAT can be extended for encoding MaxCSP into Partial MaxSAT. Finally, we report on the empirical investigation. The obtained results provide empirical evidence of the good performance profile of the new encodings on SAT solvers such as MiniSat and PrecoSAT that incorporate conflict-clause learning, as well as when they are used to encode MaxCSP into Partial MaxSAT and are solved with MaxSAT solvers such as MSUnCore, SAT4J-Maxsat and WMaxSatz. © 2012 Old City Publishing, Inc.Peer Reviewe

    JFPC 2019 - Actes des 15es Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes

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    National audienceLes JFPC (Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes) sont le principal congrès de la communauté francophone travaillant sur les problèmes de satisfaction de contraintes (CSP), le problème de la satisfiabilité d'une formule logique propositionnelle (SAT) et/ou la programmation logique avec contraintes (CLP). La communauté de programmation par contraintes entretient également des liens avec la recherche opérationnelle (RO), l'analyse par intervalles et différents domaines de l'intelligence artificielle.L'efficacité des méthodes de résolution et l'extension des modèles permettent à la programmation par contraintes de s'attaquer à des applications nombreuses et variées comme la logistique, l'ordonnancement de tâches, la conception d'emplois du temps, la conception en robotique, l'étude du génôme en bio-informatique, l'optimisation de pratiques agricoles, etc.Les JFPC se veulent un lieu convivial de rencontres, de discussions et d'échanges pour la communauté francophone, en particulier entre doctorants, chercheurs confirmés et industriels. L'importance des JFPC est reflétée par la part considérable (environ un tiers) de la communauté francophone dans la recherche mondiale dans ce domaine.Patronnées par l'AFPC (Association Française pour la Programmation par Contraintes), les JFPC 2019 ont lieu du 12 au 14 Juin 2019 à l'IMT Mines Albi et sont organisées par Xavier Lorca (président du comité scientifique) et par Élise Vareilles (présidente du comité d'organisation)